Who knew Bores had it in him to make a 39 minute video? *breathes* This isn’t going to be fun.
On October 2nd, Bores posted a video response to TheArchfiend, that in reality is Bores going over his “YouTube career”, and his “connection” with the Angry Video Game Nerd. It’s not a response at all.
Why did Bores choose now to talk about this? My guess, he’s not getting views anymore, so he’s reigniting old drama in the hopes of getting people to watch again. That’s not going to work if you’re just going to go back to more Skylanders vlogs and shit about ghosts.
When he posted the video, I had my reservations talking about it. But a lot of you requested I debunk it as there is a lot of bullshit shoveled forth.
I hope you have time to spare, this is going to be a LONG one.
0:00 - 1:26: Bores opens the video mentioning TheArchfiend’s video, and that it had “great points”. The video was actually Archfiend complaining that people are still hating his new friend and they need to leave him alone and to let him like Skylanders. He seemed to confuse “this is the fucking worst, plz die” with “Please go back to making retro reviews, I’m tired of the Skylanders videos”. Of course, Archfiend usually knows all the facts. Like how movies are the easiest thing to make and don’t require things like lighting, microphones, catering, make-up, equipment rental, renting land, building sets, temporary living space, people to operate all the equipment, actors, VFX work, and of course money to pay for all of this.
Chris claims he hasn’t done a video like this before because “he’s not good at riffing to the camera”. This is riffing? Well, maybe you should have scripted this, that way it wouldn’t be so long-winded and filled with “um uh um”.
1:27 - 4:40: He rewinds back to 2006 and “how it all started”. He mentions he was posting Haunted Investigators on YouTube, and that the views were “mediocre”. OBJECTION! There’s a contradiction here. Back in 2006, you were using your “Y2B2006” account, where you posted Mythbusters “parodies”, that awful “Back to the Past” short, and not actual episodes of Haunted Investigators. Rather, commercials for the DVDs you were trying to sell. You didn’t actually post an episode until 2007 (he made the video private) on your Irate Gamer channel, when you were actually getting views.
See unlike you Chris, I do research. It’s not hard to find this stuff out.
UPDATE (10/8/2014): And apparently I didn't do enough research... Seems he did post shorter Haunted Investigator videos on his Y2B2006. I just got evidence of this (see below). My mistake, I apologize. See, it's not hard to admit your mistakes Chris.
Anywho, he mentions “angry reviewing” and how he stumbled across it.
He mentions James and Armake21 (he finally realizes it’s pronounced Armake, not Armac), he subscribed to a lot of them, even e-mailed them. He never heard back but had hoped to one day collaborate with them (HA!)
UPDATE: (10/8/2014): Mike just sent me this picture of his Y2B2006 account back in August 23rd 2007.
Notice that he's subscribed to only two people. Himself, and James. Either he's lying about being subscribed to all the other reviewers, or for some reason he unsubscribed everyone else.
It also proves that he subscribed to his IG channel with a secondary account. As I mentioned below, I saw him leave comments with it. "Great Video!" he would say, pretending that he's someone else. Like a "sockpuppet". Hmmmmmmmmm.
He said he didn’t start right away because he “didn’t want to step on anyone’s toes” and do what everyone else was doing. That didn’t stop all the other people, and it still doesn’t stop other people from trying to be the next PewDiePie or Game Grumps.
No, his claim is that he knew it would lead to everything that happened over the next few years. Uh, no you didn’t. You say that now after all that’s happened, but I doubt you had the foresight to see all this.
He then goes on to say the “catalyst” for starting was a video someone posted where they asked James about all the “imitators” and other people doing angry reviews, and James responded that he was flattered. So this inspired Bores to do his own reviews. I’m not going to ask about the video as it’s likely loooong-gone.
4:41 - 5:50: Flash forward to March 2007, and he decides to do Back to the Future cause he always hated that game (uh huh). He calls the jokes corny and stupid, and he admits that he “borrowed” from other reviews because he “didn’t know what to do”. Well, if you always hated the game, surely you could have come up with some original material. Don’t try to claim “it’s my first time” as a reason to steal. This only makes it more obvious you were never a gamer.
He brings up that his circle of friends found it funny, he made more videos (Where’s Waldo, Goonies II), and that they barely got views. Say Chris, why aren’t these friends in your videos? Serious question, you really could benefit from more people in them.
5:51 - 8:36: Summer of the same year, GameTrailers had an “OutNerd the Nerd” competition. I tried looking this up and very little info is out there. A couple of the videos are still up on GameTrailers, and Derek “Happy Video Game Nerd” Alexander’s old site mentions it, but I can’t find something like an announcement page or video.
He says his few fans at the time told him to enter, and that someone from GameTrailers told him to enter (I doubt this, it’s likely just a person that had a forum account telling him to do it, not someone that actually worked with the company), and so every video from Summer 2007 was entered into this contest. They were? Cause looking at the videos, there’s zero mention of this contest. Unless he went back and removed that…but why mention that now and nowhere else? Like his biography, or the 200th video that’s pretty similar to this but waaaay shorter?
Basically, he uses this contest as an excuse for why his early videos were exactly like the AVGN’s. Well, maybe you should have put “OutNerd the Nerd contest” in them, and maybe you wouldn’t have gotten flack for it!
He claimed the people at GT told him he was going to win (again, likely just forum users, not actual staff)
Then he finds out the Happy Video Game Nerd won, and he was angry because he watched the video and “it was nothing like the Nerd”. It may have not been exact, but he did “outnerd” him, by bringing up more info, trivia, and just being a bigger “nerd”. Your videos were full of inaccurate info, likely the biggest reason you lost. Or the other likely reason is that you didn’t mark them as contest entries.
Then he claims that he heard the contest was rigged, and that James had a hand in it. WRONG! According to Mike Matei, GameTrailers did the contest without their consent and James didn’t even see the HVGN videos until after it ended. James had no hand in choosing the contests winners. They likely chose HVGN over you because his videos were better. Sure you had “flashy effects”, but his info was better, and he didn’t get things wrong.
Also, prove that he rigged it. Show us evidence. We live in a world where “pics or it didn’t happen” is becoming less of a joke.
“So he snuffed me” Just keep believing that Bores, I’m sure it will open so many doors.
8:36 - 11:05: After all that, he made more videos (Mario 2, MUSCLE) and… hold on. *looks at dates* According to Derek’s old site, he posted the MetalStorm video on August 29th. The Mario 2 and MUSCLE videos were posted before that. Man, I really wish I could find more info about this contest… like the dates and all that. http://lophatjello.com/history/
UPDATE (10/7/2014): Mike managed to find out the OutNerd the Nerd contest began in August 2007. The first IG video to come out that month was... Super Mario Bros. 2
That means he still made his Back to the Future, Where's Waldo, Goonies II, Mission Impossbile, Ghosts n Goblins, Jaws, and Temple of Doom reviews, with the full intention of being "serious", not being part of a contest, and full of material taken from other sources. Chris, the number of holes in your story keeps growing.
Anywho, his Mario 2 video got featured which meant front page coverage, side-bar coverage, etc.
But then he brings up the “pecking order” of reviewers at the time. How James was at the top, then Armake21 was after that, and the huge gap between them. Then he just keeps listing old reviewers like “Fat Man Cometh” (UrinatingTree), jedite1, SlyDogStudios, AkewsticRockr, he even mentions Spoony (who still does videos). Jeez, no wonder Bores believes there’s “not many of us left”, if these are the reviewers he asked to be in his stupid cheering scene. Learn about new ones!
“Anyway, I ended up getting featured” What was the point of the pecking order shit?! I swear, this video would be 20 minutes long if it wasn’t for the padding!
11:05 - 15:30: It all happened overnight, his inbox was full, the views skyrocketed, his sub count shot up to 11k, making him the “second most popular reviewer on YouTube”. Something he couldn’t sustain for a number of reasons.
Other reviewers watched his stuff, wondered who he was, where he came from… seriously it’s taking so long to get to the point.
The other reviewers were accusing of him lifting material, and he says “Of course I was, I only had 200 subscribers”. That’s not a fucking excuse! Also, if you didn’t want heat, you should have marked your videos as part of a contest. But you didn’t.
He also adds “I wasn’t taking this seriously”. Bullcrap, if you weren’t taking it seriously then you wouldn’t put so many pointless effects in. You wouldn’t have said in your Temple of Doom review that you put your “blood, sweat, and tears” into the “angel & devil” effect. If you weren’t taking it seriously, you would have said so a LOOOONG time ago.
At one point, he mentions “doing it for my friends“ again. I really have a hard time believing that considering he made a DVD 7 months into his “career”. Who does that?
He goes on and on about the hate he got, how the other reviewers made videos trashing him, and their followers were trashing him. There’s quite a few reasons for that Chris. You were trashing good games, acted like Mario 2 being a reskinned game was a big secret, clearly didn’t know what you were talking about, and of course that whole lifting material from others. But really, that last one isn’t the point of my blog, contrary to what some believe.
Anyway, he was public enemy #1, he was the villain, people wanted his blood, blah blah blah.
He asked himself what he should do, then brings up that he took psychology in college (the same one you dropped out of?) and felt the best course of action was to say “nothing”. Yeaaaah nooooo, that was probably the worst course of action Chris. Had you addressed the hate, that is, the people that called you a rip-off, then maybe things would have been better. Made a pledge to be more original. But you never did that, and that’s why the hate persisted.
15:31 - 18:00: Despite the hate, he decided to continue making videos and tells us we would do the same, and we would be lying if we didn’t. Or again, you could have addressed the issues people had. Sure there was hate (Silent Rob), but I’m sure people had legit criticism for you.
The MUSCLE review came out, it also got featured, people got pissed and started spreading “rumors” and “lies” (sure…) and that Bores was making sock-puppet accounts. He denies this saying he never had the time to make all these accounts. Well, you made some, like iratefanboy345, and a lot of old (likely dead) accounts that 5-starred only your videos, I’ve seen you comment with your Y2B2006 account. I’m not saying that all your subs were sock puppets, but you still partook in that.
He also brings up his mom. Chris, we know that’s you! The evidence is everywhere! “She” writes like you do, “she” disappears when you go to E3 or some other event, and of course you have the same IP address. Unless you live with her (which you deny) or she takes control of your account (which would just be sad), then it’s pretty obvious that it’s you posing as your mom. By the way, the damage “she” did to your reputation was staggering. Don’t pretend “she” helped.
Bores also brings up Eric Allen, which I can understand. Back then he was a venomous IG fan boy that went around arguing for him. He’s calmed down now and has been willing to talk to IG’s critics.
EDIT: Credit to lasersquad for exposing IG and LadyBuggin having the same IP address. My apologies for not doing this earlier.
18:01 - 21:30: At this point, only one person’s opinion of him mattered, and that was James Rolfe. Oh dear, we’re at this point.
Bores sent an e-mail to James, apologizing for “copying”, saying he didn’t mean to (that’s not what you said earlier), and some other stuff. He then claims that James replied, saying that he had “demands”. … This is new.
Apparently the “demand” was that Bores acknowledge James was his inspiration. That’s easy, why did Bores have a problem with this? He makes it sound like he wanted him to lick his boots, but this is simple. Also, do you have proof of this? Like the e-mail in question? Cause you’re making a lot of accusations without backing them up.
According to Mike, James never gave any demands. Again Chris, proof or get out.
Then, Bores brings up that his e-mail was posted online, because “he didn’t write back”.
That. Is. Wrong. Here’s what really happened (thanks to Mike Matei for informing me).
Bores wrote the e-mail to James, that much is true. The e-mail said “I will stop copying you”, and they left it at that. A week or so after, Bores posted his TMNT video, which was full of material lifted from the AVGN’s video. James learned about this, and forwarded the e-mail to Mike. Angered, he posted the e-mail online, showing that Bores LIED to them. People don’t like being lied to, that’s why the e-mail was posted.
What Bores is doing is trying to play the victim, something narcissists do when they have no real argument.
He’s also blaming James for this. I thought he knew it was Mike that posted the letter. I recall a fan boy that messaged him about it, and he said “that asshole Mike posted my e-mail”. It’s like this video is going out of its way to discredit James as much as possible.
And then he goes on about how he lost respect and wouldn't watch his videos or talk about him. Again, you copied him when you told him you wouldn’t. This was all your fault. Don’t deflect the blame.
He continues whining about how people still hated him, and that people accused him of doing it for the money. He quickly pauses to mention he “hasn’t heard that since James did the Kickstarter”. Really now? Let me change that. YOU STILL DO IT FOR THE MONEY! You’re constantly whining about views, that you won’t do retro games anymore because views are low, and that you only do Skylanders because they give you views. That’s something people doing it for the money would say! Not to mention your low quality DVDs. You left POWER RANGERS FOOTAGE on your last one because you wanted a quick buck. How many episodes does the History of Video Games DVD have? 5? Fuck off with that, you’re clearly in it for the cash!
More whining… he brings up that he’s a religious person. I’m pretty sure all religions tell you that lying is a sin. In fact you don’t need to be religious to know lying is awful. Did you bring that up in an attempt to garner sympathy?
21:31 - 25:25: He claims he understands the hate, that people might have seen him as a threat or something. I’m so bored.
He then mentions his next review was Tetris. Wait, you’re skipping some. You forgot to mention TMNT (gee, I wonder why), Yo! Noid, and Zombies Ate My Neighbors. No drama for these? Nothing on how you criticized an excellent game like ZAMN because “wah it’s too hard”? People really should have noticed back then that you didn’t know a damn thing about games.
Anyway, the Tetris review got a ton of views (probably because of it’s click-bait title, using the word “scandal”), and at one point Bores was the 55th most subscriber user on the site. I love that he still holds on to that one accomplishment to this day. He doesn’t seem to get that people don’t care now. “You were 55th at one point? What are you now? 7135?! Forget you, I’m going to find someone that actually matters now.”
More about hate, plugging Archfiend’s video again, he brings up the time James was asked about IG and he said “he doesn’t acknowledge me, I’m not going to acknowledge him” and cries about how he was such a dick. AGAIN! Mike (not James) posted the letter because YOU LIED!
He keeps blaming James for the letter, and asks “What do you want me to do, keep kissing his butt?” No, we wanted you to be honest, and acknowledge him you dumbass. I swear…
Then out of nowhere, he brings up PewDiePie. What? Yeah, apparently he questions why people didn’t accuse James of being a PewDiePie rip-off when he started doing Let’s Play videos. Oh wow this argument is beyond flimsy. First of all, PewDiePie’s first LP was posted December 2010 (some Minecraft thing). As Mike pointed out to me, this video of the two of them playing the Magnavox Odyssey (http://cinemassacre.com/2009/04/27/playing-odyssey/) was posted April 2009. Second, PewDiePie is soooooo not the first Let’s Player. A lot of people predate him. Slowbeef, ProtonJon, chuggaaconroy, ChipCheezum, and sooo many others. You probably only know PewDiePie because he’s popular and you never leave your bubble, thus you never learned that Let’s Plays have been a thing for years. Third, people don’t give them shit for doing Let’s Plays because they have their own “style” of LP. They just casually play the game, and talk about it, or about other stuff. It’s all about how entertaining the commentary is. Whether you like it or not that’s up to you.
Chris, realize that what you did back then was steal without claiming to be parody. You’re claiming parody these days, but only after years of being called a thief. This is not the same thing.
25:26 - 27:32: He then claims that he started noticing “issues” with James, “chinks in his armor”. I thought you said you didn’t watch him? You’re changing your story in the same video. Hello?
He claims that his “haters” began to “see the light”. Oh fuck off with that.
He claims they noticed “things weren’t adding up” and they saw the side of him that Bores saw years ago. … You’re talking about Mike right? Because James didn’t do anything… besides the one comment about acknowledgement. I know people have issues with Mike, is that who you’re talking about?
He then starts talking about his Mario Bros 2 review. He claims James watched it (prove it…), and then “shortly after”, James released his Mario Bros 3 review. If by shortly you mean eight months…
He claims there are “similarities”. … No. What are you talking about?
His accusation is that both are set-up like “half-documentary/half review” and both have a satanic theme. That is a bigger stretch than Dhalsim and Monkey D. Luffy at a stretchy-guys convention. First off, “half-documentary/half-review”. The Nerd’s review really wasn’t like a documentary, he was just talking about how The Wizard was an important part of any Nintendo kid’s childhood, and how it introduced the world to Super Mario Bros. 3. Your idea of a documentary was “SCANDAL! MARIO 2 ISN’T MARIO 2! LOOK AT THIS SHOCKING EVIDENCE!” even though by 2007, most people half-versed in gaming history know this! Second, the satanic theme? Well, the Nerd review said that Super Mario Bros 3 was so good it’s a sin, and jokingly pointed out Satanic images and symbolism (often going to crazy lengths like 8/5/12/12 = Hell ). All this leading to a fight with the Devil at the end. Your so-called “Satanic theme”, was putting the Devil at the end because you killed your evil twin, and thus he went to Hell. Only a tinfoil hat wearing, Alex Jones listening DUMBASS would say these two videos are similar. Other than they both involve Mario. You’re trying way too fucking hard to discredit him.
Actually, it’s not the first time he said this. He believed this way back in 2010: http://irategamersucks.blogspot.com/2010/08/bores-hits-new-low-attempts-to-own.html Good lord, this makes even less sense now.
He claims that if he did his Mario 2 review afterwards, he would have been ‘drug through the mud”. You sure? Cause I think people would bash you because your video was full of inaccurate info, like saying Toad was useless. Again, the Mario 2 video had waaay more problems than any possible plagiarism (“perfect predecessor to the first Mario”)
He brings up that he used to announce games he would review. Saying he announced Silver Surfer, and James reviewed it a month later. Wait what? That’s not how it happened. You announced Silver Surfer and Superman reviews in 2008 (Third Rate Gamer mocked this in his Battletoads video from 2008). The Nerd’s Silver Surfer review was released in 2007! Sure, it was posted to YouTube in 2008, but you’re ignoring that he used to be exclusive to GameTrailers and that videos would be there for a year before going on YouTube.
In fact, I checked the Wayback Machine. Here’s what I found from October 2008: http://web.archive.org/web/20081007023041/http://www.theirategamer.com/reviews.htm “Awaiting the Chopping Block: Silver Surfer/Superman” In fact, I recall that people gave you shit for this because the Nerd already covered these games. So you’re distorting history saying that James reviewed it after you announced this?
Oh and he mentions Superman (and Superman 64). He did that back in July 2008, before you announced it! Distorting history again. Also, you never said Superman 64.
He claims that he had to stop posting what his next reviews were because “James would beat him to the punch” That is such a fucking lie. You stopped because people were giving you crap for doing something James already did! He didn’t purposely sabotage you, you were just late.
27:32 - 30:20: He now decides to address the “R.O.B. the robot controversy”
The controversy in question involve the ending of the Nerd’s NES Accessories review, where he said he’ll eventually review R.O.B. (took three years, but he did get to it), and then “a couple days later” (it was actually a couple weeks, I checked the dates), Bores released his review of R.O.B. He still says he wasn’t watching him at this point.
“How can I put a review like this together in 3 or 4 days” Again, it was two weeks, and two weeks is possible.
“It took me a good month to put this together” Wait a month? In your trailer, you said TWO months. Either you were lying back then, you’re lying now, or you really don’t know how time works.
Or it was two months, as his second bit of evidence is that he put a clip of him choking R.O.B. in the intro of one his previous reviews. Who the hell was supposed to pay attention to that? For all we know, that was just a “fun bit”. Like that clip of you next to Doc Louis from Punch-Out, that was never in an episode. Or the clip where you parody James Bond, that was never in an episode. Or the clip of the Nerd putting a Neo-Geo cartridge on a scale, that was never in an episode. If this was your evidence at a trial, you’d be laughed out of the courtroom by the judge and jury.
To humor him, I checked the previous videos. It was in the Q*bert review, but it went by so quickly that I’m not surprised nobody noticed.
He goes on about how people didn’t care, they hated just to hate, and people still do that today. Hi Chris! And no, I don’t hate just to hate, I provide evidence. I’ve even been nice, I praised you for making a separate channel for your Skylanders habit. But then you snuffed that out by abandoning the channel in less than a month! Maybe you should look into yourself Chris.
“Let’s just discredit him anyway we can was the mindset back then whether it was true or not” Oh the irony. You just tried to discredit James multiple times without offering proof. And you’re calling your “haters” out for doing the same?
He then brings up the Odyssey. Uh oh…
He mentions how he foreshadowed it at the end, and then claims that “James got to it before I did”. … You’re distorting history again.
The Nerd’s Odyssey review came out April 21st 2009. You released the trailer for History of Video Games May 5th 2009. Once again, two weeks. I even remember in the comments, someone said to you that the Nerd just reviewed the Odyssey (and I understand why they brought that up, first console, history of video games), and you responded with “Did he? I didn’t know, I don’t watch him”. You released part 1 where you foreshadowed the Odyssey on May 8th. You didn’t “review” the Odyssey until October 2nd 2009.
The way he’s phrasing all this, he makes it sound like he released part 1, foreshadowed the Odyssey, and then James released his video afterwards. Again, that’s not how it happened. Anyone can check the timestamps.
For some reason, he claims this isn’t what James normally reviews. Uh, actually it was perfectly in line with what he talks about. He doesn’t just talk about Nintendo and Atari games, he looks at obscure consoles too. Sega CD, Sega 32x, Intellivision and Colecovision, Phillips CD-I, it was completely in line with what he does. You just didn’t know because as you claimed, you don’t watch him.
30:21 - 34:30: Nine more minutes….
He suddenly brings up Asalieri and TheArchfiend claiming they too found something wrong. … You know, I saw reactions to this video on /v/, and people that made it to this point immediately discredited it just because he plugged Asa. That is how toxic his name is.
Also, I’m surprised you’re so forgiving of TheArchfiend Bores. After all, he sabotaged your radio interview. You remember, with the Uncensored Net Noise, they called you a hack, compared you to Gallagher and Carrot Top, all because TheArchfiend told them about you? In fact, he did more sabotage to you than James had ever done. And yet you’ll forgive him? Is this really the company you want to be associated with?
Of course, he mentions those because it’s onto the “Kickstarter is the devil” portion! For the record, he used IndieGoGo, it’s a different site overall.
“Making all this money, why did he need a Kickstarter for a movie” As I sarcastically mentioned above, movies are expensive. They require all kinds of people to work on them, and people usually like to get paid for their work. Not to mention sets, locations, equipment, again movie-making is not cheap. Remind me, how much did you spend on Pursuit of the Paranormal? Didn’t you say you emptied your bank account trying to get it on TV?
“I don’t fault him for using Kickstarter” If you don’t fault him, why did you make the “spoof” video? Okay, that was two years ago, maybe he finally realized crowd-funding has benefits.
And apparently that’s kind of true now, as he mentions the Reading Rainbow Kickstarter and believes “education comes first” or something. So you only care for Kickstarter if it’s for educational purposes? Then why did you write up two articles about Mighty No. 9 on your site? That’s not an educational game.
Oh my god he mentions the Cheetaman II Kickstarter. James got nothing from that! Neither did Pat the NES Punk or the Game Chasers! They did the video because they were asked to! But people prefer to ignore that because rabble rabble rabble…
Apparently to Bores, he thought James was bragging. … How? I didn’t see that at all.
And that “bragging” was the whole point of his “e-begging spoof” as that’s “exactly what he did”. Do YOU feel that way, or are you just aping what TheArchfiend told you? Because I recall him crying about James “bragging”.
“I don’t hate the guy” … But… *sighs* Moving on.
And he just keeps going on about how people were “second-guessing” or “seeing the light” or whatever.
He claims people were asking if “this really happened”. Can you prove this?! Because unless you prove all this, it sounds like another made up story. Show us the e-mails!
Blah blah blah blah, YouTube has changed, angry reviewing isn’t a thing anymore, people would rather watch “celebrities”. What celebrities? Do you mean PewDiePie? Do you not notice how HUGE gaming is on YouTube now? You could have evolved with the times like James did, but you refused to, you stayed in the same rut, and your new content of “talking about Skylanders” isn’t winning new viewers.
He mentions Asa and Archfiend, and he’s glad they “mellowed out”. Asa, mellowed out? If stalking is your idea of mellow, then I don’t want to know what you think “angry” is.
“If you still think I’m a douche, it is what it is. If you still want to hate me, go for it.” Okay. … As long as you keep making videos.
And so into the last five minutes:
He claims he’s “content” with what he does now, bringing up Skylanders (ugggh) and ghost stuff that will be posted in October (the perfect alternative to Ambien), and that he “does the channel for himself”. So you don’t care about your fans? Called it!
He mentions History of Video Games, saying it’s been shot but he needs to edit it. Why are you still trying that?
As well as I Rate the 80s.
He says his problem is the lack of time, and how YouTube has changed. … Maybe you should take some time to research the current trends. Start doing Let’s Plays. “But my job” You teach people how to hunt for something that’s not real! Playing video games for the internet is a better use of time than that!
More crying about how he doesn’t get views these days. Again, you claim you’re not doing it for the money?
He also brings up how he works with the community and does charity. Why bring this up? More sympathy?
He keeps going and going about how he learned so much, how he went to E3, formed relationships with Activison, Sega and Nintendo (only one of these matters considering they seem to be sending him free garbage), learned to do interviews (they’re still terrible)…
“I don’t hate James, I never hated James” But but but… but…. You just.. Nearly 40 minutes… ugggggh the video is just about over.
He once again goes over his point, that James “screwed him over”, deflecting the blame away from him.
“There’s stuff I can’t remember right now where people are all *weird sounds*” Let’s see, all your research errors, your poorly-written reviews, the fact that your modern “reviews” are only from an hour of playing, the stolen footage on your DVDs, that god-awful abortion of a story arc, oh and what you said about Justin Carmical. I’ll get to that in a bit.
“I apologize if I offended anyone, but it’s YouTube. It’s not the movies or TV, it’s YouTube. Get over it”. You can’t say that in 2014, when internet entertainment is starting to take over. Netflix originals, YouTube talent is starting to get noticed more often, this isn’t 2008 anymore. If you do something terrible, people will still call you out, no matter what medium. TV does get misinterpreted too (complaints about the last two episodes of Doctor Who being racist and pro-life…)
Blah blah blah he thanks the fans, they watched him “grow up” and he wants nothing more than to entertain. No, it’s still clear you only want money. If you wanted to entertain, you would still be doing retro reviews. The thing that fans keep asking for you and you keep ignoring.
Ugggggggh. Where do I begin?
First off, WHERE IS THE PROOF? A lot of what he said was just his own word, he didn’t provide any evidence. Well, some things he did. He happened to have the image of him as the 55th most subscribed user on YouTube, and his Tetris review having lots of views. But James’ so called demands, the contest being rigged, he provides no evidence of this and just expects us to swallow it.
And the whole time he tries to act like he’s the hero, like how people “saw the light” and began to question everything and oh my god it was so bad.
I find it strange that he cries about the “OutNerd the Nerd” contest being rigged, but his contests were no better. I mean, one kid won twice, because he was a major IG fan boy and was nice to his “mother”. And when Guru Larry confronted Bores about it, he gave a very rude reply. Nice guy huh?
Of course, he brings up crowd-funding. Does he not know the movie is real? Does he still think James took the money and ran? Because the movie is out there, on Vimeo, with a Blu-Ray/DVD release sometime soon. Why didn’t he bring this up? Oh right, because it would show he was wrong about everything.
And for a video about his career, one site was strangely absent. GotGame. Why no mentions of them? They gave you a ton of free shit. All those modern consoles and games, they handed to you on a silver platter. And you say nothing about them. Does GotGame mean anything to you now? Or are they just your golden ticket to E3 and more Skylanders coverage? If someone at GotGame ever reads this, drop him. He’s doing nothing for your site now. Why did you even pay for his blog? He never talks about video games.
By the way Chris, are you ever going to apologize for what you said about Justin “JewWario” Carmical? Or do you not understand that what you said was offensive?
Now, people are speculating that this is Chris’ final video, and I can understand why. Everything about it screams “I’m done with YouTube, peace out mofos”. Well, we’ll just have to wait and see. Eventually he might post something new that’s not fucking Skylanders. Maybe I’ll mock one of his new ghost videos, if it isn’t the most boring thing ever.
And that, my friends, is that. I’m going to go lie down now.
I get the feeling that the reactions on this post are going to be... Rather interesting... *grabs the popcorn*
ReplyDeleteWell, I know it was painful, but I'm glad you went over this sad excuse for pity Bores calls a video. Thanks Batdan, and, if this is indeed the last thing he does, it will have been one hell of a ride.
ReplyDeleteIf this is indeed the last riffing of Bores you'll do, you went out with a bang dude.
ReplyDeleteGood job, you forgot to mention one thing: Asalieri only until recently used to mock him readily and now all of a sudden is best friends just because he doesn't approve of James' newer content and making money to support his business.
ReplyDeletePfft, what business? Youtube is not a real job.
Delete@Jordan Ross
DeleteThe IRS and every other government that gives a damn about its tax revenue (protip: all of them) consider youtube a job. But you know, just parrot other people's un-researched talking points and it'll save you against anyone with any real applicable knowledge of what a definition is or how the real world actually works.
Smosh makes money and sell merchandise through Youtube everyday. People often visit Youtube to watch product reviews before buying a certain product. News networks such as Al-Jazeera and CNN have channels on Youtube. Even indie video games are using praises and quotes from Let's Play gamers like Markiplier and PewDiePie to promote their games. Who says there's no business on Youtube?
DeleteGood post, except for the pathetic defending James "E beggar" Rolfe. How can you possibly support his money-hungry ass? I'm NOT trolling, I'm asking a legitamite question.
ReplyDeleteI know a movie is expensive, but I saw his film, and my God it was awful. It looked like the budget was $600 dollars or less! So I'm just wondering, how did he piss away all the other cash that sorry morons donated? What he did should be illegal.
Delete"...lighting, microphones, catering, make-up, equipment rental, renting land, building sets, temporary living space, people to operate all the equipment, actors, VFX work..."
I think Batdan summed it up nicely.
It's also worth noting that the movie is in itself a homage to the cheesy B-grade movies that inspired Rolfe. Down to the visual effects, the acting, you know. Just a thought.
There are a number of things I could say to you, but frankly, I don't want to waste the time, so I'll let Jeff Bridges handle it for me.
@Jordan Ross
DeleteWho are you?, and Where did you got your information of when you stand for? because i get the impression you just only believed what eric gaede spewed before, which i may say it has been pretty much DESTROYED and debunked by people with good on their hearts!?
You guys are missing the point. He was BEGGING for money. He was taking money from his fans, people who trusted him. It doesn't matter if they did it voluntarily, the fact that he did it makes him a greedy sack of shit.
DeleteYou keep using that word, do you even know what it means?
You're acting as if the word begging is the same word for extortion. Even in legal terms what you're saying is stupid.
Oh and dodging the question as to the sources of your information to try and instill fear by focusing on what you said instead of whether or not it has any basis in fact. Do you know that Gamergate is going on right now? You probably should since Eric was in on that but FYI people like you are called shills aka cronies.
DeleteDo your own damn research and try to be a self-directed learner. Maybe then you could express your point without coming off as a raving lunatic too fixated on a single dot in a massive picture.
Took money from his fans? I happen to like AVGN, and he didn't "take money" from me. I didn't want to donate money for his movie, and... here's a secret... he didn't come to my house and held me at gunpoint for my money. Seriously, he didn't.
DeleteYou sound exactly like one of the Archfiend's drones. No opinion of your own, just eating up what ever Bores and his best buddy Archfiend say.
Delete@Ignacio Puppo
DeleteDoesn't matter. He had plenty of money from his videos and he just asked donations like a pathetic little coward.
@ZeldaFan Very creative username, retard. Anyway, and you and the rest of you idiots sound like AVGN fanboys.
Still, the blogpost was good, right? Seemed like you were going off track there and attacking us for no good reason. I would hate to think that that was the case.
DeleteBut anyway.
It's a good thing you have access to all of his accounting information so you could measure his revenue against his expenses and make those judgments.
DeleteMaximilian got over 8,000 bucks on his twitch account just for playing video games. he didnt beg people to give him money. he just said if people wanted to donate, they were free to do so, just like james. i like james and i didnt donate because i dont have the cash to spare ATM. so some people dont seem to understand the difference between begging and donations.
Delete@Jordan Ross
Delete"Very creative username, retard"
Says the guy who can't even think of his own username and just uses his real name.
"you and the rest of you idiots sound like AVGN fanboys"
DeleteAnd with paintbrushing the party is all here. Seriously Jordan, ever consider how self-centered and totally bigoted you are behaving? This is literally group-think you are committing here. Because we don't agree with your lack of justification, we're apparently all people you hate. Oh well from now on I'm ignoring the shill.
DeleteHe's still a faggot for liking a little girls' show. Look at his fucking profile picture.
People who try to use 'Faggot' and 'Retard' as legit point of reason do not deserve to have Opinions.
Delete@Jordan Ross
DeleteLol. It's funny that you couldn't find any actual bad things to say about ZeldaFan so now you resort to making fun of his avatar. Who's the 'pathetic little coward' again?
Got to love how Jordan Ross says "I'm not trolling" then immediately trolls repeatedly with ad hominem remarks about peoples' screennames and intellectually lazy generalisations about "AVGN fanboys." The so-called legitimate criticism isn't one, it's the ramblings of someone who hasn't got a clue how film production works and also has no concept of the term 'begging'. You can't reason with someone like Jordan because he himself is not reasonable in any way.
Deletealso, it says something about a person when they have to resort to ethic and racial slurs as a form of argument. by which i mean a total lack of intelligence.
DeleteZeldaFag is a pathetic brony who clops to horses. He's a horse-fucker. People like him should be banned. Bronies are the cancer of the internet.
You said it. I believe that this Jordan Ross chap was dropped on his head when he was a baby. The dude loves disrespecting handicapped people just to make himself feel better.
Delete@Jordan Ross
DeleteYou know, you're really pushing it. The only really shady thing James has done is endorsing that awful Cheetahmen Kickstarter, and even then he apologized for it when it was clear Mike could not control the backlash, something Bores has never done when his actions come back to bite him in the ass.
James' apology made things somewhat better to most who criticized him, but I still think he shouldn't have touched that kickstarter, as it did damage his reputation a little. And yes, I am one of the many who questioned, harshly, that endorsement.
Does that mean I hate James now? Of course not, why should I? He effed up with that and had the balls to admit it, Bores has never done that.
Anyway, you're just grasping at staws.
Hi, Chris ... new name?
Delete@ Jordan Ross
DeleteOkay now you are just changing the subject and you are trying WAY too hard to make Zeldafan look bad. Grow up, kid. XD
@Jordan Ross Now I'm fully convinced you're trolling. Like calling me a 'faggot' and a 'horse-fucker' is really going to offend me. As if I've never heard that before. Do something better with your life, bro. No one here gives a damn if I'm a brony. From now on, I'm ignoring you, and I think the rest of you guys should do the same.
Delete@ZeldaFan If you are a brony, just leave the internet. Also this is my way of saying I'm getting off for the night.
DeleteYou know what's staggering, though? The amount of support Bores is getting in the comments of the video. I'm seriously just in shock that there aren't many commenters calling out his lies and complaints.
ReplyDeleteAgree, it's hilarious because he offers no proof, it's just his word.
Delete"I've a newfound respect for you", what the hell?!
And it seems like people forget that they're watching a video made by Chris Bores, a guy that's proven himself to be far from an honest and professional person.
Deleteyeah even people who say there were haters of him now say they have respect for him. but why?
DeleteI'm sure there were tons of comments calling him out. He just deleted them all.
DeleteHim deleting comments I'm not so sure on. Because I have seen comments calling him out that are still up. He could be, though. Wouldn't be too uncharacteristic of him.
DeleteDoesn't he have the power to edit them or is that just his website? Either way I find it very creepy that anyone has the power to edit whatever you say online. While I may not agree with most of the crap people say every day it just feels like someone was violated by having what they said changed into something else.
DeleteYou can filter comments on YouTube. So he basically has the potential to have nothing but positive comments on all of his videos. Whether he does filter them or not, I have no clue.
DeleteFunny, I posted a negative comment to Bores' video, calling out his hypocrisy. Guess what? It's still there...
DeleteI'm seeing quite a few top comments that are basically calling him out. I guess maybe he doesn't.
DeleteAnd I'm just as shocked there's so many POSITIVE video responses to Bores and Archie!
DeleteOh BatDan, after following you for all these years of courage and dedication you have, i just wanna say/
ReplyDeleteThank You!.
Your wittines and input as well as pointing out the truth really did a lot for us, and we are all glad for it, i myself very glad for your work you have done so far, and i support your decision if you want to finish your road now.
Thanks for all these years, and i am sorry for all the roadbloacks you had to suffer and the obstacles and the lies filled with venom spewed by Eric and his cronies before inside and outside of this blog, you overcome those my man, and i am very proud of you.
Thank you so much my man.!
P.S. are you ok if i link this article to a friends of mine?.
Thank you
DeleteAnd go ahead, share to your heart's content.
Thanks Dan, you are one of my friends.
Deletegreat post dan i have to say this was your best blog on irate gamer ever and i know how tough it was for you to make it but you did a great job going through every detail of his bullshit video and i cant wait for more posts from you and keep up the good work
ReplyDeletegreat post once again.
ReplyDeleteBtw Ignore Jordan. He is not worth your time. Espically when he once types hateful shit like this.
Delete"People need to stop sympathizing with these retards. This kid is apparently proud to be a social jackass. Seriously, autistic people are destroying this country."
Where did he post that?
Deletesome video named this
however, it is much easier to find if you look at his posts. just click his name and "click posts and scroll down. you will find it
I have my own beliefs. Respect them.
DeleteI am respecting them, by acknowledging that they're yours and that they're terrible.
DeleteAs someone with an autistic brother, i can safely tell you to piss off with your hateful bullshit
DeleteAs someone with Autism, I can safely tell you to go fuck off somewhere.
DeleteWhy on Earth would anyone respect your views when they're devoid of respect themselves? If you want respect, earn it by not writing absolutely uneducated hatefilled nonsense. Most autistics are far higher-functioning, more intelligent, and more valid contributors to society than an attention-seeking little twat spamming childish insults on a blog because he doesn't understand how money works. Pathetic.
Delete@Notorious B.I.G.O.T. Says the guy with "bigot" in his name.
Deleteyou are one to talk about bigots considering you are being bigotted to Austistic people
Delete*looks at Google+ page* Among others, apparently.
DeleteI would advise people to stay away from the ever classy character assasination card but looking at the google+ page is disgusting. Holy fuck! Hey sociopath, have you considered self-monitoring? Your narrative of being a reasonable person with an opinion to be respected is coming apart at the seams!
DeleteGreat post BatDan. And to Bores, you can slander James and Mike all you want. But words are just words. They're not solid when you don't have evidence and credibility to back them up.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to believe the same, but since now it's popular to hate on James and his movie... people are falling for this garbage. DId you read the comments on Bores' video? Most of them sided with Bores, even though he provided no proof of anything, and... and this article speaks for itself. Sadly, it's Bores video which will get more views.
DeleteI don't think its popular at all. Has a very pitiful amount of views and certainly way less than AVGN gets. The only reason why there hasn't been a backlash is because people just don't give a shit. Knowing that AVGN has haters and that there still are people stupid enough to give Irate Gamer a second chance (out of the dozens he's been given already) doesn't stop AVGN fans from just enjoying the content they like. Eventually the anti-AVGN crowd will takes the silence as a sign that they're bullshit is tolerated, overstep their bounds and then get smashed by the overwhelming majourity. It's happening to the gaming journalists now and we don't need gamergate to show us this is what happens to baseless minority hate groups. Heck this website is actually worth more money than irate gamer's youtube page. Irate Gamer's youtube page has fallen off the alexa rankings! That means that over 30 million other web pages are worth more than Irate Gamer's.
DeleteWhile I feel hesitant to drag starwars into this, hate is like the darkside, its shallow and ultimately fulfilling. Criticism is what brings change and improvement. Chris and the anti-AVGN crowd have been ignoring criticism from day 1 and look where its got them... rehashing the same complains they've made several years ago.
It's amazing how idiotic a lot of Bores and Archfiend fanboys are. The worst thing James and Mike have ever done was ask for online donations. What have Bores and Archie do? Make sockpuppet accounts, lie, be hippocritical, whine, act immature, treat their fans like shit, harass people, and host rigged contests. I still love how James just disregards it. It's the best thing to do.
DeleteDont forget that Bores made an offensive comments towards Justin Carmical (Jewwario) suicide, and REMEMBER THIS MY FRIENDS, the one who started this bullshit since 2012 to begin with was none other than Eric Gaede "Asalieri" a guy who has all the sins that you listed, plus real life stalking and attempts of sabotage by sharing the pirated version of the AVGN movie and still having the nerves to "review it" afterwards.
Oh and the fact that Asalieri has quite crossed the line a few to many times with shocking shit that he thinks are jokes like the "wolvie video" when he paints his detractors as creepy furries, the masturbation joke on a video of a youtube craft video that had a women with her children, using a shotacon picture to describe AVGN fans, the pedophile joke he made in his Jfreedan parody (the dipshit ceaser video) when he takes his daughter and claims that is "his wife" making fun of otakus as pedophiles, (and just to remind you, his wife was A-OK with that video) and of course, the clip of a cat being killed on screen in the jontron RaR.
And people still think they're better people than James and Mike. I don't know much about Asalieri, but from what you're telling me, I don't think I want to.
DeleteYeah, in fact James might have a case to sue Chris Bores for slander, but I doubt he will do anything about it. Like he needs to. His website is now worth over a million dollars and he has ten times more subscribers and five times as many views as Chris Bores.
ReplyDeleteI didn't think of this until just now, but I bet it was a severe blow to Bores that he's not one of the many online reviewers who appear in the AVGN movie in one montage or another.
ReplyDeleteOh, and fuck Mike Matei. That is all.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what people got against Mike Matie? Can someone please explain?
DeletePfftt...you're only saying that because you have nothing else better to do, Ross.
Delete"Get's asked to do research and then links to Archfiend's un-researched and now un-reputable video"
DeleteWhat? Jordan Ross is evolving?
Jordan Ross became a shill.
Don't worry buddy, if you work really hard you can become the 10 dollars brigade.
and mike matei gives not a single fuck if people dont like him. which is good because the best thing to do about hate is to just not give a fuck.
Deletekeep doing you, mike. i still love ya.
DeleteYou are Archfiend, or Invisible Crane or Asa in disguise?, even for a troll you couldn't be THIS passionate.
@Kiki Qhualqon
DeleteFor all we know he could be silent rob. I've seen some of his Youtube posts and he seems to have this unhealthy hatred for bronies. Nah, scratch that, even rob, despite being a total douche, wouldn't stoop this low.
I've commented on several of Mike's videos and not once did I encounter any problems. You're lying through your teeth because you're still clinging onto the Uncyclopedia paradigm that Mike should forever be flamed over the shitty Minecraft/Inspector Gadget video and how he handled it. That was years ago, get the fuck over it you idiot.
Delete@Kiki Qhualqon
DeleteJordan kind of reminds me of Archfiend more than the others.
While I don't like Mike either, I have no beef with James. What I still don't understand why James should also take responsibilities for Mike's actions.
DeleteJames has his own family, his own life responsibilities, it's not like he's actually joining in with whatever he does just because Mike manages his stuff. Anything Mike does should only be Mike's responsibly.
Isn't Chris' job working retail at a craft store? I swear I heard that somewhere recently
ReplyDeleteI do find it hard to believe that running full-time ghost hunts in a non-tourist economy could pay the bills, unless maybe it was done by someone with exceptional showbiz skills or with non-speculative access to actual ghosts.
DeleteBores, since his mass exposure in 2007, still acts like he used to back then. It's just changing HOW he does it more recently. A couple of things he hasn't learned (and should have by now) is humility and respecting others. As I said before, even if his videos are still lackluster, I can still respect him if he has shown more consideration to his/the gaming community and act more mature (that's some pretty generous slack if you ask me). However, since he does nothing but act like a bad sport, it's understandable if anyone still finds it very difficult to Tolerate Bores. That change can honestly (and it's even one of the simplest changes to make) earn more respect and/or fans. Of course, Bores being Bores, I wouldn't hold my breath on that happening.
ReplyDeleteAs I said before, the kind of associates Bores has now (who ironically became more well known thanks to bashing him) is really all he'll ever amount to, not realizing that the more reputable gamer earn their respect and admiration legitimately. If these "friends" of his actually had common sense, they'd tell him the same thing about treating others with consideration and respect will have him earn some in kind; of course, they're just as ignorant and hateful as he is. These kind of friends don't look like the kind I'd want to hang out and play games with.
I did not comment on your post on the other recent article, but i feel like i have to say something after reading this.
DeleteI wonder if you truly realize how much of a hypocrite you sound like. Almost every post you make talks about chris not respecting others and about how his friends as well as himself are so hateful.
It is really hard to take you seriously when you talk about humility, respect, and consideration in one paragraph, then immediately transition to blanket statements with plenty of sarcastic overtones about how worthless he is.
I am not defending chris and i respect your opinion about him as a person, but even you have to realize how ridiculous it is to go to great lengths talking about how the "Irate Gamer" needs to stop being so hateful on a website called "IRATE GAMER SUCKS", then immediately make hateful comments. Come on man.
Do you even know what blanket statement is?
Delete"I am not defending chris and i respect your opinion about him as a person"
By calling evidence a blanket statement. Seriously though, is it Irate Gamer apologist week or something?
"then immediately make hateful comments"
Because criticism = hate. You do realize that gamergate is going on right? Perhaps you shouldn't be doing the very thing that the internet community is absolutely pissed about right now? Perhaps try to not overly generalize things while pretending that your opposition overly generalizes things?
I guess my point wasn't obvious to everyone. The reason Bores is still hated in the community is because he refuses to understand their feedback. He could've redeemed himself (at least partially) if he acknowledges the legit grievances against him and not resorting to acting like an immature fool. My point is that, since he fails to do even that, he's making it very easy for his viewers to criticize him still, and deserves the negative image he's built himself.
DeleteOn the off-hand chance that Bores or Irate Gamer supporters read all the comments, I'm basically saying "We think that the Irate Gamer is terrible, but you/he can prove us wrong by changing all of the negative traits pointed out here and show us an IG with quality." Of course, Bores being Bores, still shows why this blog exists in the first place.
@Mr.Kill Ultra My issue is that alot of people that comment on this blog (yourself included) either do not know the definition of criticism or just outright refuse to accept what it means.
DeletePlease explain to me how calling someone worthless is criticism in any way. It is not. I dont give a shit if you want to hate the man (i mean come on lets be realistic what site were on), i do however care if someone masks flat out hatred.
I know it might seem strange to see someone arguing about something like this that isnt defending chris or avgn or whoever, but im not a bleeding heart IG cronie. I just dont like hypocrites. If you want to spend every waking moment wishing death on IG or perhaps you only want him to get hit by a bus, by all means fire away, but i just dont like to see someone spew hate and claim its merely criticism when its anything but.
"even you have to realize how ridiculous it is to go to great lengths talking about how the "Irate Gamer" needs to stop being so hateful on a website called "IRATE GAMER SUCKS". Bores removes criticism from his channel comments, video comments, facebook, website and twitter. That's why people post their criticims on this blog. You must be new here.
DeletePlease read my recent post as it goes over most users very liberal and loose definition of "criticism"
Delete@whoazer I find it funny how you say people don't know the difference between hate and criticism, when InAnimateGamer said nothing hateful, and just pointed what IG could change to gain some respect. You are either blind, or plain stupid. GG, but no cigar,
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Delete@whoazer Criticism is about analyzing, classifying and interpreting someone's "work". Irate Gamer dropped the "Gamer" aspect from his channel. You don't belive me, please watch his videos. People subscribed to IG because they want to see Irate Gamer, Irate Gamer Neo, History of Video Games and Irate the 80's, as advertised on his channel description. If you don't belive me then check his video comments. InAnimateGamer pointed that out and he is right. I don't see any hypocrisy or false criticism there. IG is doing Skylanders because views (his words). He's doing AVGN drama because he has new friends now (people who started by bashing him). Sad fact and no matter how you wrap it. If you don't realize that then i guess you need some help.
DeleteSo saying someone is worthless counts as hatred? Are you nuts? Do you know what the word worthless means? What worth is there in the harassment that Irate Gamer puts out?
DeleteAre you honestly attempting to concern troll?
"As I said before, the kind of associates Bores has now (who ironically became more well known thanks to bashing him) is really all he'll ever amount to"
DeleteThat is what i had an issue with specifically. Basically said he was worthless. And yes worthless is hatred not criticism because of one thing.
Criticism is a two part process. You tell the person why, how, where etc he sucks. That part, people have down very well. Part two is where most people fail to follow through. Criticism is only criticism when the quality or thing you are criticizing can be improved upon in some way.
Saying someone is worthless is not criticism because of that. There is nothing to improve upon or redeem because you are basically scum of the earth. Now while some of you certainly feel that way about mr bores, thats good old fashioned hatred, not criticism.
Im using that instance i quoted as an example for other similar posts i have seen recently, just in case you think im getting my panties in a bunch over one sentence.
It is ridiculous that i have to explain such basic concepts.
Whoazer... you have now received the following achievements worth 0 gamerpoints (2 for 0G):
DeleteEnglish 101 fail (0G): Failed to define or understand what the word worthless means. Perhaps the saying "don't quit your day job" is in order.
Business 101 fail (0G): You earn this achievement for telling people who are supposed to be entertainers to keep doing what they're doing even when it earns them zero respect and gives their product (videos) no extra value. You're the kind of person who puts ketchup on everything, including car tires and other inedible objects, because clearly "worthless" isn't a criticism to you!
Alright Real-talk? Get a dictionary! If you say someone is being worthless or is worthless it means they haven't done anything worthwhile and should redirect their efforts. The method to improve is implied. Here's some homework; find the criticism in the following: "YOU SUCK". But seriously though, stop concern trolling. You clearly are trying to expose a moral flaw that doesn't exist.
"Criticism is only criticism when the quality or thing you are criticizing can be improved upon in some way.
DeleteSaying someone is worthless is not criticism because of that. There is nothing to improve upon or redeem because you are basically scum of the earth."
I'd argue that being the scum of the Earth gives one the most room for improvement, despite how bleak it sounds.
If you read the theory I made on Irate Gamer that Dan posted last month, you'd see what I mean.
I'm glad you took the time to recap the entire 39-minute video, Batdan! I actually had the strength and attention-span to sit through the entire thing, but it was just so tedious and full of lies and hollow statements. I may be overemphasizing the whole thing, but I believe this recap may be the best post you've done since starting this blog.
ReplyDeleteAlso, if this is truly the last video that Bores does (even though I think he'll continue to make more in the end) which means that you'll stop writing blog posts here, then I must say that I will be a little sad but still happy due to the effect that you and your posts have had to everyone here. You have provided us all with years of enjoyment and humor in the way that you criticized and picked-apart Bores' videos one by one.
So if this is truly the last post you write up, then let me say thank you for what you have given us all here for the last five years and good luck wherever life may take you next! Take care! ^_^
Oh yes, I forgot to take note of how much difficulty would be involved in covering this gargantuan pile of crap that Chris put out.
DeleteThough I'm surprised that you didn't bring up that Chris has attempted to claim that AVGN plagiarized him before on his Irategamerfan345 account.
*gives slow clap*
ReplyDeleteI applaud you for that post, BatDan! You had a lot of bravery and courage to sit through a 39-minute video of Chris trying to make James look bad-- I watched more of the video, and I got up to over 15 and a half minutes before tuning out.
This may be the worst moment of 2014 for Bores after all.
And I can't imagine if (and how) Bores will apologize for that lame-ass comment about JewWario.
You know, maybe we should all ignore Jordan Ross. He's not worth it like that other guy. We might make things even worse. Beside, he seems like a guy that doesn't listen, it's like playing Piano to a cow. No matter how good you're playing, he just won't listen.
ReplyDeleteWait, he doesn't had power here.
DeleteStill not worth it though.
That's how trolls operate, despite his laughably half-arsed attempts at persuading us he's not a troll by saying "I'm not trolling" then trolling immediately afterwards. A few years ago, before I discovered this site, GameDude trolled several articles relentlessly (and to his very limited credit he actually didn't try to disguise his identity) so it's not unheard of for a Youtuber to stoop this low. Many have speculated that he's a sockpuppet used by Asa, Archfiend, or maybe even Bores himself. Either way, he's getting what he wants - attention drawn towards himself and away from the topics discussed in the article. Sure, it doesn't actually achieve anything tangible or practical, but it means he can fistpump to himself and claim he's winning a non-existent fight while farting into a plastic chair in his parents' basement. Small mercies, I guess.
DeleteIs GameDude even still a thing? I'd doubt it, since he's become even more obscure than Bores.
DeleteChris has 30,862 subscribers now.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteNo sorry my mistake! That's views for his "Finally Opens Up on AVGNFinally Opens Up on AVGN" video....not his subs. Silly me
ReplyDeleteOh. It's okay. ^^;
DeleteBores's latest video in a nutshell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UvUcueg-IA
ReplyDeleteActually, given the combination of hatred with a total inability to convey anger despite being "irate", I think this video's a better representation.
Cheers, BatDan, for taking the time to debunk this painful attempt at self-victimhood by a desperate hack who can't even be bothered plagiarising anymore. Using facts, evidence, and non-hysterical arguments to make your case which - of course - has been responded to with the exact opposite tact by one of his thankfully depleting fantards on here.
ReplyDeleteBarack Obama is a fan of Chris Bores.
ReplyDeleteAnd his approval ratings drop even faster.
DeleteKeep your political bullshit OUT of this.
DeleteTo be fair, prior to being a traitorous hypocrite, the Archfiend criticized James Rolfe, he actually was very fair and had good reasoning to his arguments. Especially with Mike "The Coward" Matei
ReplyDeleteHey Jordan. You might want to look up inoculation theory.
It might help you when it comes to not making archfiend look like an asshole and definitely make it look like you weren't inspired by him to come here and be a jackass. Just a little friendly advice before you inevitably disregard it and post something stupid again.
Look if you're going keep calling Mike Matei a coward for deleting comments(I know that's part of it) then start calling Archfiend a coward because he's deleted comments, and I know for a fact he's deleted my comments, even one where I apologize for calling him a whinny bitch.
Delete@JRizzle8921 Makes me wonder how the hell he still has fans. Some people are so daft and ignorant of Arch. Just... why. Why?
Delete@Jordan Ross
DeleteThere's a difference between criticizing and talking shit out of your ass. Archie has always been the latter.
I feel sad for the person that wrote this, and every single person that has wasted an ounce of energy worrying, researching and contributing to this site. What a complete and utter waste of time. Think about how much time, effort and thought you have put into the creation and maintenance of a website that promotes hate. How long did it take you to write this particular entry?!? Seriously, what purpose does it serve? Now think of all the good in the world you could have done with that time and energy, think of how you could have impacted the world in a positive way instead of breeding such negativity. It's truly depressing and sad that so many would rather spend their life hiding behind a computer attempting to hurt others instead of helping one another in the real world. Move on already.
ReplyDeleteAppeal to bigger problems fallacy and stereotypical views of opponents. Hey buddy, what have you done for the world lately aside from injecting more black and white into it?
DeleteSo, responding to Bores's negativity with a negative blog post is bad, but responding to that post with a negative comment is okay?
DeleteThe whole "omfg-stop-hating-and-get-a-life" argument never works. We all love this site because we love seeing the downward spiral of one of the most hateable douche bags on the internet
DeleteThis site will never go away if Chris keeps making his half ass no talent videos, the end.
if you dont like this blog, why are you here? that's like me saying "i hate shit sandwiches" but i keep eating shit sandwiches. no one's forcing you to sit there, click on the link, and read the words on the screen.
DeleteIn other news, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U has an official release date now.
Interesting. Japan got the 3DS version before us, and we're getting the Wii U version before them. Also, Europe got the 3DS version the same day we did, but will get the Wii U version a day before Japan does.
DeleteBTW, on Bores' new video, he has 1,958 likes and 269 dislikes.
ReplyDeleteMan, people are so blind to Bores' douchebaggery, aren't they?
All the more reason why this blog should exist. The censorship of the pro-IG side is quite strong and perhaps the only reason why Irate Gamer hasn't been run off youtube. That and general apathy.
DeleteI think out of the hundreds of thousands of fans he had; 1,958 are left, and then there is us :)
DeleteActually either way Bores comes out with getting more exposure. For youtubes algorithms likes and dislikes are treated exactly the same so the only way for bores to not get exposure is to pretty much induce apathy.
DeleteEven if Bores gets quite a bit of exposure with his latest video, he's still in the shadow of someone else, who's certainly not losing any popularity and momentum anytime soon (especially it being Monster Madness month).
DeleteConversely, by Bores and associates acknowledging James Rolfe, they're indirectly supporting him as well. Even if they're all hitting the dislike button on his videos, they're still providing him with views. They can try to ignore him, but I don't mind seeing them continuing to make asses out of themselves.
Also, why do so many people hate Mike Matei? I don't know the guy and have never spoken to him before, but I've seen his videos and think they're pretty decent.
ReplyDeleteMainly shit spewed by Eric Gaede, back when people were pretty much worshipping him as "the savior of the internet and oh he is so smart and funny".
DeletePlus Mike's early videos weren't good for the most part.
It's very easy to hate someone you don't know. Even easier to demonize someone you don't know.
DeleteBecause not everyone liked his Minecraft/Elmo movie review, and especially how poorly he handled the backlash.
DeleteBut this was kinda long ago now that I think about it, and I don't think Mike has really done anything like that again since. But still grudges were made.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteIf I recall, people like Archfiend are blocked from posting on James's channel.
DeleteWhy else do you think he still has a vendetta against them?
Geez, the way users such as Jordon Ross bashes autistic people reminds me of one of those elitists at Retrojunk who does the same exact thing.
ReplyDeleteHe's a troll, he begs for attention, pretty much like the Archfiend.
DeleteNew/old news on gamergate:
ReplyDeleteTotal biscuit is officially pro-Gamergate after initially wanting to stay neutral but joining after it became clear the media were deliberately trying to suppress information/being bigots.
Dell executive says all gamers are isis... and then gets his ass beat by all the other executives for being a moron. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/843/630/4b0.jpg
Gamesautra has lost a large number of advertisers, including intel and UAT. Gamergaters are currently focusing on getting Sears to cancel advertising for some reason.
The media is outright blacklisting pro-GG developers (because that's how you show collusion isn't involved right?) and refusing to comment on the actions of anti-GG members. A pro-GG member was a member of the department of defense and was doxxed. The FBI and department of defense are now investigating the stupid anti-GG members that are trying to harass and intimidate others.
Pretty much the first two paragraphs literally make no sense but thanks for trying you clearly had it written out beforehand regardless of what my reply would have been.
ReplyDeleteI have explained three times that i dont care that you "dont care man" and hate chris bores and me, and whoever else is unfortunate enough to post a comment that you dont agree with. You truly and completely missed the entire point of this.
I have seen alot of your posts and its pretty clear you seem almost incapable of having a rational argument or even conversation with people you disagree with.
I dont recall attacking you personally, just trying to explain my position. I "aint even mad bro" but i will admit i am a bit frustrated that you basically dodged the topic at almost every point, and whether that was intentional or not, i guess congrats?
Im not claiming any moral "high ground".
It is kind of funny to sit back and read posts as a neutral party in a blog like this. Im not going to sit here and try to get some sort of last word satisfaction by ending this with "you can say whatever you want im going to leave this blog and never check it again" because that would probably be a lie. I might reply if i truly feel like it would add something to this conversation, but its pretty clear that you are very set in your ways.
"Pretty much the first two paragraphs literally make no sense but thanks for trying you clearly had it written out beforehand regardless of what my reply would have been."
DeleteWhatever helps you sleep at night man. Just pretend anyone who disagrees with you is unreasonable. That's definitely gonna help you understand the situation.
"You truly and completely missed the entire point of this"
What point? You haven't made one that wasn't rebuked. What hate have we spewed? What harassment have we done? We haven't done anything and all you're doing is operating on assumptions. You don't care! You're a concern troll!
"I have seen alot of your posts and its pretty clear you seem almost incapable of having a rational argument or even conversation with people you disagree with"
Except I have, but hey just make blanket statements.
"I dont recall attacking you personally, just trying to explain my position."
Well you just did now. That counts for something.
"Im not claiming any moral "high ground"."
Except you do when you claim that we're haters. You haven't been reading anything we've written. You don't even know what criticism is. AND WE'VE asked you to define it. Instead you've written tangent after tangent of stuff that is at best cherry picking.
"Im not going to sit here and try to get some sort of last word satisfaction by ending this with "you can say whatever you want im going to leave this blog and never check it again" because that would probably be a lie. "
AND this is why you fail. You pretend that we hate you. What was it again about generalizations that you were preaching about?
Pretty sad how Joradon Ross keeps ignoring Ultra's replies.
ReplyDeleteI actually did explain what criticism is. I actually explained and tried to point out almost every random thing you have quoted. I do like how you think you can pick and choose what to quote and what not to in some attempt to derail the entire conversation like you have been doing this entire time
ReplyDeleteLooking at your post, word for word, its literally all fluff. You accomplish nothing and dont even bring up any points. Every reply basically proves my point that you cant have a single conversation on this board without instantly being aggressive. I guess its some kind of reflex mechanism or something?
Like i said, i did not intend to leave the conversation but its pretty obvious that you are completely beyond help or reasoning. You just keep replying to anyones posts that dont fall in line with your perfect little world with immediate smugness and aggression. Do you know what doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is defined as? Insanity.
I will leave you with this though. For as much as you and whoever hates chris bores, and ill say this for what? the 4th time now? I dont care that you hate him, go ahead, hate away, i have no feelings good or bad about him, that is not the point, (but again, you have already proven multiple times now that you are incapable of "getting it")
But i want you to realize something. You are replying to, and submitting comments on a "regular basis" (key words there) about how much you hate a man that by all accounts has never really done anything outstanding or memoriable in either the gaming, youtube, internet, ghost, or anything community. The irony of this is that if this blog was never created, and if all you people would never argue (oh wait sorry, "criticize") every little thing this man does, he would have probably faded into obscurity by now, and your wishes would be fulfilled.
Kind of funny if you really think about it. For a man that is apparently so worthless, he has an entire blog dedicated to him. Hate or not PR is PR. You comment on a regular basis (again, key words there, just making sure that sinks in) about a man that hasnt posted a worthwhile irate gamer video in years, and who basically only makes skylanders videos now.
You know what, the more i think about it. You win. Ill let you return to your kingdom now.
"I actually did explain what criticism is."
DeleteWhy yes you did and then didn't define it correctly and pretended that the action plan to fix the problem pointed out by the criticism cannot be implied.
"I actually explained and tried to point out almost every random thing you have quoted."
You did not. Don't lie. In fact you have skipped entire paragraphs of what I have written. Let's start with what you skipped:
"Do you even know what blanket statement is?" - status: not answered
"You do realize that gamergate is going on right?" - status: not answered
"Perhaps try to not overly generalize things while pretending that your opposition overly generalizes things?"- status: you continued to overgeneralize things
"Do you know what the word worthless means?" - status: you answered with a definition that was wrong by all accounts.
"You earn this achievement for telling people who are supposed to be entertainers to keep doing what they're doing even when it earns them zero respect and gives their product (videos) no extra value"- status: you refused to read it and assumed it was an auto response.
Numberous accusations of concern trolling- status:You haven't even shown that you know what concern troll is and haven't shown that you are here to actually discuss things by not cherrypicking or using generalized statements.
"You clearly are trying to expose a moral flaw that doesn't exist" - status: continues to imply a moral flaw exists without making a clear link or using any real evidence beyond, "hey you guys do it, don't say you don't do it".
"What point?" - status: continues to argue a point that has been rebuked. Specifically rebuked on the grounds that it was cherry picking and used confused and very vague definitions.
That was three whole comments and more. You couldn't read or bother to understand 3 whole comments.
"I do like how you think you can pick and choose what to quote"
And you didn't either? What was your second comment? You're still going on about the usage of the word "worthless" which means something devoid of value. It doesn't mean that it can't ever be worth something, it means that the actions being taken or the current product is devoid of value! You don't read, you don't do the things I asked you to do. You are what you hate. You say things that don't apply and consistent fail to put effort into understanding anything. How can you blame us for not seeing what we're doing when you're entire argument runs on a fallacy and blatant cherry picking? Heck you haven't replied to any of the others, who I should note have made very good counter arguments too.
Just because I'm acting aloof and esoteric doesn't mean I don't understand what I'm saying. When you casually ignore many many important points your opposition makes to just repeat yourself, you've shown that you honestly aren't interested in a conversation to begin with. You wanted to be condescending and you're surprised that people reacted negatively towards your condescending. I'll repeat this again, Gamergate is going on right now. People are tired of seeing the same shit again and again. Just because you repeat an argument does not mean it is correct or even worth addressing. You say you've read my posts but you don't understand me at all. You continue to call this blog a hate blog or that people are engaging in hate speech but you're more interested in labeling us; Thus showing that you weren't here to understand. You demonstrated that you were here to see the world how you wanted to see it and that self serving bias is something you are unable to overcome. You're making more and more accusations of moral failings just so its more justifiable to you when we don't understand. Who are you trying to convince? Us or you? Because we've had this argument brought to our comment sections before... and the arguments were just as cherrypicked and generalized as they were here.
Delete"Ill let you return to your kingdom now"
See what I mean? If you really were here to be nice then why call me a white knight? I called you a concern troll because you're attempt to say we have no morality made no sense. You were given ample time to do something other than repeat yourself. If you don't want to understand the diversities of other cultures than start by not being a condescending jerk who thinks a subgroup must inherently be inferior or morally incorrect. You don't even know why this blog exists, that's a key sign you don't actually understand us at all.
"You comment on a regular basis (again, key words there, just making sure that sinks in) about a man that hasnt posted a worthwhile irate gamer video in years"
Here you mock us for essentially being activists. You demonstrate ethnocentrism because you refuse to believe other people's endeavors are worth anything. For someone trying to preach tolerance that's unacceptable. Just because you don't care doesn't mean we can't.
"For a man that is apparently so worthless, he has an entire blog dedicated to him"
Yeah for pointing out his mistakes... BECAUSE HE CENSORS EVERYONE.
Oh and I'll do the research on concern troll for you:
Deleteconcern troll
A person who posts on a blog thread, in the guise of "concern," to disrupt dialogue or undermine morale by pointing out that posters and/or the site may be getting themselves in trouble, usually with an authority or power. They point out problems that don't really exist. The intent is to derail, stifle, control, the dialogue. It is viewed as insincere and condescending.
*whistles* Love how you smackdown the trolls Mr.Kill. Keep at it!
DeleteHey, Whoazer? You still gonna cherry pick to desperately prove a point?
DeleteI had a brief look at my Youtube subscriptions to see what Cornshaq was up to. Hooray, the paranormal crap is back.
ReplyDeleteOh goodie, he posted a 'teaser' of Pursuit of the Paranormal. Why did it took a year for him to post this? Potatoes.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, I laughed at 1:05-1:07 where Bores tries WAY too hard to look cool but taking off his sunglasses, trying to act like he is a model. Dude, you are in a Documentary, not a Michael Bay film. Also, he gave one of the worst angry stare I've ever seen in his videos.
And oh my god, he STILL uses cheap video clips and special effects from Particle Illusion in his film! I love how Archfiend says he hates the AVGN movie for looking extremely cheap WHEN HIS "BUDDY'S" "MOVIE" IS NO BETTER!
Also..."And even on one occasion, ghost hunters were able to capture a shadow person on video, standing at the tower's railing. *Person pops out*"
Dude, we know that person popping out is actually you. You do that all the time. You keep claiming that there are shadows in ALL of your paranormal crap videos when it's actually you standing at that location, use After effects to make yourself look 'ghostly' just to get a cheap jump scare from the audience. Oh wait, NOTHING IN YOUR VIDEOS IS SCARY!
Ugh. No wonder only 12-20 people show up at his premiere that day...
I might be looking too much into it, but could it be he's taking advantage of this "Oh IG, now I sympathize with ya" wave to try to recoup his losses from the movie? "Remember my movie? Well, since now you like me, here, let me remind you where you can get it!".
DeleteRegardless, Judging from his comments about Jewario going "to hell" for what he did... if he believes in heaven and hell, doesn't that imply he doesn't believe in ghosts?
@Ignacio Puppo
DeleteIrate Gamer has ridden on the "I'm the victim, please sympathize with me" wave before. And considering that Chris really loves formulas and patterns, I'm pretty sure he's doing it right now. Why else would he still be peddling the narrative that the AVGN sicced the hounds on him?
As for ghosts, well remember that people can get stuck in the living world if they have too many regrets/hatred and so the bullshit story goes. There are two things worth pointing out though. Given Chris's sociopathic christian religion posts as ladybuggin777, its clear that Chris believes in the christian version of the afterlife; which would mean that you immediately go somewhere when you die (limbo/purgatory, hell or heaven). Thus it makes no sense why he would believe in ghosts (though this can be explained as a separation of physical and spiritual beliefs... ala the method that religious scientists use). The second is that given his highly religious beliefs and his... statements on certain tragic events... its clear that Chris believes that when you die you get judged immediately. Thus why is Chris calling the anomalies ghosts? There are no such things as "human" GHOSTS if you are devout christian. There are only spiritual beings. So his show should be spirit hunter not ghost hunter, even the separation of physical and spiritual believes wouldn't relieve Chris of misjudgement here as this count as heresy. It's a core belief that people don't become ghosts!
"Given Chris' sociopathic christian (sic) religion..."
DeleteI seem to recall his Facebook listing him as Buddhist...
It's kind of hard to take him playing the victim in his one-sided conflict with James Rolfe seriously when he only started acknowledging James publicly while the anti-crowdfunding bandwagon was at its peak.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I love how he displays a Batman: Arkham Origins cushion on the top of his shelf in the video when he doesn't own the actual game at all because I remember he doesn't have the money to buy the game itself (Yet he can buy Skylanders figures and playsets) and that Gotgame never send him a free copy? What a phony.
ReplyDeleteI find it ironic Chris being a "ghost hunter" and I find it hard to take Chris seriously trying to talk to ghosts. If I was a ghost I would not want to talk to the most loathed person on YouTube. I think it is ironic that he was a college dropout and he pretends like he has expertise in this field.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't call him the most loathed person on Youtube. That title goes to people like DSPGaming and Sam Pepper.
DeleteSorry, but even DSP has his own shtick and is an actual gamer, unlike Bores. And he's suppose to be loathed, because he's the "King of Hate", and is doing a damn fine job at it too.
DeleteTrue. Not to mention it's utterly hilarious to see him fail at games. My sides were hurting when he was playing the original Super Mario Bros. on NES and he ran right into the first goomba in World 1-1. Seriously, who the hell does that?
DeleteJaakko does this as well... as you can see in DLAbaoaqu's text commentary on him.
The one and most important thing I need to see is solid proof that those "demands" exist. If Irate Gamer can provide evidence of such, I'll not only believe everything he said in his video, but bow down to his will.
ReplyDeleteBut thankfully, that'll likely not happen. But I could end up eating those words.
I love how you people call me out on my beliefs. I'm not racist or bigoted. I'm a purist who believes in a society free of retards, niggers, spics, faggots, gooks, and Democrats. THEY'RE the real ISIS. God originally made humans white, but when Cain sinned against God by killing his brother Abel, it turned his skin dark, making him the first nigger. If it ain't white, it ain't right.
ReplyDeleteHitler's ghost is haunting this blog apparently.
DeleteEither Jordan Ross is trying to scare us into not being racists via inoculation theory or he's easily distracted.
DeleteRemind what ISIS, racist proverbs and ethnic/politcal cleansing has to do with AVGN or Irate Gamer again?
It's comments like this that flat-out prove he is trolling, I'm not willing to believe people like this exist.
Delete"Says he's not racist, immediately used n-word."
DeleteI bet the ladies are just ALL over you, huh?
DeleteI know that feeding trolls isn't the answer, but I must admit that things (not people, THINGS) like Jordan do make my day just a little brighter.
So Jordan, if you ARE a troll, thanks for the laugh, from the bottom of my heart. If you aren't...ditto!
ahhhh jordan. people like you are dime a dozen on the internet. the "not racist" racist. i'm not offend by his words. i'm just bored. why? because he's a typical, average, run of the mill. there is nothing special or informative in his words or actions. he's just common trash. hell, i'm not even sure "he" is human. i'm sure he just sort of came together in a ditch somewhere to form something that looks and acts human but lack any and all qualities that define a human being. so guys, i'm not gonna say "feed the troll" because he will never stop being a troll. its all he knows. it's sad really. we are what he wants to be but never can be: functioning rational human beings with people who love and care about us.
Deletegetting into a discussion on beliefs and facts with jordan is like a guy (jordan) trying to fight a M1 Abrams tank with a pellet gun. in fact, calling jordan a HE is too nice. from now one, jordan ross is a "it". so let it say whatever is on its pretty little mind. it wont matter because it (jordan ross) doesn't matter.
Bores playing the victim card? And blaming it all on James? Didn't think he could stoop even lower. Nice work on dissecting this pile of bullshit Batdan. I've been following for 5 years and though I don't comment as much as I used to, I still enjoy the blog. An applause towards your dedication my friend!
ReplyDeleteAlso read Lazersquad's blog and was stunned at how bad Asa got. I guess when /v/ thinks your poison, its probably a sign you should move on to other things.
Asa is literally a plague. He always feels the need to have his name said, so that it would spread everywhere and not go away anytime soon. And is always proud of the drama he sparks, when it should be nothing to be proud of.
DeleteAnd I think we should do what Armake21 once said... "AVOID HIM LIKE THE FUCKING PLAGUE!"
DeleteAbout the wisest words Chris ever "borrowed" from anyone.
DeleteAnother thing that bothers me.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Chris ever mentioned that he ever stopped "borrowing" from other reviewers either. Which means that he possibly "borrowed" stuff from other reviewers up until his final episode.
Which also means that he's basically confessing on video that he was earning profit from stolen content for years, which is unlawful. There's NO justifying this, how does this warrant him a "move on" from hatred. This actually opens a new can of worms.
DeleteIt also doesn't help that Chris gave an official "I never plagiarized anyone" for a long time before and after the email leak. So him saying that plagiarism was blown out of proportion is ironic considering it very much was deserved. Plagiarism is massive offense and admitting it now is too little too late.
DeleteHere's the thing, BatDan. It's a damned if he does, damned if he doesn't scenario. Because of douchebags like you who to this day cry over this guy like a rejected ex. Get a fucking life dude.
ReplyDeleteAh, you must be one of Bores' asskissers. :D
DeleteOr are you either the Archfiend or Eric Gaede using a sockpuppet account? :D
How is it a damned if he does? If Chris took the effort to do his work with effort then batdan wouldn't be able to write anything negative. If anything it took less effort to plagiarize and not write a decent plot. You're absolutely right though, he's damned if he doesn't because as hell hasn't been been doing anything that requires real effort. He sure isn't damned if he does though, because if did do his work and his research then there wouldn't be anything damning to begin with. But go ahead and label us as unreasonable people who don't see merit in anything, its not like we've been asking and recommending that Chris stop trolling and get back to being entertaining.
DeleteActually considering these guys come in a 1 on 1 basis, I'm not surprised if its just one guy changing his alias and coming back to repeat the same thing again. We've had people crazy enough to do this before (Ozzyman, Piter, karbia, charlie). What's with Irate Gamer fans and redundancy?
DeleteI'm willing to bet my money they're all Chris Bores. Next time another crazy ass shows up here and causes trouble, let's wave and say 'hello' to old Chrissy.
DeleteI don't get how anyone can really criticize James for his Kickstarter to help fund his movie. It isn't like the movie was done entirely in his house from the looks of it the movie is pretty grand in scope all things considered. And it wasn't like James put out an ultimatum saying: "Fully fund my kickstarter or I'm done with the AVGN and Cinemassacre forever!" His plans would have changed but he'd still be putting out entertaining content even if the kickstarter failed.
ReplyDeleteI thought BatDan said he used IndieGoGo...
DeleteKickstarter, IndieGoGo same concept.
DeleteYou know what the funny thing is? People like Archfiend, Asa, and can't seem to understand why people don't want to side with them. I can sum it up as such: I have no interest in listening to people who wear their pessimism and cynicism as a badge of honor. I look at James who finds a great deal of happiness in entertaining others and makes an effort to be as friendly and affable as he can be to all he meets. Regardless of how I feel about his content, I tend to side with him on the grounds that he's the most well adjusted and down to earth person in this "conflict". Even someone who I absolutely abhor like PewDiePie falls into this field. His videos are mind numbing trash, but he genuinely cares for his fanbase and enjoys entertaining them.
ReplyDeleteChris and his ilk content themselves in lying, bullying, and harassing others, all while claiming that they're the acting out of a twisted sense of justice. It's like they took lessons from that shithead who harrassed Buzz Aldrin while he was at a hotel (you know... the one that got jacked in the jaw). Why would I want to side with people like that, even if they WHERE in the right? James has moved from where he was years ago and they steadfastly refuse to do the same.
If James Rolfe and Mike Matei were to disappear from the face of the earth, what would they do? Bores would spend all his time doing victory laps, but Asa and Archfiend and many of the other bitter narcissistic on the internet will just find someone else throw their bile at.
If you work hard and you're nice, good things will happen to you whether or not your content is of superb quality. These hold no ground when it comes to people like Chris or Archie. One who loves to lie and cheat his way up the ranks, the other who enjoys slandering and gossiping about people he dislikes to garner attention. People like Chris, like Archfiend, let's even add in DarkSydePhil will always be the garbage of YouTube because of their negativity and hatred towards everything they encounter in life.
DeleteI hope you guys still reading comments here cause.......
Man i missed you a lot.
Curiously I took a look at Chris Bores Facebook page and I don't know if his fans are just in denial or if people are just stupid in general because the comments they leave are mind boggling. How can one support a man like Chris? I'm sure he filters and blocks out all his haters but still, there's like 50+ comments of "You rule!" "Keep doing what you're doing!" "James Rolfe sucks!" when there should be 50+ comments of "YOU SUCK!"
ReplyDeleteDoable came back to slap some senses to anyone who believes da bores!
A 39 min video? Possibly one of Bore's longest video yet. Of course if it involves shameful mud flinging he is always on the ball for that even though he sucks at that too
Of course you suck at ripping in front of a camera, we all know that from your E-Begging spoof where you parodied your own self which is ironic. Also you suck at ripping in camera because you spend most your time ripping on fake sock puppet youtube accounts like LadyBuggin777
Say it, say there were Angry Video Game Nerd reviews. You know damn well those were the main presentation. You even state they had the most subscribers and views later. In fact throughout the whole video it seems views and subs were more important than anything else to him even though he says he did it for fun and friends. Yeaaah right.
Yes of course James was doing it. He was the main angry video game reviewer. Don't go on naming other reviewers like they were anything important to you. I know your habit of naming off names to try and distract us from what is really on your mind.
Okay stop saying how there were over 100 or about the other reviewers. You know damn well it was JAMES ROLF THE ANGRY VIDEO GAME NERD that got you into reviewing and you ripped him off.
And here's the clincher that got me screaming at 3:27 what I said previously. Yes I remember that video or email about James Rolf (The Angry Video Game Nerd) saying that he finds it flattering tha tother people are doing angry video game reviews. But here you say that that is what made you think it was okay to make angry video game reviews. Huh weren't you, your sock puppet accounts and your measly band of internet trolls rabidly stating that there were angry video game reviewers before AVGN? Why start making angry video game reviews when James Rolf said it was "okay to imitate him?"
I mean he said imitate him not blatantly copy the guy in the most lamest way possible. So tell me Chris why the hell did you start making angry video game reviews only when AVGN said it was okay and not do it when there were already angry video game reviewers before AVGN according to you and your cronies because AVGN the way I see it was a genuine reviewer of his own right and theme.
Borrowed from other reviews? You mean you blatantly ripped off AVGN's words, actions AND his videos. You did not borrowed from other reviewers stop your bullshit.
ReplyDeleteYou said you used many of his traits to out nerd the Nerd during this contest but why are you still doing them in all your videos that came after?
You don't understand how HVGN won the contest when it was "nothing like the [Angry Video Game Nerd]."
Of course you think like this since you are a plagiarist who doesn't understand witty writing, good/funny acting, and detailed research. You think the most plagiarized AVGN video would make you the winner. Even if that was what the contest was about you would still lose since you suck at that as well.
You were not a lock for the winner. Don't flatter yourself.
Where's your evidence that the contest was rigged and James had a hand in it? Any credible evidence will do. There is tons of evidence that LadyBuggin777 is just another sockpuppet account that you use to troll.
He didn't snuff you. You are just being delusional.
I just noticed something. Go to YouTube and search for this video. Look at the thumbnail for it. Pretty much sums up the entire video.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your insight for your fantastic posting. I’m glad I have taken the time to see this.
ReplyDeleteMike Matei
Thanks for sharing, nice post!
ReplyDeletePhục vụ cho nhu cầu vận chuyển hàng hóa bắc nam bằng đường sắt ngày càng lớn, dịch vụ vận chuyển ô tô bằng đường sắt và vận tải, gửi hàng hóa gửi xe máy bắc nam bằng tàu hỏa bằng đường sắt cũng đã xây dựng nên những qui trình, dịch vụ vận chuyển container lạnh bắc nam chuyên nghiệp và có hệ thống. Đảm bảo mang đến chất lượng tốt nhất cho khách hàng sử dụng dịch vụ.