I get the feeling that Chris’ plan with that last video was “If I come clean, people will love me now, and they’ll watch anything I put out.” Chris didn’t seem to realize that nobody cares about his ghost hunting. Hence, this barely has any views.
Knowing that Chris probably wouldn’t have anything of substance for a long time, I decided to watch it. It’s merely a 15 minute segment from the 54 minute Pursuit of the Paranormal DVD.
… This was fucking hilarious. I wasn’t going to make a post about it, but oh my god this was funny
To any of the CA reviewers that read my blog, you have to review/riff the whole thing.
0:00 - 0:35: We open with an intro from Chris. Saying that he’s “evolved” since this was taped, and has found so much more. So you went from finding nothing to finding… more nothing?
0:36 - 1:38: “A Chris Bores Film” Calling this a film is being waaay too generous.
“Tonight! We’re headed to one of the most haunted locations in the U.S.” And this is where it hits you. The “pulse-pounding” “spooky” music, the cheesey announcer, this is an episode from a terrible reality TV show. At least with some reality TV, they seem to understand it’s bad, they know it’s a joke. But Chris taking this completely serious, and that’s what makes it hilarious!
They go over some of the other “highlights”, how what they find changes everything, blah blah blah.
Then it cuts to Bores in a graveyeard, and oh my god this shot. He walks up to the camera, and removes his sunglasses in a dramatic fashion. I can’t stop laughing, this is the dumbest thing.
“I am one of the leading ghost communicators in the field of ghost hunting” Hahahahahahaha. Oh wow. Chris, I recommend you look up the term “overly narrow superlative”.
“By using ancient texts like the Tibetan book of the dead, the Egyptian book of the dead, the Kabbalah” How are those first two supposed to help you in Florida and Ohio? Also, isn’t Kabbalah just a philosophy of Judaism, not a “text” like the Necronomicon?
“And using things like Psychology” PSYCHOLOGY?! How mystical! Hahaha. I don’t watch Ghost Hunters, but is it this cheesy and stupid?
“Interacting with spirits has never been more intriguing” If you’re into alternate methods to Ambien, then it’s very intriguing.
“Joining me on this hunt is Alan Cicco” Hi Alan. Wait, his last name is pronounced “Sisko”? Like the Star Trek DS9 captain? I’ve been pronouncing it “Sicko” for all these years! Hey, pardon me if I don’t assume only the first “C” uses the S sound, and the others don’t. It’s not my fault your name is all C’s!
“The pursuit for knowledge is on!” Yeaaaah you’re not going to find anything. You’ll have just as much knowledge about the afterlife as you do about video games.
1:39 - 2:39: The show begins proper. Their “investigation” takes them to St. Augustine, Florida, the location of the St. Augustine Lighthouse. Hmmm *looks up info* Ghost Hunters already did an episode on this! In 2006! With a “Return to” special in 2008! In fact, looking further into the lighthouse, it’s owned by a museum, and they get PAID for people to “hunt ghosts”. It’s a racket! http://www.staugustinelighthouse.com/events/darkofmoon.html
They’re making money off idiots! … Hmmm, I wonder how much cause I’m getting ideas.
It’s not even listed in Wikipedia’s “List of reportedly haunted locations in the United States”.
Bores narrates the history of the lighthouse, that people have seen apparitions of children, “shadow people” (the hell?) and apparently something caught on video. All I see is a dark picture of stairs with something edited in. It looks really fake.
“Once the sun finally sets, we’re anxious to get inside, and begin pursuing the paranormal” Pffffft hahahahahahaha. This is too much.
2:40 - 5:00: So the tour guide (probably laughing his way to the bank as these idiots pay him) explains all these supposed footstep sounds and children giggling, and apparently footstep marks on the ground. We then get a picture that Bores labeled “actual photograph” to try and make it sound this was real. It looks so fake. Like a cartoonist drew in those feet.
You know what these ghost tours remind me of? The Chamber of Farts in South Park. It promises to be scary, but it’s all gas.
The tour guide takes them to the basement. Something about the ghost being a girl who drowned. He claims she follows him, and she’s jealous of other girls… This all sounds like it’s from a script. Like the museum owners hire writers, and tell their employees to memorize this shit.
Around the end of his exposition, the tour guide mentions that a “keeper” would appear at the end of a dark hallway. Sounds like P.T. … Man, I’d rather be playing the new Silent Hill. At least that’s legit spooky.
5:01 - 8:00: The hunt begins! Yaaaay…
Of course, it’s all in night vision.
Alan assures that we’ll “definitely” hear noises. Probably sensible things, like the wind, or the building settling. Things that actually happen.
Bores mentions shadow people again (seriously, what?), Alan puts down a couple of lights on a bench, he sits next to them and starts saying in an almost “sensual” way “I’ve got these lights here, want to come over?” Wow, Shawn at TotalActionAdventure wasn’t kidding about Alan’s “smoothness”.
Then Bores interrupts and exposits how those lights (or K2 Meters) work.
Pauses… then Alan reacts like he hears something. He starts calling out, asking if he could bring a “bucket” upstairs (I must have missed something wha?), and they keep showing the stairs. I told you man, I told you about stairs!
They think they see something (probably a mouse) and start trying to talk to “it”.
Apparently they hear something, and Bores replays it 3 times. … I don’t hear anything. *listens closer* That’s not a girl. It sounds more like a mouse squeaking. I think a lot of these “hauntings” are the works of rodents.
Nothing happens… nothing happens… exactly how is this different from Haunted Investigators? Because it’s a lot of the same shit. Also, how were those books from earlier supposed to help?
8:00 - 11:17: Still a lot of nothing. Then they think they hear footsteps, and the reality show music returns. You know, it’s the music that makes it hilarious. The parts where it’s not playing it’s soooo boring.
Then they think they hear another voice. They replay it but I don’t hear a god damn thing.
He tries calling for the keeper but nothing
“After a few minutes of getting no response…” I realized this was a pointless endeavor and went to find a much more worthy use of my time.
No, they head into the basement instead.
“I’m feeling really odd down here” It’s called primal fear, a fear of the dark. The constant fear that something’s always near, the phobia that someone’s always there. *goes to listen to Iron Maiden for a bit*
Sorry about that.
Bores interrupts to bring up “that feeling”, and they’ve done enough investigations to know that when “that feeling” happens, something is there. What is “that feeling”? He doesn’t really describe it. I still think it’s primal fear.
One of their meters gets a reaction, and they try to call out. They think they hear a voice (again, I don’t hear a damn thing). The cheesy reality show music plays again.
Alan tries the smooth moves again. Too fucking funny.
11: 17 - 13:45: And so begins the “conversation” with the dead. Supposedly the ghost girl they mentioned earlier.
They ask questions, and the lights happen. It’s dumb. It’s all accented by goofy reality show music. Man, he really did want this on TV.
They keep asking questions… I don’t care.
Then Chris asks the “trailer” question. “Is being alive the same as being dead?” And they don’t get a “response” NO SHIT CHRIS! HOW DUMB ARE YOU?!
And then the “ghost” stops “talking”
The video ends back to Chris in his game room.
He claims the reason “she” “responded” is more interesting than what he’s seen on TV. That’s exactly what a snake oil salesman would say!
He mentions “90 minutes” again. We know it’s 54 Chris! Unless you released a new version.
He claims this was his “first steps” in this “case study”. How was that different from what you did before? This was exactly like Haunted Investigators.
And he brags about how his methods aren’t seen anywhere else. Probably because you found nothing! Ghosts. Aren’t. Real.
Oh and he even knows that his subscribers didn’t subscribe for this. Then make a separate channel! Oh wait, you even failed at that! Logic is dead…
Okay, maybe this wasn’t completely hilarious. But it did have moments where Chris wanted it to be serious, but he completely failed. I mean, is rational thought just that hard?
Supposedly, the next ghost videos will have more “proof”. Haha no. Your time would be better spent finding extraterrestrial life. At least I can believe aliens exist, somewhere out there.
I’ll say it again. Making online reviews is more of a “real job” than this.
Oh god, this is hilarious, you thought a lot of the same things I did, like how the "Tour Guide" is obviously following a script of sorts, whether it was provided by Chris or of his own creation.
ReplyDeleteAnd I also laughed at how ridiculous it was, I loved all the "You hear that? " YOu hear that?" "I heard that". It was so ridiculous.
a lot of professional paranormal investigators and parapsychologists will often go into a investigation with the intention of de-bunking the stories they hear when they go in, as to not look like fools by believing everything they hear. often times, they will simply gather evidence and show the owners what they found, allowing them to make whatever judgements and decisions they want to make. now i'm not here to argue if ghost exist or not. i'm just pointing out how professionals in this particular field of study do it. and it seems to me that chris bores has really no idea what he's doing. if he really wants to "hunt ghosts", go to Poveglia. he wouldn't last one minute there.
ReplyDeleteTraveling to Italy would take too much commitment, and also money. Maybe he should do a Kickstarter?
DeleteHe can do a green screen of Italy like in the Chris & Scottie Roadtrip.
Delete@ShaolinDave - And if he does do a Kickstarter, he'd be a damn hypocrite because he attacked James Rolfe for doing so with regards to Cheetahmen II, even though it wasn't James' to begin with.
DeleteWhy out of all places he picked the St. Augustine Lighthouse for his PoTP movie?!?
ReplyDeleteIt's one of the many places that Ghost nuts go ga ga over as being really haunted. I think he's trying to make himself look like he knows what he is doing.
DeleteOne of my Skype friends is into the paranormal stuff, and I know she would be insulted by this hack.
ReplyDeleteMy older brother is part of a local group that does some paranormal investigations in my area and when he saw this he laughed his ass off.
DeleteWhen your video makes those groups that went on those Ghost Hunters shows where they were trying out to become the next Ghost Hunters crew look legit, then you know your movie has failed.
Speaking of aliens, I finally got around to seeing the AVGN movie. Was it the best movie ever? Of course, not, but it wasn't that bad. Sure, some things looked cheap and fake on occasion(I could clearly tell which vehicles were just toys), and the story is convoluted in some areas, but that's just part of the fun. The best thing I could say about the movie, however, is that it has a nostalgic charm to it(and no, it's not because of the retro games). It kind of reminds me of the old Moonbeam Entertainment films of the 90s. Have any of you ever seen "Phantom of the Megaplex"? Well, in that movie, Mickey Rooney's character said something that I can't remember, but it was(to me) the best description of my feelings toward older movies(especially Spielberg's famous works). That feeling is just something you can't seem to find in modern film, anymore, and James managed to recapture that charm. The Angry Video Game Nerd: the Movie, it's, silly, crass, and ludicrous but it has charm, character, a heart, and is just complete fun.
ReplyDeleteExactly. The key word is FUN. There really is a charm to the movie, and like you said, moments that would have made certain detractors cringe (like watching the villain fall off a cliff, depicted as a toy vehicle falling a foot and combusting) instead made me smile at the goofiness of it.
DeleteAnd let's say for a minute that the movie didn't work. What then? Would I lose respect for James? NO! Because at the end of the day, I have great respect for a person who puts their heart into a project, who does it to fulfill a childhood dream, who shares his passion with everyone involved, and who gains first hand experience with the rigours of big budget film production. That alone is a victory in my book.
Now, if you don't like the film, that's fine; there are certainly things to criticize about it, and I like to believe that I have the integrity to hear valid critique. But to baselessly assert that James is a "money grubbing" co artist is just sad. If that were the case, would he not be more comparable to dear old Chris Bores? Would he have the popularity that he has now, considering the rate at which information can travel on the internet, and the rate at which people like Bores can be struck down if found to be scamming others?
...*ahem* got carried away there.
If AVGN the Movie had another theme song for it, this would be it.
Another Skylanders video posted...
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to bother to count at this moment, but I think it's safe to assume that the number of Skylanders videos he has posted has far exceeded the number of Irate Gamer episodes at the very least. In fact, I believe they exceed all non-skylanders videos on his channel.
There's no doubt about that. Especially after the times he would spam like 8-10 videos at once.
DeleteCheck the number of videos per playlist. Skylander videos outnumber all of seasons 1-4 combined (67 vs. 54).
DeleteJust putting this out there again...
DeleteBores has it right with his "I make videos for myself" mentality. It's what he should have done all along.
It's when he's trying to emulate someone else or just pandering to a fan base that he comes up with crap.
His fans should only be his fans because they agree with him on what makes good content.
If you're interested in Skylanders, and his Skylanders videos suck, then you have every reason to criticize them.
If you're not interested in Skylanders and want him to make videos about something else, obviously his interests and yours are not in sync. He won't make good videos over a subject that he's not interested in, anyway.
Yeah its heavily a marketing issue at this point.Throughout Chris's career he hasn't established what kind of audience he wants or creates content for. As pointed out in previous articles, whether or not Chris swears and is bleeped is entirely random. Other things include the tasteless content (like genocide) which could be funny to people in the right mindset, but such content is too infrequently included that its rare for this to work. There's his claim of being a parody when he's taking his work dead seriously or his need to make insults towards competitors. Chris has failed to refine his products and services and as such he hasn't done well especially since he refused to keep his skylander content on his dedicated skylander channel (and no, abandoning that channel because it has few subscribers is not an excuse, because if people didn't switch over than it means the thousands of people who do watch Chris's video have voted with their consume power).
DeleteI told Chris all the way back when he started in youtube PMs (before I even came here) that he need to show the world what kind of person he wanted to be and to stand firm. Chris has decided to beat the bush time and time again and now no one takes any of his work seriously.
Time to call himself TheIrateSkylander ...
DeleteOh, this is definitely going on BatDan's list of worst moments for 2014, that's for sure!
DeleteAnd it was on the 2012 and 2013 lists, too...
Is it corroborated that Bores was making ghost videos before James started posting to YouTube? I ask because given James' broad and deep scholarship of horror history which has made such entertaining Octobers, it feels like another attempt to 'outdo' him that Bores would make videos allegedly about REAL phantoms, and in the process depict himself as an expert with specialized supernatural powers to contact the other side.
ReplyDeleteI think Bores was doing his "Ghost Hunters" rip-off thing before AVGN was around.
DeleteWeird. Wikipedia says the Nerd first made a splash on YouTube when his TMNT review went viral on September 12, 2006.
DeleteThe first ghost-related video by Bores (that I can find) was a Haunted Investigators trailer that was uploaded the very next day.
I guess my theory is shot, but strange all the same.
Bores' first video on YouTube - January 18, 2006
DeleteRolfe's first video on YouTube - April 8, 2006
To Be Fair, Shadow People are an actual Paranormal Phenomenon. When I was younger, a friend of mine told me a myth about them. supposedly, Shadow People are creatures that only exists as shadows, but can only be seen at the corner of your vision, as when you try to put them in your line of site, they vanish. According to Wikipedia, a lot of people believe they cause sleep paralysis. However, I doubt Bores is really seeing them. If he is, it's more likely him seeing something move in the corners of his vision, or as you said, primal fear making him see things that are not there.
ReplyDeleteIn other news. James grandfather died. Funeral held yesterday. James, You have all my sympathy.
ReplyDeleteSOURCE: http://cinemassacre.com/2014/10/09/grandpa-1931-2014/
nb4 Intolerant and insensitive comment from Bores because he hasn't been above it for so long now.
DeleteGenuinely saddened, though. My paternal grandparents are still with me but I'd be guttered if they passed on any time soon.
What are you doing? don't give James any sympathy people will think your a huge ass kisser or cock sucker, for the love of god man don't do it.
DeleteBut in all seriousness that's a real shame, I've have three grandparents pass away. It can be really painful especially if you don't spend enough time with time with them because you just keep regretting not seeing them more, just like me with my grandparents on my mom's as they both died before I was 10. I don't know if James was close with his dead grandfather or not but I still give my sympathy to the guy and his family.
Sounds like James was really close to him. He mentions in his blog post that one of the Nerd's great descriptive lines came from his Grandpa: "like picking fly shit out of pepper while wearing boxing gloves." That was used in the Silver Surfer review, and was good enough to use again in the montage at the start of the AVGN movie.
DeleteIt's certainly sad, but it's terrific that the guy lived to see his grandson make a successful movie with his own joke in it.
(I'm guessing, verging on assuming, that the movie is officially considered successful. I know the great majority of AVGN fans were delighted with it.)
My condolences go to James and his family. Sorry for your loss, James.
DeleteCondolences to James and the rest of the Rolfe clan on their loss. :-(
DeleteWonder what Chris Bores would say about this, even though Grandpa Rolfe died of natural causes (I assume) and not a suicide like in JewWario's case...
I lost my grandmother 4 weeks ago due to a fatal head injury she suffered. I was able to visit the hospital and talk to her before she died on September 17th. Then the next week after her death, my grandfather on my dad's side told me during our cell phone conversation that it's my abuela's (nickname for my Puerto Rican grandmother) birthday and he told me that "she's getting old". What he does not know on the other end was me being silent and feeling depressed after hearing that. I mean, I lost my grandmother recently and now my abuela is getting old. How am I supposed to respond to that? We talked for a few more minutes before hanging up.
DeleteI'm sorry for loss, James. sending my prayers to you and your family.
See? I told you the part where Chris removes his sunglasses was hilarious! XD
ReplyDeleteAlso, he shouldn't be saying 'shadow people', he should have said 'silhouettes'!
Fun little bit of research: Most of the text-to-speech pronunciations of Cicco were in fact as Sicko, except for one that pronounced it as See-Cho, but none as Sisqo (although it is amusing to imagine Alan in the Thong Song video).
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's possible that Chris doesn't even know how to pronounce his friend's last name correctly?
I'm curious to whether Bores' believes this crap and thus deludes himself into hearing/seeing things or if he is just scamming really hard.
ReplyDeleteWell, because the death of his career is imminent, I say we make the last blog entry the 50 worst IG/Bores moments ever.
ReplyDeleteAnd can we make the penultimate entry the worst IG/Bores moments of 2014, then? :-)
DeleteGood lord-- and I thought he couldn't top 2013 as his laziest year ever!
BTW, if you have an iPad you can download a free Skylanders demo game and get a small taste of the universe without buying anything.
ReplyDeleteI won't go so far as to hate on Skylanders just because Bores likes it, but it's about as challenging as a scratch-off lottery ticket. And I suppose it's cosmically fitting that the demo has a weird logic problem in the script. You're defending this village from a boss monster that's drinking all their soda, and the solution is to destroy all the soda so he can't drink it. Either way they're left with no soda, so how are you helping them?
ironically skylanders is actually pretty hard on the PS3. I'm not sure if it was because I was playing with 2 players (co-op) or it was because I wasn't paying attention but you can die REALLY quickly in skylanders. Big heavy guy bumrushes and you forget to block or dodge? Half your health gone in an instant. Again not sure if they had an update or something, haven't played skylanders in a year now.
DeleteInteresting. The iPad demo had a 'tutorial' feel to it all, with a guide character telling you exactly what to do and why- there was nothing to figure out on your own. The bad guys were pushovers, and you can even walk off the edge of the floating village and plummet into the void- they'll just restore you with no apparent penalty. And the smallest of achievements earns you a huge stuffed treasure chest. I don't even know if a game this easy is good for kids, or retards their development by artificially inducing a sense of accomplishment.
DeleteDo we know what platform Bores plays on?
My guess is either the Wii U or PS3, but I could be wrong.
DeleteI've played with the game using a demo system at a video store and it is easy as far as a RPG goes. The easy gameplay seems to make it fairly plain to me that Bores' real reason he likes the game is the collectable toys that go along with it.
DeleteRemember him complaining about people selling hard to find figures at elevated prices on Ebay?
Also each toy count as an extra life. So everytime you die you can just get another toy you've bought and use that one while the other one is reviving.
DeleteYeah I've been thinking the only reason he gushes of Skylanders is the toy aspect.
The game itself is an average Gauntlet-style dungeon crawler (which Bores somehow compared to God of War... seriously how?). I know the sequels added jumping but I don't care...
And considering his blog covered Toyfair but never PAX or Gamescom, it's clear where his true obsession lies.
Mentioning God of War is most likely to game search browsers for more hits.
DeleteI agree, the only reason he cares about Skylanders is the toys. Oddly enough you'd think he'd LOVE the Disney toy game but that game's gameplay is a little more complicated. Who knows, maybe he just can't stand Disney. Shrugs, your bets guess is as good as mine.
Incidentally, all of his Skylander videos are about showing off his figures, he rarely, if ever, brings up gameplay.
Watched the video. It's super lame.
ReplyDeleteI used to be a member of a ghost hunting club a long time ago and in the "hunts" we did we never even tried any of the things Bores does.
Serious ghost hunting is about making sure all the obvious causes are accounted for. I went to four chases and all of them turned out to have natural causes: birds, vibrations caused by heavy traffic early in the morning, rats and leaking pipes. Also, doing ghost investigations, the "serious" type, is BORING.
Ghosts don't exist, all ghost hunters worth their salt know this and do the chases with that in mind. Chris' methods would make him the laughing stock of any serious investigator.
DeleteNo wonder Chris keeps claiming his methods are seen "nowhere else", because nobody else is doing them and his method doesn't work.
I figured that he would be a joke to serious investigators (much like he's a joke in the gaming community).
To make it better no legitimate ghost investigator uses a K2 meter because of how easily set off it is. The fact he uses one is clear evidence he's only into it for the fame.
DeleteMSNBC sides with anti-gamergate, uses same old incredibly broken arguments that anti-gamergate has been using for a month now. This is very important guys, if gamergate fails, it essentially says to the world that all you need to do is collude and repeat yourself hundreds of times and suddenly what you say is real.
ReplyDeleteUltra I am going to weigh in and you might not like the result. I believe Gamergate is a farce. Now I am not saying the supposed goals are bad but there is an air of hypocrisy and something else that I can't quite put my finger on that keeps my from accepting anything that Gamergate does. First up the hypocrisy since it involves the main source of "news" about this, Breitbart. The guy who talks about it is not a gamer and has never played a game in fact this tweet says interesting things about him. https://twitter.com/Nero/status/504221455861952512 So, we get people practically eviscerated for supposedly not being gamers and yet this tool gets praise and then a suggestion of which game to start with instead of a fuck off? Also his story on the "secret" mailing list is dubious since people in the same industry are going to talk. Not to mention supposedly in that very thing about collusion one person talked about giving Zoe a present while the rest said no because of ethics. I say supposed goals since there are those that want ethics and those that want an ideological purge, in effect censorship of a different kind. Not to mention there is way to many types I disagree with leading this idiotic charge since Jim Sterling and Jon Tron were called SJWs pretty much just because they said harassing people was bad. Of course both sides have their bad people but considering anti-gamergate in effect does not exist (it really is just people who for any number of reasons don't support gamergate, that is all) it comes out as gamergate not smelling too good. Of course there is the third party no one seems to talk about, the side that just wants to see the world burn, this side would go to any of the others and intentionally stir up crap just to see what is going to happen. Not to mention there might be those that agree with the trolls who will be able to cause mob mentality on gamergate since it is the only semi-physical thing here.
Delete1. We can't trust breitbart because milo is not a gamer.
DeleteA: That's character assassination! What relevance does his lack of gamer history have to do with his ability to expose corruption and demonstrate disgust for illegal collusion and monopoly on information. It also helps that milo has run livestreams where he does play games and admits he was wrong with labeling gamers in previous articles as losers. Someone who realizes what he did was wrong and that overgeneralizing and saying more than is what stated by the facts is wrong is exactly the kind of person we need in this situation. He's not the leader of gamergate but he sure is someone who has done quite a lot of good for the gaming community at large. He also uses evidence which is something the other "not gamer" people don't do. People like anita-sarkesian have repeatedly been shown to not do their research. Milo has demonstrated that he is interested in getting the facts on the issue and doing research. Please elaborate more on the hypocrisy, because I'm not seeing it.
2. " people in the same industry are going to talk"
A: WHAT? They're competitors Micharion! Do you like it when people get monopolies? The reason why monopolies are bad is because people can work together to screw the consumer. If they are working together to make a narrative then there is no competition and they don't have to do a good job because no one is trying to outdo the other. Imagine if every restaurant in the world decided to limit their menus, charge exorbitant prices and give small portion sizes. The restaurants would still make money because there's no where else to go to get food while the consumer gets nothing!
They are not supposed to be working together... AT ALL!
3. "Not to mention there is way to many types I disagree with leading this idiotic charge since Jim Sterling and Jon Tron were called SJWs pretty much just because they said harassing people was bad"
A: Who? Gamergates love jontron. They don't sterling because he's a journalist and repeatedly acts as if the collusion is A-okay because he doesn't want to stub any toes. They want him to stop flipflopping. Either he's for the consumer or he's A-okay with the game's industry continuing to offer shitty services that no one wants.
4. "anti-gamergate in effect does not exist (it really is just people who for any number of reasons don't support gamergate, that is all) it comes out as gamergate not smelling too good"
DeleteA: What? Anti-gamergate exists! Its the journalist and all the media outlets that working together to dilute the issue and force attention on the plights of Zoe Quinn or any of the other people gamergate is not focused on. Anti-gamergate comes in the forms of the assholes who want every gamer dead http://gamergateharassment.tumblr.com/ or heck the journalists who deliberately say they want every gamer dead (it exists). Obviously you haven't heard of the exploits of Leigh Alexander, the journalist who is sexist, racist and drove off at least 2 advertisers including intel AND yet is still allowed on gamesultra because they can't afford to fire her. This is the face of cronyism.
5. "the side that just wants to see the world burn"
A:Uh what do you mean? Anti-gamer ignores their own psychopaths but focuses on the psychopaths of gamergate (who are often one time posters). Pro-gamergate mentions the psychopaths of anti-gamer gate and take time to denounce their own psychopaths. I don't get what you're trying to say here. Are you actually involved in this or is this just you taking a cursory glance?
Just because there's a chance that there's a third party trying to cause people to be at odds with each other doesn't change the fact that this a real issue at stake here. A call of transparency and the need to get a responsible media that does it freaking job. I don't think a third party could be powerful enough to cause over 12 "gamer's are dead" articles to be made and not be noticed by anyone. So far the big faces for the "gamer's are dead" movement are DIGRA and gawker.
6. "mob mentality on gamergate since it is the only semi-physical thing here"
A: Gamergate is not about mob mentality. Seriously? Who have you been talking to?
Have you been to the escapist forums? Have you been to the 8chan forums? Where are you getting this? I honestly want to know? Keep in mind there are anti-gamergate people pretending to be pro-gamergate people.
Ultra I am not going to continue this until you calm down. You are not thinking straight and are now undermining the very concept of this blog since you are doing a few of the things we accuse bores of doing.
DeleteExactly what? Don't do the you're not thinking straight thing, please provide some evidence for that.
DeleteOh and a thing I missed
Delete"Not to mention supposedly in that very thing about collusion one person talked about giving Zoe a present while the rest said no because of ethics"
Except the majority of them are serious about giving the present. And the later discussed about further portraying her as victim, which they accepted. Just becuase one or two people didn't agree with it doesn't change the fact that they DID consider it. And that colluding to help a developer as a journalist... you know, the subject whose progress you're supposed to be monitoring, is major conflict of interest. This isn't like a doctor helping their patient, this is like a health inspector cleaning the restaurant they're supposed to inspect.
Well first of all your research seems to be only coming from Breitbart which has a spotty record when it comes to the truth. Although it could be that Read all of this article and say to me that Milo isn't scum. http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/05/27/virgin-killer-was-not-a-misogynist-but-a-madman We have constantly decried bores because he acts like a gamer only when it makes him look good when Milo is doing the exact same thing. You are accusing people who talk about ethics, albeit privately, of doing something they aren't just like Bores when he accused James with the Cheetahmen scandal. You are using strawmen Jim Sterling did not flip-flop and what they are using to show him flip-flopping he admits he said it and that he has moved on from that ideology and let people decide if they should support him or not. You are ignoring a side that could be actually causing the problem like when Bores blames us for things. Ultra you need to see how toxic this is just trying to discuss this debacle is right now. People on all sides are getting hit and no side is innocent.
Delete"Well first of all your research seems to be only coming from Breitbart"
DeleteUh well micharion there's the thing known as media blockade and its only breitbart that's covered this issue in any realistic fashion (though there's still gamesnosh and others, but they're new). Just because one person says something doesn't mean its false and thus if all the media decided to be against gamers for them all being misogynists, that doesn't mean its true.
in addition, breitbart while it may itself be a poor resource doesn't change the fact that its citing something that's real. Unless you're telling me the William Usher is a liar or non-exist person capable of fabricating the entire list, it doesn't really matter if breitbart has written bad stuff. Again this is character assassination, he did this, therefore he can't be telling the truth when he does this. How would you feel if I just said I wouldn't debate with you because you played x-com poorly and called it a day. Character assassination is the linkage of a event that has no real relevance to his work or capacity in a field to make his unrelated work seem crappy. How does his thoughts on how we should examine a killer's motives more clearly aside from just labeling him a misogynist have anything to do with this? MIlo is not claiming to be a gamer, he is claiming that he wants to understand gamers. The only reason you seem to disagree with gamergate is because milo did some leg work. Is that honestly all? Because MIlo does not speak for all of gamergate. William Usher leaked the emails and it just so happened that Milo was the only one who actually cared about ethics and was willing to run the story. As it stands, the media is perfectly fine with not doing any real research and just plain labeling everybody. Kinda like how you just dismissed my entire two comment reply as me not being calm or being a hypocrite.
"of doing something they aren't just like Bores when he accused James with the Cheetahmen scandal"
"Silver lining: Quinn is getting a bunch of new Patreon patrons today, apparently.
— Kyle Orland, Ars Technica "
"I like the signed letter of support idea. Even better if we can get some developers in on that. Anyone want to volunteer to draft something?
— Kyle Orland, Ars Technica"
"Who here hasn't slept with a PR person or game developer? #AMIRITE
— William O'Neal, editor-in-chief, TechRadar.com"
"Ben Kuchera Aug 19
I mean, if nothing else now we KNOW the post contains demonstrably untrue things about real people. Serious allegations. Is THAT enough to get you to consider taking it down? What does it take before the Escapist says “Maybe we shouldn’t be giving this a home.” - Ben Kuchera, on censoring the entire escapist forums.
OH and how about the dozens of gamers are dead articles hmmm? What about calling all gamers ISIS members? I am against them because they decided to be ignorant and arrogant. Because they would rather have gamers like you and me just give them money for no reason and read and accept their political agenda. What do you mean something they aren't? Are you trying to tell me they don't want gamers dead? That they don't believe that all gamers are misogynists? That didn't just censor the crap out of everyone? That there isn't a reddit thread with thousands of deleted comments? Or they don't consistently make articles about how misogynistic games are, that kissing = killing?
"You are using strawmen Jim Sterling did not flip-flop"
DeleteReally when did this happen? I haven't been following him and they only thing I saw was him saying IIRC "journalists collude all the time" "gamergate is not a big deal" and continuing to express skeptcism while his colleagues say every gamer is dead and not noting his own collusion in this mess while saying he's pro-consumer. Please show me a part where he picks a side and sticks with it. Deciding to be a neutral when you're own reputation is at stake and claiming that you are pro-consumer while all your friends are claiming their consumers are dead is the exact definition of flip-flopping. One hand is doing something else while the other hand is somewhere else entirely.
"You are ignoring a side that could be actually causing the problem like when Bores blames us for things"
What side is this? You haven't specified. Are you referring to trolls? How many of them could there be? This is getting to conspiracy levels man. I'm only arguing in facts micharion, show me the existence of this third side (or at least a good explanation for why the could be one). If there is a third side to this then either millions of people who are checking the facts and double checking them somehow missed a large illuminati sized group that is more coordinated than either side is.
" Ultra you need to see how toxic this is just trying to discuss this debacle is right now"
Yeah because the anti-gamergate is more interested in throwing labels at the pro side. I get that you're trying to say "no one is innocent" and I agree with that but there is no middleground here. You can't say there's a golden mean here. I can't honestly fathom that a little cronyism, sexism or racism is okay. The anti-gamergate side claims that there aren't any woman, black people or minorities support gamergate. They are using social justice to harass people. I don't think I could ever see the merit they're trying to demonstrate with what they're doing. I don't this debate is toxic at all because the solution is already clear. We need a media that doesn't lie and actually does its job. These are people who went through years of education to get a real job with real responsibilities. I don't think it toxic to debate about how we need a media that does its job. The pro-gamergate side is full of people who will denounce the wrong-doings of its own members. That's transparency and responsibility. I'll pick that side because I can't stay neutral if it means the games and developers I know and love will become politicized to get more women, who don't even want to be in the industry, in the industry via cronyism.
"People on all sides are getting hit and no side is innocent"
Yes but does that mean its not okay to be pro-gamergate. Are you trying to say we shouldn't push for transparency and responsible media? Would this mess even have started if they weren't "gamers are dead" articles and severe cronyism in the industry?
Hmm maybe we should move this to email or something. Hey most of you guys don't care about gamergate right?
DeleteOh yes and adding to the list of things we've seen the journalists do. Heres the highlight of their conversation about Zoe Quinns boyfriend. Yes they like Zoe quinn so much they followed the details of her personal life. At what point did these journalists consider that maybe they shouldn't be giving a crap about the boyfriend of a developer?
Delete"Susan Arendt Sep 1
Re: [GameJournoPros] Re: Zoe Quinn
“…it’s hard not to sympathize [with Eron]”
Actually, it’s not hard at all. Pretty damn easy, in fact. Fuck that guy."
Unfortunately I don't see this ending well period. It will just devolve into a shouting match. Also I never said that pushing for transparency was bad just that Gamergate the event is toxic and it is affecting gamergate the movement. I hate the fact that people like Polaris get money just for using something that involves a pretty lady and clickbait names. Ultra I have read the Leigh Alexander post and things to be said about it are, it could have been less imflammatory, the clickbait name was a big mistake, and Alexander doesn't attack gamers but the advertising of gamers. How do I explain the last one? Just let me leave with this and please just read all of the articles about Milo and decide for yourself whether or not he should be a voice for gamers. http://www.reddit.com/r/GamerGhazi/comments/2h5iwm/fun_facts_about_milo_yiannopoulos_gamergates/
Delete"Unfortunately I don't see this ending well period"
DeleteSorry it has end this way, but you clearly haven't seen as much as I have and you also haven't shown me anything any where near support of your view point. It would help if you actually flat out communicated what you trying to say and why you're saying it using evidence.
"It will just devolve into a shouting match"
I don't see why it should. You really should show some evidence. I mean seriously... I don't understand you because I haven't see what you've seen. Please show me that stuff you've seen that changed your opinion.
"ust that Gamergate the event is toxic and it is affecting gamergate the movement"
How so? What toxcity are you talking about? There isn't any growing misogyny. A good portion of gamergate is freaking female. Its not racist, there's a lot of black people. We don't have leader or a figure head. The closest as of current is TB, but that's just personal preference. Gamergate will never have a figure head. It is a consumer revolt, the consumer is the figurehead and there will only be those that do the legwork who will have their names praised.
"I hate the fact that people like Polaris get money just for using something that involves a pretty lady and clickbait names"
What's this about polaris now? Are we having a conversation here or are you just bringing out random things that bothered you out of nowhere. Could you at least show me where polaris has done these things?
"the clickbait name was a big mistake"
What clickbait name? Oh my god I can't follow this at all.
"Alexander doesn't attack gamers but the advertising of gamers"
What? When did this happen? Leigh Alexander flat out called all gamers assholes and sexists too. Gamergaters responded by emailing advertisers to screw over gamesultra's bottom line. Intel dropped out of the advertisement because of the emails but stated specifically it was because of Leigh Alexander's hostile and toxic tweets. That's when Leigh alexander launched a hate campaign against Intel. I really feel as if you've heard or seen something that you expect me to know but I don't actually know. It's hard to follow this version of events because I've never heard this. When did Leigh Alexander attack advertising of gamers? She said gamers were over. That's not anything to do with advertising about gamers. I don't follow this terminology.
"Milo and decide for yourself whether or not he should be a voice for gamers"
I don't know about you but... gamergate doesn't need a voice. It has one. You, me, any other gamer. They're all the voices of gamergate. I don't see why any gamergate would be okay with having a figurehead when we doing just fine ourselves. Milo just gets praise for sticking his neck out and for not lying while doing it. So what if he lies alot and acts like an asshole. He didn't do it while he was reporting on the issue and that's what counts.
DeleteOh and great, we're playing character assassination: GOTY edition. Let's take a look at the evidence listed shall we?
Linked by Ian Miles Cheong, a well renown person for bigotry. Claimed that gamers made him a nazi. http://theralphretort.com/the-stunning-hypocrisy-of-ian-miles-cheong/
The next one: http://www.theguardian.com/media/2013/mar/01/the-kernel
From the guardian. Known for their biased coverage of the current Israeli-hama crisis where they supported terrorism and admited they hate jews while censoring anyone trying to bad mouth the hamas
Look I can go on but the fact of the matter stand. ANYONE can do character assassination. I'm gonna ask you one last time, what the hell does milo's past/current history have to do with gamergate. He did his work and that's it.
And also, WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH about Milo? He hasn't done all that much. All his work could literally be played off as William Usher's stuff. All he did was take William Usher's leak, blank out any personal info and then post it. Quite frankly it barely matters what he does now unless it pertains to more leaks.
Okay you two, that's enough. I don't want any fighting amongst us. If we do that, Chris Bores will be proven right about this blog. There will be NO dissolving of friendships.
DeleteI'm more interested in knowing what he really thinks about gamergate. I'm getting this impression there's something he knows but isn't telling. Whatever the answer is, I'm still considering him a friend.
DeleteI have a hard time vocalizing just things in general. My points get muddled together and it just ends up being a stream of consciousness. Ultra that women and minority thing if fallacious. Ever heard someone say "I'm not racist/sexist but" just because there are women or minorities does not mean that it couldn't be sexist or racist in fact that makes it worse. http://metaleater.com/video-games/feature/the-darker-side-of-gamergate
DeleteHere is Liza Kerzner she was (don't know if she still is) pro-gamergate until she questioned Milo even slightly and you can't sit there an tell me that Milo's reaction didn't over the line. Honestly if people are only in things to get praise they need to leave. That is all I am going to say on that. At one point Polaris did a Chad Chomp (basically Daily Byte but with Chad) but curiously used Dodger in the thumbnail even though the first few seconds makes it obvious Dodger is not involved. I don't remember the name of it But here is one more recently. Daily Byte had a title called "The N64 can vote" even though it was just a story of N64 being 18 years old now. That and the fact that the Daily Byte runs three stories but only one gets in the title now. I don't know how to explain the Alexander one. What I gleaned from the article is that Alexander thinks the image of gamers as thought up by advertisers which is the basement dwelling person that only cares about shooting others as being dead. Can someone please help me explain this part? Ultra the fact that someone lies a lot would cause people to obviously distrust him since he might be a pathological liar only looking out to increase him coffers. I don't know how best to explain myself.
Yeah you're having trouble explaining what you're thinking. Let me see if I can get this straight and of course, don't be mad if I don't get what you're saying.
DeleteHere's what you think/trying to say:
1. Milo is a bad source because he lacks reputation
2. A movement can still be sexist even if it contains individuals of the other gender
3. Liana K (you're refering to her right, because I don't know who liza Kerzner is) got harassed by Milo because Milo is a douchebag
4. Clickbait is bad
5. Leigh Alexander has a vasty different opinion of what a gamer is and believes the advertisers aren't representing gamers properly.
Okay well here's hoping I got that down right. Here's my response, again I'm not trying to be offensive here. I want to be factual not an asshole.
1. Milo is a heavily wing guy in a movement that consists of left wing, anti-authoritarian individuals. Very few people want Milo as the representative of gamergate. Most people do however, praise the efforts that Milo went to make the collusion apparent and to provide a good counter narrative to the anti-gamergate's narrative. If it were not for Milo, pro-gamergate would not have any evidence of what kind of corruption they were dealing with. This does not however, mean that Milo is a leader or above the status of activist/key figure in gamergate. Again, we know he's an asshole, but at least he was right this time. It's telling that the media, who you know can do investigation and double check their facts, choose to accept that the collusion was exposed by not countering it at all. Their chosen defense was "but collusion isn't bad" not "the mailing list is not true". Milo can be described as a barrel full of mostly rotten apples, but if you keep taking apples out of the barrel, you'll at least get one or two apples that are fresh. Milo may very well be an asshole in every other situation but he wasn't as much of an asshole here. Get what I'm saying?
This comment has been removed by the author.
Delete5. The big issue is that Leigh Alexander sure hasn't been treating gamers with any respect. When she wrote "gamers are over" she meant that companies should not produce content for gamers. She sterotyped everyone who played games as people basement nerds who like to shoot things. She was not attempting to be heroic or philosophical. This is a person who tries to get anyone who disagrees with them fired and is still saying gamers are dead even now. This is not a smart person who wants to redefine what a gamer is, this a person who hates gamer culture and wants it to appeal to her. She is an ethnocentric, highly aggressive person. She specifically stated that gamers as a whole are "maladaptive" and that gaming companies should make something else entirely. So in other words, she wants companies to make products that appeal to no one. She's on twitter right now. Why not ask her what she meant when she said "gamer's are over"?
DeleteI think this would explain my position far better than I can. Just please try to read this with an open mind.
Sorry but I see quite a lot of flaws with that position. The position is essentially, "results or GTFO". Sorry but that's not activism, that's not how you go about doing anything (especially for a movement that's only lasted a month and a half). Pro-gamergate is getting tons of results and the only reason why the big media hasn't covered this is because that's how deep the collusion is. We know that there are high ranking people on that mailing list. We know that they have and still are colluding to censor and prevent narrative. There are still gaming developers being harassed and censored for being pro-gamergate.
Delete"Apparently, Ben Kuchera worked together to release 12 articles at the same time in order to…. do …. what? Seriously, what’s the motive here?"
Because incompetence and general douchebaggery isn't an answer? I don't get why the author dismisses the idea that collusion is terrible. The goal of gamergate is to get ride of the collusion to have quality journalism. This is exactly why it started and came so popular.
"As long as no one is advocating for legal or political censorship of games"
That's exactly what they're doing!
Sorry man I think we'll just have to agree to disagree. You agree with the objectives of pro-gamergate (transparency.etc) but you don't like the people involved in it. I on the other hand, believe this is quite possibly the only chance we've got to keep censorship out of the media and I definitely don't care if it goes on till Christmas because that exactly the plan right now.
So if one were to start talking about corruption in gaming where would one start to go about detailing it in all its non-glory? I am wondering since I have been thinking of at least starting to tackle it.
ReplyDeleteWell the escapist forums is a good place to talk on the corruption in gaming. As for a place to talk about it. Not exactly sure, too much censorship for any real official place to discuss (escapist forums is about as official as you can get) and 8chan (note not 4chan, 4chan got pwned), while free, its practically like preaching to the choir there.
DeleteHere's the escapist
I don't go to 8chan so I don't know what goes on down there.
I started this as another post specifically to get the corruption part away from gamergate. I don't think those sites are going to help keep the negative parts to casual viewers away from the discussion of corruption. Although this has more to do with the fact I hate hashtag activism since I feel like too many people will just use the hashtag and then do absolutely nothing else, basically doing nothing. Spreading awareness is all fine and good but sometimes you need something just a wee bit more substantial.
Delete"something just a wee bit more substantial."
DeleteWell in that case 8chan is probably the place to go. They're launching operations ever other week. Intel withdrew their adverts specifically because of their boycott of the day campaign. Send emails to advertisers and let them know you won't stand for being misrepresented and treated like trash. There's also the thunderclap campaign (which is over) and tumblr gamergate harassment operation (take screencaps of offensive comments and submit them to show to the world just what kind of people are doing in the name of anti-gamergate).
Then of course there's just the people who document what happens. A new anti-gamergate article? Archive it to a archive site to let people read it without giving the site views. There's plenty to do and you don't have to be a big shot to do it.
Ultra are you just not picking up on that I am essentially anti-gamergate? I disagree with the idiots leading the charge on both sides though. Yes I know TB can be right at times but he has a tendency to shoot his mouth off. That being said TB was the first to talk about Warner Brothers shady brand deal and yet gamergate did nothing with that.
DeleteWell if you are anti-gamergate, then honestly nothing you can do. Sorry there is just no opportunities for you to do anything. It's all in the hands of the media because according to them, you're voice doesn't really matter. I guess you could try reforming anti-GG but good luck with that.
DeleteFunny I seem to recall youtubers aren't the media or am I just making things up since it's clear people hold youtubers that do some of the same stuff journalists do to a different standard. I was planning to do videos on the corruption surrounding gaming which would include journalists,developers, and youtubers so I kind of need information that does not have a bias behind it.
DeleteWell you probably google the definition of journalist because journalist means being objective. Youtubers are under no such compunction. Though that still depends on your definition of media mainstream or otherwise. Either way I'm clocking out of here. I've got way too much lab report work to keep this up.
Deletelatest news pertaining to Gamergate. Briana Wu (anti-gamergate developer who claims to have fled home due to death threats) not coming to interview because she demanded community paid flights and dinner.
Guys, please quit arguing. If you want to argue, take it to e-mails or other places.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately I think the only way to stop any arguments about this is to just have no one post anything about gamergate. Yes this is censorship but sometimes it needs to be done. Since someone not be able to yell fire in a crowded theater is censorship but considering what would happen if they did having them not do it would be better.
DeleteThis reminds me of when everyone was arguing about the last airbender movie on this blog.
DeleteI think that was before I came along so I don't know what happened. But while it might share some similarities it is also just plain weird. I suggest when you have the time looking up anything and everything to do with it and deciding about it from there.
DeleteBatdan would discussing the goals of gamergate be a bad idea? I just want to run this by you before attempting this. If it would indeed just lead to more arguments I will drop it.
DeleteFrom my POV, no. Even though I'm Anti-Gamegate, this site isn't the place to discuss it in any form.
DeleteYeah, it really seems like people won't be able to actually discuss things until heads cool down, which could take a while.
DeleteMoving on if you brought Smash Bros. 3DS, how much are you enjoying it?
ReplyDeleteActually, a fair bit. I was quite surprised.
DeleteI remember when Sakurai said that he wanted to change the series' direction because there was a limit to how far putting in more content (such as characters, stages, etc.) would accomplish this. Which I agree with, because as much as I like Brawl, there was a little too much going on content-wise. Having played the 3DS game, I think this is a step in the right direction.
I like the fact that there's more variety to the characters. Yeah, there are the usual clones , but the new characters do mix things up (Little Mac is great fun to play with his speed and KO ability, and Duck Hunt can do area denial with hilarious efficiency).
Smash Run is quite fun because it keeps up a fast pace, the enemies are appealingly aggressive (if a little insane at the best of times), and (for me personally) collecting enough stats at the end to allow Ike to obliterate an opponent with a 70% frontal smash and run/leap like the Hulk is a great payoff for five minutes of work.
Oh, and Master Hand has a hellish transformation. You have to see it.
There's a lot more I can say, but you get the idea.
I haven't got it yet. I saved $110 so I can get it, and a Wii U pro controller for when Smash U comes out.
DeleteOh, and because my Wii U Gamepad has been acting screwy as of late. (another reason why I'm getting a Wii U pro controller)
DeleteOkay, after hearing that some psycho threatened to shoot up a school because Sarkeeisan was going to appear there, there will be NO GamerGate discussion. Period.
ReplyDeleteIt is a disgusting movement, and needs to be ignored.
I'd like to remind you that was one guy who doesn't represent millions of people but whatever. I think micharion's invoking of "your rights ended when my feelings begand" was when I started feeling like something is off about a place that is supposed to be about the dissemination of information and the proper representation of cultures big or small.
Delete...Ultra, are you referring to GamerGate or this blog? I'm confused at this point.
DeleteIs micharion a gamergate member?
Ultra just stop with that bulllshit tactic. It doesn't fucking matter whatever side did the threat but the air about it caused this to get so out of hand. Here's the thing about Moot he started banning people on 4chan because of those idiots trying to spread around people's addresses. oh, an one other thing someone in KotakuInAction legitimately said 'Okay here me out, I am not trolling here. Why don't we just kill her.' Ad one other thing the psychopath that that threatened Anita specifically said it was going to be like the Montreal Massacre where the gunman separated women and men and shot the women. Why would someone do such a thing is to as he said 'fight feminism'. Honestly I don't care if this tirade ruins any friendship I had with you since I cannot accept this crap in any form. The minute someone hides behind a cause just to do something like this is deplorable
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteMr Kill, didn't you listen to what BatDan said? That sentence you said, "I'd like to remind you that was one guy who doesn't represent millions of people but whatever." that sounds like you were inviting more discussion of GamerGate that we don't need!
DeleteOh, wonderful Alex Jones is talking about this. There went any sort of reputation gamers had.
DeleteI'll explain the trend I'm seeing here after my midterm on Thursday. Right now I don't have the time for this.
DeleteBut as a dicussion question: how would you guys feel if someone represented us in mainstream media by only focusing on the negative sides and specifically one or two things one of us has wrote. For example what if they just said the following quote demonstrates the people of the irate gamer sucks blog are illogical, people who hate Chris Bores for attempting to be apart of an industry where fat people are discouraged from?
If you can't see how this question relates to the situation then this blog and its readership have really gone downhill.
And finally @Micharion.
Knock it off with the character assassination and chewbacca defense.
Funny you seem to talk about character assassination while somewhat implying that I said journalists can't be objective earlier this week. THIS DISCUSSION IS DONE, PERIOD! Batdan I feel that it would be best if this post just stopped existing , this is merely a suggestion by the way, it has not solved any problems. Whatever comes up after this is entirely up to you.
DeleteAgain Mr. Kill, why are you ignoring what Batdan said? "there will be NO GamerGate discussion. Period.
DeleteFinal warning! Anymore discussion will get deleted. Take it elsewhere!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteI was not kidding when I said all discussion will be deleted. Take it somewhere else!
DeleteWhy not just delete the entire Gamergate discussion? I mean that as a serious suggestion, not sarcastically.
DeleteWhy did my comment get deleted? I wasn't commenting on gamer gate, I was calling you out on your askewed line of reasoning. You called a whole movement terrible because of a random guy not affiliated to, nor the representative of, the cause, and I used an analogy to show you how that is wrong way to form an opinion. I agreed with Mr Kill in the fact that the same could be said about this blog, which is mostly just a commentary on cringeworthy videos by a guy. Is this blog disgusting? So do all the death wishers and flamers represent you? I just don't like hipocracy. Like I said before if you don't want him to post updates and stuff fine, but don't punish him for trying to clarify a misrepresentation of a group he identifies with.
DeleteAnd to that end, Kill and Mich you are beginning to argue instead of discussing an event. I believe in hearing both sides and coming to a conclusion with each side presenting their facts and respecting the others opinion.
DeleteDo you really think a blog about making fun of and criticizing the irate gamer is the right place to discuss gamergate? That's why he's deleting comments related to it!
Delete1. People talk about a lot of game and non game related stuff in the comments not just about IG or how he can improve. In the past people would just insult him or tell him to kill himself.
Delete2. I an just calling out batdan like he would call out Chris. I don't care which side he chooses or if he even has a side, or that he doesn't want the topic discussed. That's fine, but if his ealier comment is how he forms opinions then he is wrong.
Whatever the case may be, Batdan is the administrator here. He wanted discussion of Gamergate to stop, not just because of his opinion on it, but because Ultra and Micharion were arguing up a storm. Is it really so hard to oblige?
Delete@Teng Ziyue
DeleteThat Gamergate stuff was walls and walls of text. Blogspot has limited space. Also, it's 2014, if Mr.Kill Ultra really needs to bring his points across he can make a chat room, use skype, use e-mails, so many options. It's not a forum, if the comment section gets too cluttered you won't comment until next post. Dan could leave this alone until the section is done, and after making another post the same situation would happen. So he had to do something about it. I wonder what would you do?
Not to put you down but that comment was a bit glib. How is this related at all to my deleted and subsequent comments? Don't post because space issues? I will be typing this for the 3rd time now, if he doesn't want posts about gg fine. His earlier post was hypocritical/wrong and I was just calling him out.
DeleteFine, whatever.
DeleteThat was at Walter my bad J dog
Delete@Teng Ziyue
DeleteI don't even know what was your deleted comment about but i guess it was more or less related to GG offtop and it appared after Dan wrote "Final warning! Anymore discussion will get deleted". So i guess you ignored his rules. Tough, i know. About hypocritical/wrong things, i don't know man, i don't study GamersGate, all i see is Dan saying he's against the movement because someone took it too far. So i guess he simply doesn't want any drama.
Has Guru Larry commented on the "big reveal" Irate Gamer video?
ReplyDeleteI finally got around to playing Volgarr the Viking, it's great. Very old-school style gameplay and challenge (except for the unlimited lives). I think any reader of this blog would like it.
ReplyDeleteThe unlimited lives thing kind of makes me question just how fair the challenge is going to be. I just get this odd feeling people are looking for challenge without actually knowing what it is and it eventually being the most talked about games having fake challenge. Hopefully I am just being paranoid (and cheap since I still have to wait until I can get Smash for 3ds while the only way I can think of getting the WiiU version is when I get a job.) But I will check it out.
DeleteAt lea$t The Irate Gamer doe$n't E beg. The Archfiend FTW
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly would the Irate Gamer e-beg FOR? A feature film where he drives to General Mills headquarters to prove that there's no secret underground stash of Boo-Berry, but the military thinks he's looking for a top-secret "Ghost Army," so they capture him and make him play Sonic: Lost World until he becomes dizzy, but a ghost comes to his aid by answering yes/no questions on a blinking K2 meter, and they accidentally awaken an infinitely-powerful and immensely destructive Kool-Aid pitcher who's capable of ruining breakfast forever, and he plays every part?
DeleteThe Story sounds better then his own Movie
DeleteHey Dan, how come you never criticise the Angry E beggar Nerd and his pal Mike The Coward Matei?
DeleteHello, Chris Bores, aka Jordan Ross! (And he'll be out of this blog in 5...4...3...2...1...gone).
I thought "Jordan Ross" was an alter-ego of the Archfiend...
DeleteAnyway, tried to watch Bores' new video. Good lord, he's not even trying anymore!
I think it is time I just leave this blog. I won't give my reasons why. In fact it's a surprise that I am even talking about me leaving instead of just going.
ReplyDeletePlease don't leave on my account, but that is how you feel, good luck in all future endeavor.
DeletePlease reconsider. I don't want scumbag Bores to be proven right.
Please don't goddamn censor anything. That kind of action is making people side with Bores and enabling him to keep being a massive shithead. Do you honestly want that to happen?
Really, you almost immediately blame Batdan for this? Let me just say this is part of why I think it is time I go.
DeleteMaybe I'm being a little hasty. It's a knee-jerk reaction to you leaving Micharion. You're free to discuss you know what on my blog though. I made a post specifically for it. Sorry if I'm being emotional at the moment. If I caused you any grief, I apologize for that too.
DeleteOh and Micharion, do you have Skype? I'd like to keep in touch with you.
ReplyDeleteOne more thing BatDan, if you don't want any arguments about you know what clogging your blogging, how about I take the load off your shoulders.
No censorship from me. Argue to your heart's content on my post.
Thank you for making this. I hope Mr. Kill decides to talk a bit on that post of yours.
DeleteSo do I. But so far no one posted anything yet.
DeleteUpdate from my Facebook informant
ReplyDeleteBores stated that he filmed something for a "popular reality show" and it will air in a few months.
How much you want to bet this reality show isn't popular at all.
Well, it might be popular NOW, but then when Bores is on it...
DeleteOh, god, I can definitely predict those ratings dropping... XD
DeleteYou know, I think the next post, if BatDan wants to, should be a theory as to, why all of a sudden, people who were once highly critical of Bores are now becoming respectful to him and are even being "buddies" with him.
ReplyDeleteMy guess? The video Archfiend made about how James was "e-begging", among other things. Because apparently, he's always right! *sarcasm*
Thankfully, there is at least one user on YouTube who knows that Archfiend is full of crap:
And why would BigAl want to invite Bores over for a gaming night? He wouldn't play unless it's friggin' Skylanders...
You know people sure turned on James for cameoing in a Kickstarter and asking for donations(do people just not know what a donation is) but I don't remember that much hate for Tim Schafer for that Kickstarter he did for Broken Age
DeleteNor do you see people hating on Ashleigh Ball for the Kickstarter she did about a world tour with her band, Hey Ocean!
DeleteSame with good ol' Anna herself, Kristen Bell, not getting criticized for doing a Kickstarter towards the Veronica Mars movie...
Hey guys I'm starting a White Power blog. Anyone want to join? Remember if it ain't White, it ain't Right.
ReplyDelete...........are you real because seriously what the fuck is wrong with you. Also fuck your idea of a blog I love plenty of things made by non-white people
Deletefine, be a dirty Race Traitor. Anyone else?
DeleteGo fuck yourself you KKK loving shitlord. You piece of nipple clamp loving butt plug up the ass having chicken eating corn boy crap.
DeleteSo I'm a "Race Traitor" for liking coffee, toothbrushes, music, and hospitals...hmmmm so tell me Jordan Ross how do you keep your teeth clean everyday
DeleteEven the trolliest of trolls wouldn't be this stupid...
DeleteAnyhoo, been a while since we got something of substance from Bores. Who wants to bet there's not much in updates due to the excess amount of Skylanders crap he keeps uploading to YouTube?
I still can't wait for the year-end list...
At this point, I wouldn't mind if that post marked the end of the blog. Bores isn't going to bother with the Irate schtick, so why should we?
DeleteI still think the blog should end with a "Top 50" list of worst IG moments... of all time.
DeleteAnd then, BatDan could give thanks at the end of the post.
Everyone, from hereon, let's ignore everything said from Jordan Ross, aka Chris Bores. The guy clearly doesn't know what the hell he's talking about and doesn't know any better. Let me him stand in that dark corner of the room and rant to the wall for all we care... agreed?
ReplyDeleteditto. i wouldn't even waste on neuron on that imitation of a human being.
DeleteI still think "Jordan Ross" is Archfiend in disguise...
DeleteRegardless, he isn't worth our time.
DeleteI just watched it, and it honestly makes me want to watch Ghost Adventures. At least they're not as obnoxious.
ReplyDeleteJust took a look at the dark Spyro Forum for the thread of Bores. The funniest Post is #10, even they're saying his lying. Or was it one guy from here?
So, anyone got the Pokemon ORAS demo?
ReplyDeletegot the code early today, very short but fun, i got a glalie, i would have preferred the mega steelix but glalie is good enough
DeleteChris' stupidity continues to amaze me.
ReplyDeleteLast night he posted another Skylanders video, and an article about it on his site.
Turns out he wasn't supposed to do that as the figures he featured were embargoed to Thursday! Read your contracts dumbass!
He put the video on private, but on his site, all he did was blur out the picture. I just... wow. This combined with Chris believing an obvious factory mistake is a "variant", I swear at times he's doing this on purpose.
On another note, the video where he promoted his game? It's on private too. So much for "it will come back" huh?
Luckily, I have the video on hand in case anyone needs their memory jogged.
DeleteSo it is now confirmed that he is getting free toys. Perfect, we know for sure now that he is only caring about the game because he's getting something out of it.
DeleteI'm sure the video will go back up once the embargo ends. Still, good that you got a back-up.
Yep... no wonder he keeps doing them. Activision is essentially "paying" him. Which Bores neglects to mention in the video descriptions since legally he has to say if a video is a paid brand deal. OOPS!
Oh and he's got a new ghost video up. Probably won't be as amusing as this one.
DeleteYeah... yeah, he's got another ghost video up.
Although I know nothing about ghost videos, it's another commercial for his DVD. One wonders at this point how many of the 54 minutes haven't been given out. With nine days until Halloween, it's a decent guess that he's done for this year, but this blog wouldn't be here if he wasn't capable of shocking us.
Counting the seconds until the Atari 2600 HOVG...
To make it better he's getting free toys before they are being officially released. You have to wonder who at Activision thinks Bores is anyway good press?
DeleteIt also explains why he doesn't talk about the Disney Game. They aren't sending him free toys.
Delete@Isolder74 , I think it's not a matter of being "good press", but whether we like it or not, Chris Bores has a rather big fanbase, or at least had at a time, even if they were puppet accounts, so Activision must see it as a chance to promote their toys among a wide audience. That's the only explanation I can see.
DeleteJust wait until Skylanders: Ghosts comes out and they get Chris "Self named one of the leading authorities in Ghost Hunting" Bores to promote them.
Probably for the same reason Bores doesn't talk about Amiibo-- because Nintendo doesn't give him free toys.
Delete@Harrod: Well it is October and the time leading up to Halloween. Bores is obvious desperate to try and sell copies of his ghost hunting movie.
DeleteAnybody seen the trailer for the new Avengers film yet?
ReplyDeleteSo, any thoughts on the recent Nintendo Direct video detailing information about Super Smash Bros. for Wii U?
guess who came back..........sorta
And may I say, he did a FANTASTIC job debunking Bores' video-- at a time when former critics of Bores suddenly want to be friends with someone who doesn't give a crap about video games or anything else of substance. :-)
DeleteI have to clear the air. My maiden name is Jennifer Schippel. When I google my name, it often brings me to the hate posts of Irate Gamer. I am the ex-girlfriend of Chris Bores. My full maiden name is Jennifer Anne Schippel, not Jennifer Marie Schippel as somebody had done the lineage on. I was adopted, so when Chris and I dated, while his grandmother was a distant relative of mine adoptive parent, we are not blood related. Now, LadyBuggin777 really is his mother- Linda Decaro-Bores and they do not live together (as far as I know). She's borderline clinically crazy. I was with Chris when he started his "Irate Gamer" empire. Oh, the secrets I could tell. And you're not too far off from the truth that you've been guessing all along. :)
ReplyDeleteWe're very sorry to have dragged you into this, however inadvertently.
DeleteAnd congratulations on your marriage.
Oh well. We pushed the sock account theory as far as it could go. But in the end, LadyBuggin777 really is the mother of Chris Bores and NOT a sock account. Which leads me to saying this: Linda, if you read this comment, I want you to know this, if your son just accepted constructive criticism, wasn't a massive douchebag, actually TRIED to improve himself as a person, and listened to his audience, then we would've overlooked his mistakes he makes in his reviews. Did you ever wonder why James Rolfe doesn't get as much flak? Because James (unlike Chris) is a nice person, down to earth, humble, respects his audience, and despite the quality of his AVGN episodes declining, he still puts out other great content.
DeleteAnd congratulations on the marriage from me as well.
DeleteWonder if BatDan could make a post about this...
DeleteAnyway, congrats on the marriage, Jennifer!
And yes, I myself feel sorry for in regards to the situation with Bores.
DeleteHiya Jennifer.
DeleteI am curious what stories you have to tell. Though I do wonder why Chris and his mother share the same IP... is it possible he's letting her use the main IG account?
Congratulations on your marriage.
Hi Jennifer and welcome! I'd just like to say that we're all on your side here so don't be afraid to say whats on your mind and enjoy your stay :) May I ask why you decided to join now? Does it have something to do with IG's "Opening up" video?
DeleteI feel that I deserve the right to stand up for myself and the things that are being said about me online. I chose this blog because it seems to be the most popular forum talking about Irate Gamer. What a nightmare it has been to be connected to somebody who is so hated. I don't watch his videos, so I'm not sure what "Opening Up" video you are talking about. The worst time of my life was when I woke up one day to a swat team outside of my house because one of his haters went so far as calling the police and acting like Chris and saying that he was going to kill me. How scary!
DeleteYikes, that's screwed up.
DeleteDon't worry, we do not condone SWATting or "pranks" like that.
As for the video, he's referring to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYnM9hexHdA (it's 39 minutes and goes over his "career")
Holy crap, that happened? Cripes, some people are insane. I'm sorry you had to go through that. In any case, welcome to the blog. Outside of some trolls here and there, you'll find we're nothing like that. As for those stories, well... we're not gonna push for anything, but they'll probably be interesting to be sure.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteJennifer, would you know anything about Chris' earlier years, his childhood maybe, before this whole Irate Gamer fiasco came to being? If you do, please shed some light on this.
DeleteThat's probably asking for a bit much. I mean, that just goes into prying/creepy territory, I think. It'd be better if we stick solely to his IG escapades.
DeleteFair enough, man. Scratch my last post.
DeleteLadybuggin777 just posted this shit:
Delete"Oh Jennifer, the secrets WE could tell about YOU! LMAO how ironic ..... btw have you called your parents lately? :D"
Ok, you officially crossed the goddamn line. First you endorse your son demonizing James Rolfe, then you say you have dirt on Jennifer? And what was that last fucking part about her parents you psycho?
Easy, DynamiteNinja.
DeleteWhat we have here is someone whose career is
in its death throes and who must maintain the illusion of strength to save face. Even if, in this case, it means lashing out at others. Pay it no mind.
DeleteHow can I be silent about this? She could potentially ruin Jennifer's marriage/life. This must be dealt with.
Wow, no wonder you left that guy. And hey, threatening a person. Like, not just trolling, but ACTUALLY THREATENING a person. Could we get his account banned for that? I'd love for that to happen. I think this is the lowest Bores has EVER gone. Talk about desperate.
DeleteAlso, does anyone have a link to the exact video/comment? It's so I (or I suppose anyone for that matter) can report him? And PLEASE, please tell me someone's caught a screencap of that comment. This is BIG. Like, seriously, this is one transgression that will NOT be taken passively. You do NOT threaten people, especially a person's family. Like, no, not even. No more Mr. Nice Guy. And Jennifer, I'd HIGHLY recommend calling the police. They will indeed take threats against someone's life online seriously.
DeleteIt's on her Discussion page right now, but I've got a cap if anything happens to it.
DeleteI just reported him, and, if you guys wanna see him go down like I know you all do, you'll do the same. Go to this link: https://www.youtube.com/reportabuse
DeleteThen, select "violent threats", and enter http://www.youtube.com/user/LadyBuggin777. After that, scroll down to "Report LadyBuggin777's comments on channel" and put the url in there again. After everything loads, it'll be near the top. Check it, then add a comment explaining the situation.
Considering the nature of the threat, and if enough of us do it, maybe this accursed account will finally be taken down.
Here is another stupid antagonistic comment from LadyBuggin777:
Delete"Oh please, IG suck bloggers, get a grip! I am on very good terms with Jennifer's parents and always have been, she on the other hand has not, well we will just leave it at that! No wonder no one likes that silly blog, more like drama king idiots, always blowing everything out of proportion. Jumping to rediculous conclusions, which never make any sense what so ever. LOL Clucking angry hens running around like your heads are cut off! GET A LIFE, goof balls! ~"
Stop your goddamn lying right row, or so help us we'll run you and your son off youtube.
"LOL Clucking angry hens running around like your heads are cut off! GET A LIFE, goof balls! ~"
DeleteSays the mentally insane woman who just spends the rest of her life sitting in front of the computer waiting for our next comments. What a fantastic mother Bores has.
Wow! I'm 32 years old and somebody has told my parents on me. I'm so scared that I'm going to be grounded. I knew that was going to happen. I don't know where these posts are being made, but you can let them know that I have a very good relationship with my parents and I don't think anything said would change that. So immature, running to mommy and daddy about me. What in the world?!
DeleteChris posted two new Pursuit of the Paranormal videos. GOtta sell those DVDs!
ReplyDeleteGoing back to BigAl, Bores left a comment on his video (which also talks about Youmacon and the whole Gamergate debacle). Here's what it says:
ReplyDelete"Thanks so much for the kind words BigAl. Now that you mention it I do slightly remember something about that cactus email. Not sure how that one even got started. Don't even worry about what you did in the past. Compared to what others did, your videos were pretty tame. Honestly I didn't even remember it until you brought it up. I did enjoy your videos like the big Final Fantasy sword you made. Good stuff. I should be roaming around the Columbus WizWorld-con this year again like I always do if you are attending. Thanks again for you comments though! May good karma come your way!"
Your thoughts on this?
Hahahahahaha, holy shit his Pursuit of the Paranormal - Stuck Spirits and Praying For Them video has so much stupid in it, it's just mind blowing.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe he actually said 'Can I pray for you' to ghosts. I felt like rolling on the floor laughing, then slap myself for hearing something so stupid. XD
DeleteHere's more comments from Linda herself:
ReplyDelete"Soveregn64 is having a psychotic breakdown while he waits for my next comment as he hangs on to every work I type. This clown has nothing better to do then sit in front of his computer and type insanity for the world to see. That's what happens when you spend your life in your mother's basement instead of going out into the real world :D"
says the nutjob who encourages her son to not accept any constructive criticism.
"Skyrunner14 is starting a useless campaign which showcases his detachment from reality. That's what happens when little immature boys try to play grownup. Not much will come of his angry clucking though he is delusional enough to think it will ~"
tell that to all of batdanmn's accounts which were removed from youtube.