After a week off to try and get people to like Ghost Doctor (it’s never happening Chris, give it up), IG returns with something kind of new. A look at Ghouls n’ Ghosts, the sequel to Ghosts n’ Goblins. Considering how much Bores doesn’t like that game, I predict this video will be a trainwreck.
Before even clicking the video, there’s already a problem. The title says, “GHOULS N' GHOSTS - Sega Genesis Video Game Review - The Irate Gamer”, very clearly indicating this is the second game and will be the Sega Genesis version. However, the thumbnail says, “Super Ghouls ‘n Ghosts”, the third game in the series that was exclusive to Super Nintendo (with a GBA remake years later). You couldn’t use the normal title? Already we’ve got a mess.
It’s 15 minutes long folks, strap yourselves in.
We open on IG looking at his shelf then turning to the camera, saying how he wants to find a game for Halloween. He finds Ghostbusters, then reminisces on it like it wasn’t five months ago. Then he finds Ghosts ‘n Goblins and remembers how he tore the game apart 13 years ago and how he still gets nightmares about it.
Then out of nowhere he asks, “What year is it?!” It’s 2020 Chris, I know it’s a shitty year, but we all have to suffer it for two more months.
Then Devil Bores appears…because of course. For some reason, he appears on the screen of IG’s TMNT arcade cabinet, because there’s a big TMNT logo beneath him. Does Chris not have a TV in his basement? The scene would work better that way.
In fact, once IG sees him, he takes out a remote and turns him off. Did Chris not think we wouldn’t notice the green outline and GIANT LOGO?!
Anyway, he turns off the “TV”, then his phone rings (which is the Power Rangers ringtone because “ME NERDY”) and Devil Bores appears through FaceTime. Because it’s the 13th anniversary since his Ghosts ‘n Goblins review, he’s making him review the sequel. If he doesn’t, he’ll shove a Game Genie up his ass. That barely seems like a threat.
IG gives in and gets ready to review Ghouls ‘n Ghosts, though he calls it “Ghosts ‘n Goblins 2” at first before seeing they changed the title. He gets mad that they changed it, throws the cartridge behind him and says, “Halloween is Ruined!” Nope, still doesn’t work. What’s wrong with the name change too?
New intro! A special Halloween one with a “spooky” remix by Lame Genie and footage from past Halloween episodes (and I Rate the 80’s), as well as Ghostbusters because… sure. Hey Chris, maybe you could get Lame Genie to make you an original song. I know originality isn’t really your thing but surely you could go for a new theme.
But first, a fake sponsorship. This time for Pokémon stuff. That seems like an odd thing to show off. Well, he just talked about it on Puppet Steve. No joke, a video featuring this exact same items was posted three days ago. This seems like a weird way to reuse those. Especially since he’s planning to sell them on eBay. Again, this is not a real sponsorship. There’s no link in the description, and while he tells you to go to a site, it’s just a standard URL, with no “/irate” to save 10% or anything. By the way, he pronounces it “Pokey-mon”. On one hand, I’m glad he doesn’t say “Pokey-man” like ignorant parents in 1998 but come the fuck on. This franchise is over 20 years old now, you can learn to say it correctly.
For those wondering, Puppet Steve still hasn’t talked about Steve in Smash Bros. Chris, what the hell? It’s been 11 days since he was released. Does he not have a Switch anymore? Maybe he sold it to buy more crappy Arcade replicas.
He once again claims Ghosts ‘n Goblins was one of the first games he played that scarred his childhood. Sure, whatever you say.
He then claims the first game he got was Mach Rider. Wait, that wasn’t what you said five years ago. In your now deleted video about the “First 5 games I owned for the NES”, your first game was Super Mario Bros. Mach Rider was the fourth game you got. Did Chris forget to keep his story straight again? Is he hoping we don’t remember that video? Good thing I archive! For those curious, it’s in the May 2015 post “At least this week was easy”.
Anyway, Mach Rider sucked so he exchanged it for Ghosts ‘n Goblins. He claims to have spent hours playing and never getting past the first level. That’s your own fault then, especially since the first level isn’t that bad.
Of course, he has to mention the Arcade version, saying he didn’t find about it until “years later”. How many years Chris? At least by 2007 since you used the Arcade version with God Mode in your stupid video. Hold on I just realized something. His excuse for using the Arcade version was so he could show the ending of the game, yet he claims he never got past the first level. Why would showing the ending be a priority? That’s rather suspicious of you Bores. What are you not telling us?
He shows a bit of the Arcade version and more complaints about difficulty. At least the NES port gave you unlimited continues! Then again, he never beat the first level so he wouldn’t know that.
A few years later, Capcom “raped our childhoods” (his words) by releasing a sequel. Not for NES but for Genesis (they wanted the higher power for something closer to the Arcade version, which you don’t mention), and they changed the name to Ghouls ‘n Ghosts. He complains about them abandoning the original name. Look, I don’t know why they changed it. In Japan, the series is called Makaimura, with the sequel being Daimakaimura. Ask a Capcom exec from the 80’s why they did it. These days, they use “Ghosts ‘n Goblins” as an umbrella term for the franchise (including the PSP game, the mobile games from 10 years ago, the Gargoyle’s Quest trilogy, and the Maximo duology).
He wonders where the Goblins went and makes a stupid comment about referring to them as Goblins being “racist” and curses out “cancel me culture” (his words). Cancel culture isn’t real, quit pretending it is.
He inserts the cartridge into his obviously not plugged-in Genesis, and I want to a moment to address the cartridge itself. It’s a bootleg. Yeah, Chris couldn’t get a genuine GnG cartridge for this video so he got a crappy bootleg. Want a comparison?
Here’s the real cartridge, taken from an eBay listing.
And here’s Chris’ cartridge, with some circles to show imperfections (provided by my informant)
I have to ask… why? Why get a bootleg? The game isn’t that expensive for just the cartridge, normally runs $23-35 on eBay. Was he tricked? Imagine if he tried talking about Game Boy Advance titles, the bootleg market there is really bad.
He starts the game, says there’s no backstory like in the first game. Then he takes out the manual (okay so he has that but not a real cartridge). Wait, I thought manuals were bad? Ah forget it…
For some reason during this part, he’s playing Final Fantasy IX music. Weird choice.
He mentions the princess getting kidnapped, claiming she gets kidnapped more than the “Mario princess”. You mean Peach? Also, this is the second of four games, compared to Peach getting kidnapped too many times to count. That’s a really lame joke and you should be ashamed of yourself.
He calls out a line about unfair odds which makes him mad, then says that Arthur has a chance of winning the game “organically” (as in not cheating) as “finding a dildo in a donut”. … What?
He brings up the “iconic” map, and once again we get Devil Bores, who has started smoking again. Here’s another thing I don’t get, why is Chris still using Satan? In 2007, it was just a cringy joke. But now, knowing what we know about Chris and his baffling religious beliefs, why would he keep using him? This is the guy that forbade his kids from watching Nickelodeon because of “EVIL ILLUMANTI SYMBOLS ZOMG”, and the guy that believes negative thoughts lead to Satanism.
He praises the graphics. Points out the grim reapers chasing you. “Just another Friday night at the Irate Gamer household!” Uggggh…
Game is similar, right down only having two hits and you’re dead. Then a death montage. More complaining about the “two hits”. Yep… knew it would get to this.
He does point out one big change, the addition of a gold armor that boosts your power with a charge attack. Then… this happens.
“Time to go He-Man on these assholes!” Then it cuts to his He-Man transformation footage from 2011. What is the point?! Why are you recycling your old videos again?! What was your thought process that lead to this?! Jeeeeeeeeeez… at least he’s not recycling the review itself.
“Where was this power-up in the first game?!” They hadn’t thought of if yet. They probably heard the complaints about the first game and added it. That’s how these things tend to work, Chris.
However, it still has the same defense as regular armor and goes away after a single hit. He rants, calls it an “armored condom”. Do you have anyone to proofread this?
“Thanks Capcom, now my old lady is knocked up with demonic succubus twins!” …………… What?! What is this writing?!
He praises the wind segment of the first stage, saying “you won’t see anything like that on NES”. Because they didn’t think of it. Also, you can do that on NES. It’s a stage hazard in Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels. I figured you would know that considering your claim that it’s superior to Super Mario Bros. 2. Yeah, I don’t think he played it, otherwise he would know how spine-crunchingly difficult it is.
He also praises the new weapons, mentioning the sword, axes (that was in the first game), daggers (also in the first game) and then calls out “yuppie losers playing frisbee” when bringing up the discus. Yes I’m sure yuppies are all over *checks notes* Toledo. But yeah, the axe and dagger were in the first game. Though if you remember his original video, he got something big wrong by claiming the only other weapon you get is the fire. Everything comes back to bite you.
He calls one of the enemies the “sons of Satan” and wonders how Satan got kids. You really think Satan doesn’t fuck? Also, those aren’t the “sons of Satan”, those are the Red Arremer Kings. Firebrand is the name of the specific Red Arremer that stars in the Gargoyle’s Quest games (since I feel like someone is going to call that out).
He dies again and complains about the map some more. He places some middle finger emojis all over the screen and does another Devil Bores bit. It’s not funny.
He reaches the first boss, and dies multiple times. See the problem here is that he’s using the sword, which has a horribly short range. It’s far better to use a weapon that you can throw. Go back and get a weapon that can do that.
He calls Arthur “whipped” for doing all this rescue the princess. Really? Really? Are you the type that thinks any protagonist that goes on a grand adventure to rescue a damsel is whipped? Will you say the same thing for Mario? Does Chris even think about what he writes? Pffft of course not!
He lists the levels, and cries cries cries about the difficulty. Then another death montage with his weird, crooked jaw, and then he grabs a pillow and bites into it and rips the stuffing out. Is Chris trying to be a clown?
More Devil Bores… hooray. We also get some weak political humor when he comments about humans fighting over which “political dick is bigger”. Blaaaah…
IG dies again, rips the cartridge from his clearly not working Genesis, then throws it off-screen. Then we see some guy in a Nickelodeon shirt sitting on his bed meditating and the cartridge hits him. Who? What? Well, there’s an explanation at the end. We’ll get to that.
Despite throwing the game away, he continues playing.
Later levels are also hard… yep…
Compares an enemy to Mick Jagger… yep…
Also, it looks like there’s a second player helping. I don’t think that’s possible. Pretty sure the 2-player mode is the “taking turns” variety, where things switch when one player dies. Is it something else?
Then he refers to the cloud-like boss, Gassuto, as a “Kirby’s Adventure rip-off”. This came out years before Kirby’s Adventure did. Try again.
More praise of the graphics, the level design, makes a joke about vomiting pigs having a party… yep…
Says his favorite is Level 2 with all the fire, and the music is good too. Then a dumb bit where it cuts to IG turning it up and listening. “Get these guys a record deal” Ugggggh… It’s one guy, her name is Tamayo Kawamoto, and she has one because she left Capcom to pursue a different career. You could have taken five minutes to look into this but nooooooo.
He notes how at the end you fight more of the bosses and claims they “ran out of ideas”. It’s called a challenge Chris. It even has a name, a boss rush. It’s a popular video game trope, look it up! My head hurts…
Then a dumb bit where fireballs attack him in real life. Blargh…
He reaches the end, and finds he has to fight a giant bug. He gets mad. … Chris, do you know anything about mythology? That’s Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies! It’s also another name for Satan! My god, for someone who claims to be studying religion, you don’t know a fact as basic as that?!
He complains about the name again, and then says it’s “time to go Will Smith in Independence Day on his ass”. Followed by a clip of Will Smith’s character punching an alien. So long monetization! What was the point of that? He even plays another after beating the boss.
We get a sequence where he doesn’t bother reading the text and just assumes he won, only to start back at the beginning and have to do it all over again. This surprises you? Of course they would do it again, that’s how the game works.
More Devil Bores. Jeez, how is there still two minutes left. Oh and apparently he has an Instagram account. Ouch…
More ranting, claiming these games scarred his childhood. You didn’t even play this game as a kid! As far as we’re aware, you only played the first! If that’s even true to begin with. Look, if you want answers, ask Tokuro Fujiwara, he directed the first two games. He loved making hard games. That was his thing.
“This is worse than having two penises and trying to figure out which one to pee out of!” …………………………………………………. Do I even have to say anything?
We get a fast forward of him playing the second run with invincibility on (because it’s one continuous run with no damage) and he reaches the final boss. Leading to more stupid Devil Bores shtick. This time with pixelated succubi.
He shows the actual Lucifer and complains about him being naked. I imagine he got here through Stage Select as he has different armor now. He also makes a gross comment about something gooey coming from his crotch. Enough with the semen lines!
He beats the game, gets the ending, and sees it foreshadows Super Ghouls ‘n Ghosts. Then he complains that it’s on Super Nintendo or “back on Nintendo”. Well this one is exclusive. No Arcade version this time around. Either way, it’s over.
But before it ends, he gives a special thanks to Carlos William Gonzalez for helping with production. He was the guy from earlier that got hit with the cartridge. I hope you got paid Carlos, you didn’t even get a link to your channel in the description.
That was dumb. So very dumb. It was just a lot of “boy this is hard, but the graphics are purdy” over and over and over again. With just terrible writing all around. Why does it all feel so juvenile? Is any one of these people helping him ever going to point out how bad the writing is? It’s just baffling how bad it all is. No improvement at all.
About 12 days ago on Puppet Steve, he posted another video of mini Arcade Cabinets, including one for TMNT. However, it looks like some bootleg game, or some janky ZX Spectrum port. Where did he find this shit? Why is he so obsessed with Arcade games lately?
That’s it for me. I’m going to go relax. Stay safe, wash your hands, and if you’re an American citizen 18 or older, go vote.
I literally had just watched Todd In The Shadows’ latest Trainwreckords epsiode prior to Bores’ video and at first I heard Liz Phair use the term “Peñis Colada” and next I heard Bores use another dick joke.
ReplyDeleteOT: Anyone besides me wonder what voice actors, aside from Rob Paulsen when doing the TMNT re-review, would Chris Bores most likely get for future reviews, whether they have a Cameo account or not?
ReplyDeleteI just thought of this scale of quality we can attribute to game reviewers of 2006. The AVGN would be like Pearl Jam, Irate Gamer would be Creed, and OneUpGamer would be The Calling.
ReplyDeleteAvgn = Nirvana, IG = Stone Temple Pilots, Gamedude = the presidents of the United States of America ( I could put Pearl Jam in stp’s place but I’m trying to chill on the ph bashing. Eet eet eet ooo waaa hooooe)
DeleteStick with Stone Temple Pilots as Pearl Jam's Ten came out in July 1991 and Nirvana's Nevermind came out in September 1991.
DeleteBrutalmoose would be Primus, JonTron would be Tool and The Completionist would be System if a Down. Am I doing this right?
DeleteYou have to use an originator vs wannabes so yes you’re doing this right.
DeleteWow! 13 years and he clearly shows to not have learned a single thing! And he thinks people found this great? Even today, he still hates hard games! And is he seriously starting to buy bootlegs now?
The last couple of months, his Puppet Steve videos haven't had to meet a minimum length of 10 minutes. Did YouTube change monetization rules there?
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Chris will bring his other stupid characters back. Like Evil Gamer. Or Kool-Aid Man. Oh God, PLEEEAASSEEE don't bring back Cousin Joey.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Wise Sage is coming back though. At least not the Wise Sage everyone is familiar with.
I’m not sure if there is any way to contact Eric Allen. My best guess is that him and Chris likely had a falling out.
DeleteI mean when he did that Robocop video and reused footage, he did leave out clips of Wise Sage.
DeleteDo you not think its maybe taking things a bit too far when you are doing things such as trying to find a way to contact people who dont put themselves out there in public, to discuss your theories about how their personal friendships fell apart? Just cause its a guy who makes videos you dont like. Like come on man, peoples friendships, relationships, familys, that shouldnt be any of your business. Thats the kind of thing people have an issue with this blog for, if it was just a laugh like some of the parodies back in the day, it would all be grand, but this sort of thing just is much too far. If it stops you from bothering anyone I can let you know that everything between Chris and Eric is fine, so dont try and look for a way to contact him or anything, cause thats weird and uncool.
DeleteI will say in this blog's defense that BatDan will likely stop talking about Chris Bores when Chris Bores stops doing scummy things.
DeleteThat completely avoids what JMC was actually saying about people not contacting bores’s family/friends and where do you get the balls to say what Dan will or won’t do?
DeleteYeah dude, you did avoid what I was actually saying.I used to get angry about his videos, and go on here and have big rants about how much of a scumbag my mind perceived bores to be too, and i feel embarrassed about it. Guys like third rate gamer, irritated gamer, save state gamer, they were great fun, made some funny jokes about mistakes he made, exaggerated his mannerisms, they were entertaining. But i never got the impression those guys were taking it personally. If it were just a bit of fun its fine, but trying to find out so much about chris bore's personal life, mentioning his family, his friends, his believes, everything he does. Thats were I have a problem, and like even when i was at my most irrationally angry about him, I would never try and actually contact people in his life. Thats just wrong man. Again all chris is to you is a guy who makes goofy internet videos you dont like.
DeleteAlso you say youll stop talking about him, when he stops doing scummy things. I seriously think you are in the mindset where thats not possible, as people here now have such a built in dislike for the guy that youre going to analyse everything he does and find something scummy in it. Look at how this blog and people in it react to very small things, and think " would they act the same if it was someone else?"
Also since you have this idea in your head hes the worst person ever, youre going to believe every bad thing you hear about him. You believe that he beats women, and spread it around as if it were true despite having no evidence. A random comment that could have been made by anyone on a random video were most people were discussing how they dont like bores anyway. If it turned out to be true, I would absolutely condemn chris for it, but yeah, i think youre just automatically believing it because you are caught up in hating the guy.
I used to be a big fan of the channel screen junkies, and when accusations came out about Andy signore I believed them, and thought he was a monster like Harvey weinstein. But once he was able to tell his side of the story, I found out how wronged he was, by the accuser and people he thought were his friends, and he makes some of my favourite videos these days, hes learnt from mistakes he actually made, and makes some of my favourite youtube videos these days. But he went through a lot because of the false accusations.
Its dangerous to just automatically believe things without evidence, I cant say 100% it isnt true, but again, just random comment on a random video. If it turned out this was true, its something he absolutely should be condemned for, but if everyone believes it and it turns out to be false, that makes it harder for actual victims to come forward.
How would a Bores review on Pokemon Sword/Shield (with both DLC packets) play out?
ReplyDeleteShitty even for Chris Bores! He’d be worse than Genwunners where he wouldn’t even know some of the generation 1 Pokemon and he’s complain about the cutscenes.
DeletePokemon games suck ass, the games are for autistic manchildren
DeleteNobody respond to ZxPlector. That's exactly what he wants. PLEASE do not blow up the comment section because of people like this.
DeleteIt’s bad enough people like me and Silent Spring got bombarded with whiny fanboy comments for committing the worst crime of all, insulting the Irate Gamer.
Deleteam I the only one that thinks bores is forcing it? none of his lines seem genuine. he is a laid back dude, not this edgy guy he is trying to pretend to be.
ReplyDeleteNo! It seems that he's ALWAYS been like this! He never was a gamer and he's a terrible actor!
Does anyone know whatever happened to that review on YouTube of Ghost Hunting 2.0? I remember seeing a review from a guy dressed as a ghost but I haven’t been able to find the video.
ReplyDeleteDan, I think that cartridge Chris owns might be one of those region-free cartridges that's compatible to play on any type of Sega Genesis/Mega Drive console. Pretty useful to have if you're an avid collector of various game consoles, just saying.
ReplyDeleteIt's not. Several people all over Facebook and YouTube have pointed out it's a fake.
DeleteThat reminds me, does Bores know much about the Japanese and PAL counterparts to game systems from North America, aside from the Famicom?
Delete@Andrew Maybe? I don't ever recall him touching basis on that.
DeleteIf Chris brought back History of Video Games them how would the episode on the NES play out?
ReplyDeleteIf Chris decided to bring back History of Video Games and kept the same pace he had before, we would all be dead before he got to the NES.
DeleteWith the Pokemon pronunciation issue, it really doesn't help that many advertisements actually do pronounce Pokemon "Pokey mon" (I've seen many commercials pronounce it this way). It's kind of like this one commercial I saw for Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games years ago that pronounced Mario's name incorrectly ("Mar" was pronounced the same way as it is in Mary). I can tolerate advertisers not bothering to pronounce things correctly, but don't call yourself a gamer or game critic if your constantly going to make these mistakes and go "Waaaaaaahhh! I have an accent! I pronounced it that way as a kid! Waaaaaaaahhhh!" if you get called out for it.
ReplyDeleteI used to pronounce Rattatta as “Ra ta ta” but now I know it’s pronounced “Rat ta ta”
DeleteNew AVGN video is up
So far, I'm enjoying it, better than the Ecco review.
DeleteAlso, that's the first time I've heard James mention Bandai by name, considering he's played a fair amount of terrible games the company published, including Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde and Dick Tracy on the NES.
Yeah, I think it's safe to say Bandai, pre-Namco merger, is up there with LJN and Ocean in terms of crappy games...
He actually referenced "Diarrhea Dickwaffles" from IG!
DeleteThat aside, I liked the episode.
The flanderization of AVGN is finally complete, as he starts this episode being angry without having any reason to, rather than come from a neutral spot and slowly start boiling until the tipping point.
DeleteI hope the Screenwave fatasses are happy.
Out of curiosity, have any of you watched Generation Gap Gaming? He generally goes over the history of various retro games and sometimes he'll include his son in a video.
ReplyDeleteNew video. Intro music was good at first but it sounds like shit in this version. It's a gargled mess.
ReplyDeleteSean Connery aka James Bond and Indiana Jones’ father just passed away at the age of 90.
ReplyDeleteI really hate this year.....
DeleteWhen Dave Chapelle, not exactly an open right-winger, is questioning "cancel culture", I think you can say it is real.