*checks IG’s channel* Nothing. *checks GotGame* Nothing. *sighs* A whole lot of nothing.
*checks site* Wait what’s this? Reviews? As in, text reviews? Holy crap, Bores is actually doing something worthwhile with his site! Sure there’s still stupid posts about “cool looking fan art” and “Star Wars stuff”, but he’s actually doing text reviews! Though I’m pretty sure they aren’t the smartest thing to do financially considering his site probably only gets a 1/100th of the views he gets on his channel (which is already crazy low).
So, what does he review? High-profile titles like GTA V, Assassin’s Creed IV or Wind Waker HD? Ahahahahahahahahahaahahahaaha no. He looks at games very few people actually care about.
First review is “Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures”, a multi-plat game (he’s looking at the PS3 version) based on the new CGI cartoon. Looking up the cartoon, apparently Pac-MAN is voiced by a woman. So he’s meant to be a kid? That’s one reason to have a woman play a male character. Anyway, onto the review.
“Its review day here at theirategamer.com” Review day. Fucking review day. Here’s the thing Chris, normal sites don’t have special days specifically for reviews, they do them when a game comes out. Just post them when you get them done, don’t procrastinate like you usually do.
“and Yes it’s the brand new Pac-Man game, based on a new cartoon on the Disney Channel” I’m going to stop you right there. Ghostly Adventures doesn’t air on Disney Channel, it airs on Disney XD. Yes, they are different things, just because Disney owns both doesn’t make it right. You don’t say that Agents of SHIELD airs on Disney Channel since Disney owns ABC.
“I first saw this new series promoted at the Pacman Anniversary party at E3 a few years back” Take a shot.
“So in this incarnation Pacman is in a 3D world performing all sorts of Pac stunts as chomping numerous badguys throughout any given level.” So it’s a lot like Pac-Man World 1 and 2. Surely you know about those games right? ……..
“This time around your given power ups to help you along the way.” Isn’t that what Power Pellets were? By the way, take a shot when he confuses “your” and “you’re”
“The first I found was an Icy Pac power up which helps you turn enemies to ice and freeze water fountains into ice to reach higher parts of the level. The second one was a chameleon Pac outfit which allows you to use your tongue as a weapon. Look out Mick Jagger!” Mick Jagger? What? That’s a bizarre comparison to make involving tongues. Wouldn’t Gene Simmons make more sense?
“This game doesn’t exactly redefine the wheel, but for kids who are into t he cartoon, I’m sure that’s where the appeal for this title lies. If I had a lazy Sunday afternoon to blow a couple hours I would play this game.” Cause kids and parents are totally reading your site.
“I have got to hand it to Namco though, the controls and animations are solid. Although it is just weird hearing Pacman having a kids voice since I grew up on the cartoon in the 1980’s where Pacman had the older raspy. Ahh the good ol’ days…” The older raspy? You really couldn’t finish that sentence? Man, you’re lazy. And yes, we know you’re constantly pining for your youth, it’s rather annoying.
“So how do I rate this: Just like any 3d world platformer, it’s fun for a bit but doesn’t quite captivate. Most likely geared for kids who are into the Ratchet and Clank type games.” Ratchet & Clank? I don’t see it. If anything, this is more like Sonic Colors/Lost World, or some other generic platformer. But not Ratchet & Clank.
… Was that seriously the entire review? Wow, talk about lazy. He only mentions important features once, and I get the feeling he didn’t even beat the game. Jeez, what’s next?
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst. Wait what?! Naruto? When the hell has he ever cared for Naruto? I mean, he mentioned him once in a previous article when talking about the pre-order bonus costume for Goku in an upcoming DBZ game, but he has never shown any interest in the franchise. Did GotGame send him this? I bet this is going to hurt, and I don’t even like Naruto.
“We are continuing review day here at theirategamer.com and now we have the new Naruto Game by Namco which is Based on the manga and anime franchise.” Ya don’t fucking say!
“I am about a year or so behind in the story line but it looks like this game covers the manga rather well.” Pfffft, yeah right. You? A Naruto fan? Come on! I’ll believe it when I see it, and I don’t mean these lies you’re constantly spewing on your site. By chance you are fan, here’s a tip, stop! The series has gone so far down that it’s beyond redemption.
“Even though I had to sit through a grueling 35 minutes for this game to update before playing, uggg.” Oh boo hoo! Newsflash Chris, modern games have long install times. Now I’m glad he didn’t play GTA V, he’d whine endlessly about the installation.
“When you start off the game, you start all the way at the beginning of the story. Saving the city from the Ninetails beast, and then playing as Naruto’s dad and facing off against the masked man who’s pretty much the guy behind everything in the current manga story.” A ha hahahaahahahahaha. I better hold my tongue before I turn this into a long rant about how Obito Uchiha is one of the worst fucking villains ever put on paper. Okay, so he knows about “Tobi” and that Minato is Naruto’s dad. Maybe he is a fan… bad things will happen if I learn he’s a fan of One Piece.
“After that sequence however the story jumps ahead to the 17th season of the anime show. (yeah I had to look that up to make sure) I’m assuming the first parts of the story are in Ninja Storm 1 and 2, but if you are playing just this game you will get pretty lost.” I doubt it. Chances are the people that buy and play this are already Naruto fans and know exactly what’s happened.
“So anyhow, it then goes into Sasuke joining the bad guys and in recent Namco Manga video game style you must fight your way through the storyline.” Isn’t that before the timeskip? Also, Namco Manga video game style? Why do you keep bringing up the manga by the way, this is clearly based on the anime. Hell, it even says “Shippuden” in the title, something reserved only for the anime.
“These battles are pretty tough. Took me quite some time to get through the Masked man fight and yes I died a few times.” Pfffft, wow that’s… something. Did you play on Normal or whatever difficulty the default is?
“Fighting games aren’t really my forte.” I’ll give him credit that he blames himself and the not the game for once.
“In between all the battles however are the long RPG type story sequences to sit through. It is pretty nice if you don’t want to sit through hours and hours of anime tv to get caught up, but if your looking for pure action, you could get bored pretty quick.” Just because it’s a lot of text, doesn’t mean it’s like an RPG. Visual novels like Ace Attorney, or action games like Zelda have a lot of text like that. Also, anyone that expects nothing but pure action out of a Shonen series is a Neanderthal that can’t appreciate tension and buildup.
“So how do I rate this? Well I think this game would only appeal to Naruto fans and people who want to check out the world of Naruto, but this is not a good place to pick up the series since so much has happened when this game picks up. Other than that, controls are great so fans of the series, check it out!” You mean the Naruto game would only appeal to Naruto fans? What a surprise!
Ugh, another terrible review. One more to go.
Lost Planet 3? That exists?
Seriously, Capcom sent this game to die. Barely anyone knows about it. I’m surprised Bores even covered it. My guess? GotGame didn’t want to touch, so they sent it to him.
“Rounding out review day is Capcom’s latest offering: Lost Planet 3.” Wrong sir, wrong. See, this is why you need to be punctual with your reviews. At the time of this posting, Capcom’s latest game is Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies. Still waiting for that retail release Capcom. This is like when he reviewed Castlevania: Harmony of Despair and called it the “latest Castlevania” even though by then, Lords of Shadow had come out. Oh God, I just realized the Harmony of Despair is the last non-LoS Castlevania. What have you done Konami?!
“This is a title that was farmed out to Western developers and a lot of people have been saying that the changes in the franchise are too severe, but let’s check it out.” You sure you’re not talking about DmC? Seriously Capcom, enough with the outsourcing.
“So in this installment the E.D.N. has fallen to an ice and snow planet and while down there you will be fighting off hordes of Aliens. You are Jim Peyton, the graphics in this game are sometimes so realistic I have to remind myself I’m only watching a video game.” PFfffffffffffftt Hahahaa. You think this is realistic? Chris, you are way too easily impressed.
“Early missions have a lot of rescuing going on and fixing things around the base with your mech. Fun fun,But the story really is deep and engaging. When progressing through the game, you’ll be wandering through iced-over tunnels, huge underground pockets, and running through wreckage.” Boy, you sure are doing a good job describing this game. Such vivid locations and such an intriguing story that you’re only inferring exists. You should win a Pulitzer!
“The Akrid Aliens and are relentless making combat fast and aggressive. This makes shooting these bad boys a bit crazy at times. Something a FPS will be accustomed too. Mech combat was a bit clunky as they aren’t very agile and your locked in at a first-person viewpoint.” Blah blah the game is ha- wait FPS? Lost Planet 3 is a third-person shooter, it’s not first-person. First-person is when you’re looking their the character’s eyes, third-person is when you see your character on the screen. That’s what’s happening here!
“So what the verdict here? If your into Scifi FPS’s that take place out in the middle of nowhere, then this one is for you. The story is rich and the no expense was spared in the background scenery.” Again, it’s a TPS, not an FPS! God you’re stupid.
And that was Chris’ first attempt at text reviews. I’d say to stick with video, but those suck too so… quit this job and become a full time editor. Stay away from the camera.
Seriously, those reviews were so half-assed. Did he beat any of those games? And he made the articles look bigger by adding a ton of pictures to them, when in reality there was barely any text. Where's the passion he had when he reviewed his own DVD on Amazon? I am not going to let that one go.
EDIT: Seems I posted this too soon. He put up another review, for... are you kidding me? Beyblade Evolution for the 3DS. Who are you targeting?
*reads through* Played with his girlfriend's kids, generic descriptions, "true to life" inability to launch toy, horrid joke where he gets angry about not getting a toy (spoiled brat), fans/kids will like it. Fuck this shit.
Personally, the one thing I got from this is that he's a Naruto fan. I really really hope he's not a One Piece fan.
You know how he's using GotGame's server for his site? I'm guessing the guy(s) in charge told him to either review something or he could kiss his site bye-bye, hence the sudden, rushed text reviews.
ReplyDeleteMaybe if he didn't spend his time talking about things his target audience doesn't care about and failing to "own" "haters" under the guise of his mother, he might actually have time to make reviews.
There is one more review up on his website, BeyBlade Evolution. WOW. I'm surprised he would cover that.
ReplyDeleteLet's see if he put any effort on it...
Delete"The only thing that didn’t come with my review copy is the Collector’s Edition Wing Pegasus 90WF Beyblade that’s supposed to come with the game. Dang it! I really wanted to review it for you guys too but alas, theirategamer.com got overlooked and the Irate Gamer lives up to his name as he throws the 3DS across the room in frustration! ROAR!"
I get the feeling he plays about 5 seconds of the game, then writes about it stream-of-conscious without bothering to edit his text.
DeleteWhat could he even say about it? IT'S A FRIGGIN TOP!!!
DeleteGod, next he'll do a review about Medabots...you know, another obscure anime that will probably make a stupid comeback over here like beyblade
Can someone tell Bores that the new Pac-Man show features numerous voice actors from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic as secondary characters?
ReplyDeleteinb4 Chris never talks about Ghostly Adventures again.
Really? Nice.
DeleteIt's better not to. I'm not sure about what Chris thought about MLP, but given his attitude, he probably will deny it. Beside, most of his fans hate MLP.
DeleteNot really. I do remember that some of his fans do like MLP.
DeleteI do know that Andrea Libman (Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie) voices Cylindria (the purple one with glasses), though. And Spiral being voiced by Double-D himself, Sam Vincent (also Flim's voice on MLP and Russell's voice on LPS).
DeleteBTW, Erin Mathews is the name of the voice actress for Pac-Man.
You know if Chris just started doing text reviews like myself I could forgive him for lack of detail or missing words, something I've noticed that I did when just started doing reviews last month. But he's been doing reviews now for what six years going on seven and didn't he go to college for writing or something like that he shouldn't be making these mistakes.
ReplyDeleteSo, is there any IG fan that doesn't hate My Little Pony?
ReplyDeleteNot really. The stupider part of his fanbase like having bronies as a target of ridicule because they think that enjoying anything "unmasculene" is a show of maturity. I say stupider part because very rarely you'll come across a fan like DatBoiDrew, who talented and geniunely polite and mature.
DeleteDoubtfully. They're mostly just little kids, so you can't really be surprised by their ignorance. I really dislike how people who don't even watch the show and automatically jump on the MLP-hating bandwagon.
DeleteWell this is interesting. Jabba D'Fatski
ReplyDelete6 minutes ago
Micharion Wrote: Oh yes definitely half of what buggin says no sane person would say. Of course she is 50 so it is possible that she is going senile shame bores won't put her in the home.
Wait, didn't you say IG is LadyBuggin? Now you couldn't even get your stories straight. :D
I don't recall ever saying that buggin and Chris are teh same. Can anyone else think if I ever said they are the same?
Geez, the more Jabba keeps smiling with his mouth open, the sooner he will need to go to a doctor for his jaw aches. :D
DeleteNot that I can recall. So much for you needing to get your story straight, I think Bores is the one who needs to do some straitening!
DeleteThe funny thing is he thinks me saying bores means I am talking about Chris completely forgetting that it also applies to buggin. In fact since I said she during the part he is whining about it makes it more obvious I was talking about buggin.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteSame comment just making what he said more obvious.
DeleteFunny how he tries to counter what I said with this.
Skyrunner was specifically talking about IG. You said she. :D You were clearly presuming her to be IG. Owned. :D
Yeah except the whole part where buggin was the subject of the question since I specifically asked if buggin called us nazis, essentially. Since her last name is bores it still applies and the she leads further credence to me talking about buggin not Chris. Get your facts straight moron.
I'm assuming the Jagger/tongue thing was in reference to Forty Licks. Still a massive stretch, though.
ReplyDeleteI downloaded that Naruto game off Steam when it came out (late October). It's quite a fun game and reminds me of Budokai Tenkaichi 3, for Dragon Ball Z. Button-mashy Fighting games with little depth, but still very fun for fans of the series. Unfortunately, my cheap laptop doesn't have nearly enough RAM (and maybe a poor graphics card) to play it well at all. I should get that fixed.
ReplyDeleteI also bought Disgaea D2 a few days ago. Halfway through the main story and it's shaping up to be my favorite Disgaea game so far.
Out of all the games in the Budokai/Tenkaichi series, my favorite has to be Budokai 3.
DeleteSay, BatDan, considering you hate Naruto, how would you compare Dragon Ball to Naruto, because the latter takes a lot from the former and because I really want to know your opinion on Dragon Ball ( a classic, but sadly not perfect, yet great series ) and also your opinion on Yu Yu Hakusho, y'know that show Bleach rips off without capturing what made that show into a classic and/or taking inspiration from it and turning that inspiration into what would've made a great show.
ReplyDeleteWell to give my opinion on Dragon Ball it should have ended with Frieza, I mean the Buu saga was okay but the Cell Saga. I could go on for hours why that sucked.
DeleteThen there's Yu Yu Hakusho why I did really enjoy it, it probably had one of the worst final story arcs I've ever read. There was great set up for a three way war, the possibly of three of our main characters fighting each other and what do we get a tournament that's badly drawn and last about 2 or three chapters. If there were some cool fights like with the Dark Tournament I would be a little kinder but we don't, maybe there are in the anime but I haven't watch the whole anime yet.
Say what you well about Bleach but at least the last story arc is enjoyable as long we don't get a villain so powerful only a Deus ex machina can beat him, you know like with Aizen. Dear lord I just realize Aizen was Agent Smith along.
"all along"
Delete@Rizzle: The Android/Cell Saga depended on everybody - including the villains - acting like idiots. It reached the nadir when Goku tosses a Senzu at Cell. On the plus side, Tien's Neo Tribeam feat was pretty awesome and it introduced one of my favorite characters, #18.
DeleteIn Yu Yu Hakusho, Sensui was so powerful that Yusuke needed two sudden powerups in the final battle to defeat him. This seems common in Shonen battle manga: a villain so unbelievably powerful the heroes have no chance against it. Then, the main hero - only him; never with his teammates, despite harping about friendship up to that point - steps up to plate, gets badly beaten, spontaneously develops a new power from sheer determination, fighting spirit, kicking reason to the curb, whatever, and wins. Repeat that for a decade or until the series ends up on the bottom of the popularity polls.
Yes you're right about the common trope of having a powerful villain being defeated by a sudden power up or some other connivance. But the reason it pissed me off so munch about Aizen as oppose to Sensui is because he didn't need to be all powerful he had illusion powers that should've have been enough to make him a huge threat, plus it would have been different.
DeleteCovering games that fly under the radar isn't a bad idea in itself. You can go to any gaming site to find out about GTA V, Wind Waker HD, or Assassin's Creed IV. Now if it were only someone with some actual credibility doing it instead of Bores, I can see it working.
ReplyDeleteFair point, it would be nice for people to cover smaller games rather than high-profiles ones. But as you said, Bores is nowhere near capable of doing either.
DeleteCan somebody give me the text from his Amazon DVD review?
ReplyDeleteHe reviewed both volumes:
DeleteVol1: This is a phenominal show! love to see another group of ghost hunters debunking things than accept all the evidence that comes their way. Can't wait for volume 2.
Vol2: This is a very good show and hope to see more. They really present their investigation in a very professional manner and some interesting evidence comes out in this episode this time around. It's a great team covering each of their respective area's of research to find out geniune paranormal activity. I'm still not sure what to make of the demonic sound captured in the basement. Very eerie but cool! Hopefully you can go back and figure out what the heck made that sound! All in all, it's worth the money
Fucking scumbag.
DeleteOut of curiosity, do you still like One Piece, BatDan?
ReplyDeleteTo be fair to Naruto, at least the plot is coherent, something Bleach refuses to do. Now, Naruto may be in my top 10 anime close to the bottom, but I find it's weaknesses lies more in
ReplyDeleteA. The story taking a backseat to flashbacks, some of which no one cared about (like Kabuto's back story. His back story was about as important as Where KR Decade got his K-Touch from)
B. The awful attempts at humor
C. Never developing characters besides Naruto and the villains (Seriously, I hated when he dropped the whole, "Hinata finally admitted her feelings to Naruto. Instead of having at least a few seconds of them dealing with it, we gotta go into the stupid crap with sakura)
D. Sasuke's non constant development post timeskip.
However, I find the action fun, the characters unique, and the world fun. Yes, some arcs are stupid, but at least Naruto's upgrades make sense. He had to learn to conquer the Kyubi's power. He made his own signature technique, and became the new toad sage. But hey, not trying to sell it, just saying that every anime has its ups and downs. Except Neon Genesis Evangelion. That is brilliance and better than any anime ever made ever.
Don't forget part five: Sakura. Just Sakura. What a failure of a female lead she was, has been, and probably will be in the epilogue of the story.
DeleteAre you talking anime or manga? I know this is pretty much common knowledge but the manga for Naruto (like most everything else) is waaaay better than the anime. Not nearly as many flashbacks and the humor does what it needs to. I pretty much agree with you on everything else though.
DeleteThe humor is bad in the anime. But even in the manga they do stupid crap with the flashbacks, like, say, flashing back to something said earlier in that chapter or the previous one because Kishimoto thinks you're stupid and can't remember stuff.
DeleteJust so people know I have made a new post on buggin ladybuggin. Here's the link. http://buggingladybuggin.blogspot.com/2013/11/buggin-knows-nothing.html
ReplyDeleteI also made one, but check both out:
In his latest post on his website, he talks about a custom Lego set featuring the Golden Girls, a popular 80s TV sitcom that won several awards including an Emmy and an award for Best Comedy series . Here's what he says:
ReplyDelete"Be the first on the block to impress your friends with this set of Golden Girls LEGO minifigs made and sold by Etsy shop GoldenBrickLadies. It must be one of those niche items because I don’t know who I’d buy this for"
- You can buy it for someone you know who loved show while growing up in the 80s to the early 90s. What's so wrong about that?
"Even though Bea Arther and her mom look dead on. Maybe get one for that Blanche fan that just can’t get enough! "
- Really Chris? Making a joke about dead people or celebrities is NOT funny. It's tasteless.
this is what She replied to you with:
Delete"Goofball BelieveinTHESHIELD Wrote: "Making a joke about dead people or celebriries is NOT funny. It's tasteless."
That was his responce to the statement IG made on his website and it goes like this;
"It must be one of those niche items because I don't know who I'd buy this for."
Now how the heck could Goofball BeleivinTHESHIELD take that as a joke about dead people??? Is the guy a total retard? All IG states is that he knows noone who would happen to enjoy the item. I swear the IG sucks bloggers fake anger just to be angry at Chris Bores. Friggin' goofy nutty turds ~"
Okay, there is NO way anyone can be that stupid.
DeleteBelieveinTHESHIELD clearly wrote that comment in response to how IG, in his website article, said Bea and her mother look "dead on." Do you understand now, Buggin?
Seriously, how in the world can somebody misinterpret that? This isn’t rocket science, it’s basic comprehension of arguments and responses written in the English language. I guess it’s no surprise that Chris left college. Considering his low comprehension skills and inability to take the slightest form of criticism, college would have been way too hard for him to complete.
I don't see any jokes about a person's death. Unless you mean the "dead on" phrase, but I see no reason to take that any way except the most obvious.
Delete@BelieveinTHESHIELD - Well, Betty White's still alive, and she looks good for her age. :-)
DeleteBTW, anyone ever seen the countless game show appearances she's been on since the 60s?
Here's my response to Mrs. Michael J. Caboose aka LB777:
Delete- Bea Arthur, Estelle Getty, and Rue McClanahan are the only three actresses from the show that ARE dead. If Chris saying "dead on" was a joke or not while referring two actresses that are really dead, it's NOT hilarious.
That's like someone saying a 9/11 joke and thinking it's funny that thousands of people died on that day. Here's one:
"A manager at his office in the North Tower orders his secretary to get him a burger. At 9:02:50, he gets his burger but finds a mistake. His last words at 9:02:57 before 9:03 AM to his secretary were "I asked for a plain!"
Tell me that's not funny.
- Anyone who is a fan of Golden Girls could buy the figures since the only merchandise ever sold were just DVDs. Robot Chicken even did a Sex in the City skit with custom made Golden Girls figures. The first time seeing it, they look great but sadly they're not for sale. If the cast of RC put the figures up for auction or sell them at fan conventions, sure enough, everyone would buy them including fans of GG.
Y'know, I should've said this before, but saying "dead on" is basically the same thing as saying "spot on".
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThe problem is that its a poor choice of words. Its like saying a person who committed suicide (attempted or otherwise) was caught 'dead to rights'. Or a person who slit their wrists was caught 'red handed'. You can use so many types of words that there's no reason why you'd use those ones and there's little leniency when you are a person renown for being apathetic, selfish and insensitive. He could have used the words 'looked straight on' or "looked right at me". Not only that but the sentence is broken its a not a full sentence so what that they're dead on? Complete the thought Chris!
Delete@Spearmint Pony
I'm not sure if there's anyone who ever looked spot on and by looked I mean the person themselves actually using their eyes to see something not the physical appearance of the person themselves. I do believe your confusion would probably be the fact that believe the shield doesn't show the whole quote
"Be the first on the block to impress your friends with this set of Golden Girls LEGO minifigs made and sold by Etsy shop GoldenBrickLadies. It must be one of those niche items because I don’t know who I’d buy this for. Even though Bea Arther and her mom look dead on. Maybe get one for that Blanche fan that just can’t get enough!"
OH and he spelt Bea Arthur wrong... go figure. What a nice blog article too, just 3 fucking sentences not counting the incomplete fragment. I can't wait to see the article that says "I'm taking a shit" posted at 10:30 am Saturday.
Apparently a critical word in the sentence wasn't there the first time. The blog comment system has been cutting my comments recently.
Wow Chris, you sure have stooped to a new low. Seth Macfarlane is funnier than you. Up yours.
DeleteApparently me not taking 2 hours out of my life to post articles on the Irate Gamer wiki even though I have no obligation to and have better things to do like playing video games means I'm lasersquad, you know the chick?
Also coincidentally.
Funny how Jonathan automatically assumes no one but him reads the posts on the wiki you make. I like them. Of course it is ultimately up to you to do it or not. Funny how he also says that it is vandalism.
DeleteWell the standard method for making wiki pages is make it, wait for some idiot to vandalize it, fix it then wait for Egon eagle to make the final touches to the page. Egon doesn't like grotesque humor but he does seem to be okay with Chris being insulted.
DeleteWell what I was getting at with the vandalism part is that they automatically assume anything coming from us has to be bad. I know this firsthand and know exactly how many people we are dealing with. Remember when I talked about my very first video with the link? Almost immediately after posting said link 2 dislikes appeared. Now I know the dislikes might mean something else but the number does not seem coincidental. When Jonathan made yet another account he almost immediately got two subscribers.
DeleteWell uh technically the wiki edits aren't vandalism since the admin is okay with it. Secondly, yes it is vandalism that those two idiots are so petty that they literally have to thumbs down your videos (assuming they're the one's doing it). Besides we already know who those two are (assuming it is chris) since Chris has two accounts and therefore can afford to vote you down two times. It also proves that Batdamn is out of action since if he were with Chris then it would mean you'd have at least 3 down votes.
DeleteI decided to take a look at TIGG and make a review of it. Here is it: http://genesectgamereviews.blogspot.com.br/2013/11/the-irate-gamer-gametigg-ios-review.html
ReplyDeleteAs a fanatic fan of Naruto, there is one thing I have to point.
ReplyDeleteThe game is based on the manga. Even if there is Shippuden in the title, don't was until September(RIGHT NOW in the case of Full Burst)that the anime cover the last chapters that are adapted by the game. In fact, Edo Madara just appeared in the anime in JULY, when the original game was released in March here and April in Japan.
PS: And god knows how CC2 will make a sequel with that ending they made.....
My guess is that CC2 wanted this to be the final Ninja Storm game, but left in a *few* dangling plot threads in case they changed their minds.
DeleteJust wanted to point out that you can revisit battles from pre timeskip and earlier in shippuden. After you beat the main story you get a timeline scroll that lets you replay the story to get better ranks and find story scrolls to unlock new battles. They did that in case you never played the others, so you can unlock all of the characters because the data from previous games will unlock older characters thus saving you some time and worrying about getting the new ones.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Obito's yellow mask form is stupid broken. He can chain his normal jutsu an he has extra invincible frames in it. To Bore's credit, if you never played Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations, the game he premiered in, you won't know that. That and if you suck at using the 4th hokage, which is impossible because he is soooo broken, especially in awakening mode, where he can infinitely warp til the awakening bar runs out.
ReplyDeleteWhy the Masked Man (not the fighter the select screen calls Tobi) is broken:
Delete1. His Jutsu out-prioritizes nearly everything.
2. Same with his Ultimate, and it's also a long-ranged grab.
3. He is completely untargettable during most of his two Chakra Dashes.
4. His Instant Awakening gives him two uses of an ability that makes him invulnerable for several seconds.
The mid-October patch removed his Jutsus' invincibility and gave him a brief period of vulnerability at the start of his Chakra Dashes, but it wasn't enough. Some people even theorize that he's one reason why Ultimates cancel out Awakenings in this game.
In lost planet 3 I believe that the mech is in first person (but there's no shooting for you see its a mining mech) and the on foot is third person. Still a shitty game though considering the action intense game that was lost planet 2.
ReplyDeleteThe TIGG free demo is gone from the App Store. Bores' own doing?
ReplyDeleteMost likely due to the fact it had only negative reviews and we all know how Bores is with criticism.
Deleteand also the fact that no one will be stupid enough to buy the full game. (except me, i was stupid enough to buy it >.<)
Deleteor it could be the lack of sales when his fans saw the video.
DeleteDatBoi Drew's game "Super Ubie Land" could use some votes on Steam Greenlight
Tried voting but steam wouldn't let me
DeleteGood news, Jabba D' Hutski's account is terminated.
ReplyDeleteDid it get replaced this time?
DeleteWhat do you mean?
DeleteAs in.... is there another douchebag to replace the douchebag?
DeleteNot sure.
Deletecrappy pursuit of the paranormal review http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-Es4-V2zG4
ReplyDeleteHere's what I wrote in the comments of 8-bit Eric's negative review of TIGG (and I can understand why he gave it a negative review with how rushed the game was):
ReplyDelete"Now I await for Bores to use the ladybuggin777 account to pose as his mom and try to flag this review like the butthurt asshole he is..."
And how does LadyBuggin777 respond?
"you sound more butthurt than you claim me to be. LOL UMad?"
Maybe we ought to be careful about using her name and instead use the words "you-know-what" when referencing her when doing a comment on someone's video in relation to Irate Gamer. ;-) Or maybe I'm just crazy.
So in other words she is Betelguese. You know say her name too many times and she appears.
DeleteOkay how in the world does this even work. LadyBuggin777
ReplyDelete1 hour ago
Hey Mich, The only problem with your damage controll is that my last name isn't Bores. Everyone knows that! You fail miserably ~
There is so much wrong with this sentence it is not even funny.
so Chris was adopted? that would certainly explain a lot.
DeleteChris's mom got devorced. Her last name is now DeCaro.
DeleteFunny how I am the only person she corrected on her last name. In fact the comment was only directed at me, she tried to use that to discredit me.
Delete@John Pannozzi
Deleteoh yeah, I forgot about that. but that brings up another question, If her last name is DeCaro, Why is Chris's last name still Bores?
Probably because he was born before the divorce still making bores his last name. Of course my excuse for buggin still stands because I had no idea that her last name was decaro. not to mention that obviously at one point her last name was bores.
DeleteAlthough it is not surprising that buggin is divorced considering how she acts to just about anyone that isn't a complete pissant.
DeleteIG just posted yet another god damn Skylanders video.
ReplyDeleteI did watch the first few seconds, and he seems aware that everyone is tired of it and wants reviews. And then he proceeds to make a 7 minute video about some playset. I get the feeling Chris failed "connect the dots" as a kid.
He also brought up that the next IG review and History of Video Games are "in the scripting process". My guess? Not until next year. *rolls eyes*
Oh goodie. I can't wait for more research failure and stupid skits. you should have plenty of material to work with.
DeleteIsn't that like George Lucas realizing that everyone hates the recuts of the Original Trilogy, tells everyone that he will stop doing that, release the original, untouched trilogy, and then still release a new edtion? Or is it more like Michael Bay saying he will not make Transformers 4 and then still makes Transformers 4?
DeleteOh for crying out loud please stop with this "George Lucas ruins Star Wars" crap. They were (at least until Disney owned them) his movies, not our movies so he can do what he wanted to them. Did the changes suck...maybe, but even still he could do what he wanted to them. This is why I hate being nostalgic these days
DeleteI really have no issue with him making Skylanders videos this frequently, just as long as he actually gives himself a basic schedule for his other crap (ex. one game review per month), which he'll probably never do.
DeleteIt's like when Doug Walker makes a Vlog on either Adventure Time or Avatar every day. As long as his Nostalgia Critic videos are on a consistent release schedule, no one really cares.
@Invisible Crane
DeleteIt technically does matter that George Luca ruins Star Wars since the majority of the changes are unexplained and without valid reasoning and quite frankly given the depth of the universe and how much other authors and even the fans have invested their emotions in the universe; its not fair to just make stupid changes like Han mirror imaging to the right to dodge a laser that never should have been fired in the first place. Having a bunch of CGI humor scenes to establish the first city in the movie isn't particularly good either. Besides, no one said George lucas ruined star wars, Adam just said that the changes were not well received. I do believe however that George Luca is either a genius for not surprising his franchise or lazy for not trying to supervise his franchise and its various properties especially its video game related properties. Will this change under Disney's thumb? Probably not... very unlikely given what Disney has done to marvel properties.
@this thread of comments
As for Chris Bores, it shouldn't take him this long to learn that his fans don't like his videos. I seriously think that Chris doesn't know how to perform addition or basic logical conclusions. How many times can you make the same mistake and not learn from it? But of course this is coming from multi-sock puppets galore and no shame man Norman Bores so its logical to assume that Chris just doesn't care. The ratio between release schedule and episode quality is just so large that there's no reason to believe that Chris is actually doing work and isn't rushing out something to get it over with rather than actually using the time to make a review.
Wait, Chris is working on the next History of Video Games episode? Strange; I thought he had given up on that series, especially since it has been 20 MONTHS since the last part.
DeleteI'm more suprised no one is saying anything about the Bayformers joke I made. Ah well. I never meant to get everyone's cackles up. I was just making a comparison. Bores' fans are sick of this content but doesn't care and are leaving him in droves, much like a lot of fans leaving the Star wars franchise. Now, yes, Those films are Lucas' work, however, when people criticize your product, then maybe you should look at what you have done wrong, and, if you want to please your fanbase, i.e. the people most willing to buy your product, then you fix your mistakes and try not to make it again, something Lucas does not learn.
DeleteAnd to put it another way, When the National Film Registry wanted to put the Original Trilogy in their vault in the Library of Congress to preserve them because of their cultural signifigane, and give them the re released versions, and they tell you no, those are not important enough, maybe there is some truth to all those people that rag on you.
Or maybe I'm just a smartass and just wanted to be funny. Probably the latter. Ah well, back to the friend safarin on Pokemon Y
@Ultra: "Probably not... very unlikely given what Disney has done to marvel properties."
DeleteWhat has Disney done to Marvel properties?
Deletealot of things according to complainers. First off there's the new spiderman cartoon which is no where as good as any of its predecessors. Apparently there's an increase in marvel related prices for consumers. The Superhero Squad Show is really freaking lazy apparently especially in the animation department. There's list somewhere that is growing... but it must be noted that it may or may not be Disney's fault.
I got the Michael Bay joke but I didn't really see what I could add given that you had pretty much summed up MIchael Bay's problem in a nutshell, too much emphasis on what he wants to do not enough care for the franchise he's using as a pincushion for what is essentially an original work. Why call your work transformers when you are gonna make so many changes and outright mockery of the franchise? Do the ninja turtles need to be aliens? Did you even think that slapping the words ninja turtles on an entirely unrelated idea set would get viewers? http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/724
The relation to Bores however is actually kinda similar to the Jontron comparison; there are things that are valid and there are things that would never work (it should also be noted that the Jontron comparison was about the two having polar opposite traits). Chris clearly doesn't give a shit about what the fans or about people's expectation in any given form. It takes a lot of courage or balls ass stupidity to think that low budget ghost movie in which nothing happens would get an audience. On Michael Bay's side, he clearly doesn't give much of a shit about what people think about his portrayal of events. This came to its worst conclusion when there were sailors in pearl harbor screaming "I can't swim" or those incredibly racist transformers that got retgoned. Of course the differences are there; Michael Bay does a lot of charity work and the like and its clear he also puts work and care into making sure his idea gets portrayed in manner that the audience might actually like. Michael Bay might have an idea about transformers that is no where near the expectations of what people would like but at least he takes the time and effort to make it look like he spent time and effort (I sincerely doubt he's letting CGI team just do whatever they want). Chris on the other has an idea about being an internet celebrity that is well out of touch with reality and he has yet to show that he is even trying to make his formula work.
I seriously don't want to see Chris Bores transform and bore the fucking hell out us.
That's true. As for the superhero squad, that probably has more to do with hasbro for it's terribleness in order to sell toys. They spend all there money on shows like MLP, TF prime and resuce squad. And thank you for pointing out Ultimate Spiderman is crap. It really is just Marvel's version of Batman the Brave and the Bold. Only more painful cuz it isn't trying to cover it's crappy writing with silver age references or Neil Patrick Harris.
DeleteHey this might be slightly off topic here but do you think if Chris Bores was a transformer... would he be a drill?
DeleteHe certainly is boring and repetitive.
He'd probably be one of soundwave's tapes since he seems to like copying others and constantly repeating himself...
DeleteBut he doesn't hide in plain sight!
Well, he could always be a,,,pretender...
DeleteScuse me, I have to go throw up sue to my terrible pun...
Considering how much he lies, he's definitely a decept-icon?
DeleteChris had this to say about you MKU:
Delete"MrsKillUltra is having a melt down because I insulted his butt buddy, batdannight. Truly hysterical reading his raging posts. I can almost hear the blood ozzing from Mrs.neck veins! lmao ~"
"ITT: MrsKillUltra has blood now spouting from both ends! lmao ~"
"ITT: Dynamite Brony is running to MrsKillUltra's aid to try to stop all that nasty bleeding, Unfortunetly Dynamite Brony is bleeding profusely himself ..... MEDIC!!!"
Uh when the heck did I write anything that showed I even remotely cared about his insults towards batdan, its not like Batdan himself actually cares about what Chris has to say. Only a fool desperate for attention would make blatantly false accusations about another person just to get them to reply back. Oh and Mrs... seriously? Grow up Chris this is getting old and stupid especially since I don't even comment on that thread you keep mentioning with ITT.
ReplyDeleteWell, I got nothing to say except for Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn...
Holy shit this is very alarming:
ReplyDelete"I just love Irate Gamer's Skylanders video's and I especially love how those said videos get Danny-boys panties in a bunch. His tears of pain are so delicious and hilarious. Can't wait till IG posts more Skylanders videos and read how Danny-boy's veins pop in his neck. It gives me such great amusement :D"
you might as well just tell your son to ignore his fanbase's requests to stop making Skylanders videos just to see if we can rage. your enabling behavior is sickening and needs to be dealt with.
We're not crying, we're laughing. Last time I checked its the people in the train wreck that are the ones who get hurt and boy is your alternate persona making a lot of train wrecks!
DeleteAssuming this is LB right?
DeleteYeah it's buggin and her pissant saying that bores should keep on doing skylander's videos. Of course didn't buggin herself say that Chris doesn't go to her channel so he wouldn't see it anyway.
DeleteSo basically, he's telling his "fans", in no uncertain terms, to go screw themselves. Good.
Delete@Mr.Kill Ultra: Nice analogy.
Delete"Can't wait till IG posts more Skylanders videos and read how Danny-boy's veins pop in his neck."
DeleteAnd also antagonizing your son's fans in the process too. So in the end, nobody wins.
Does LadyBuggin realized that his fans hate his skylander videos?
DeleteIf he does, he doesn't seem to care. I wonder how many subs he's lost so far? How many will he continue to lose? I guess if he keeps those Skylanders videos coming the answer will make itself clear.
DeleteAlso, DynamiteNinja, seeing as Buggin is Chris, he's basically enabling himself to be an idiot.
swiggity swag, shove it up my vag.
ReplyDeleteApparently it's always that time of the month for ben.
DeleteI guess it is true that foul people don't get toxic shock.
DeleteI may be a fan of Asa, but I'd be lying if I said I really liked Irate Gamer's stuff. I'd also have to say the feud between the both of you is really really funny.
ReplyDeleteWarm Regards - The Shaq Face
i read (from this forum) that the free tigg game has been taken down. is that also the case with the full version? I can't seem to find it.
ReplyDeleteNo idea, but if you can't google it, it must mean that the game isn't available. Besides most IOS games require you to download a demo and then an unlock key. If you can't get the demo then...
DeleteThanks, too bad. Since running around shooting everybody reminded me of angry birds.
DeleteSo, for anyone who remembers my old blog talking about that insane Christian game reviewing website? Well, I decided to revive it and I'm gonna try to post regularly.
Yes! I loved your reviews. this is awesome :)
DeleteFor no other reason than to advertise my own blog, I wanna post a quick link.
ReplyDeleteIf you enjoyed the 1980s choose-your-own-adventure books and remember the Fighting Fantasy series, you may enjoy my playthroughs posted over on my blog, http://fightyourfantasy.blogspot.co.uk/
Here's a song about Google+
You know, I wonder what Bores has against Marty Ingels' version of Pac-Man, besides the "raspy" voice...
ReplyDeleteWhat do you know, this guy is still kicking.
Some people just won't give up. Though never giving up is not a bad thing. It all depending on their attitude. Also, what the hell is this?!
Well, I started playing Fire Red not long ago, only for a shiny Rattata appeared ON MY SECOND GODDAMN ENCOUNTER. I don't even had Pokeballs at that time. So I killed it.
ReplyDeleteScrew that, I caught a Shiny Pidgey later.
DeleteI know how that feels: one time I started a new game in Emerald and found I shiny Lotad after 20 minutes. I didn't want to overwrite my post-elite four save, so I had no choice but to kill it...
Deletethis is a great blog