So he’ll be reviewing X-Men. If it’s just the NES game, then at least he’s talking about an actual bad game. He also seems to be doing a theme of games based on Marvel Superheroes going by his last review of Silver Surfer. This would work if he did weekly or bi-weekly videos. But he doesn’t. He shouldn’t try themes at his output rate.
One thing Chris did before the review’s release was boast about how he was playing FIFTEEN characters. For the sake of this recap, I’m going to count each one.
The video is also over 10 minutes long. Brace yourselves, it’s going to be a long one.
0:00 - 0:30: Our video begins at Stock Footage University, I mean the Castle of Evil with the Evil Gamer reporting to Ultra-Generic Shadow Villain. It should be noted this his first appearance in nearly two years. What a great villain! Their “master plan” is ready and… cue theme. Wow, that was quick. No complaints here.
Characters: 2
0:35 - 0:54: We cut to IG’s house where we see sprites of a Koopa Troopa and the Albatross from Mario 2 . The point? Just another attempt to convince people he’s a gamer, that and DISTRACTING EFFECTS WOOO.
As a continuation from last time, he takes his copy of Silver Surfer, and throws it so hard that it defies physics and makes it outside to hit Not-Wilson. Hmm, hitting Not-Wilson with a game, is this his attempt at an on-going running gag? Because it’s not really that funny.
Characters: 4 (yes I’m including IG as a character)
He notes that since he’s on a comics kick, he decides to check out X-Men on the NES. Like I said above, that idea only works when you make videos on a much more consistent basis. Not when you take months at a time to make just one.
0:55 - 2:11: “Along with being one of my favorite comic books, X-Men finally comes to life on the NES” Finally? This game is 23 years old! How is it “finally” on a… never mind.
He notes that there are five stages (technically four as one is obviously a tutorial level, it’s even called “Practice”) and decides to do one of the main ones. He points that you can play as one of six X-Men. Leading to… oh God.
We then cut to a roll-call with Bores playing each member as they were portrayed in the movies (black leather costumes). Using green screen effects to color his skin for Nightcrawler, Colossus (looking nothing like him) and Iceman. Shockingly, he also dresses as Storm. I say that since I had a realization that he’s never played a female character, like in that panicked city scene in RoboCop or the Colorforms video where he only dressed as Harry Kislevitz but not Patricia. Granted, all he does with Storm is put on a white wig. There’s also some crickets chirping for some reason and “she” says “to hell with you all”. I don’t get it, is that supposed to show people’s stunned silence or disappointment? Or does Bores just think Storm is a lame character? Well, I remember he called Storm a bad character in his review of MvC3, only showing how much of a non-fan he was of that game. Maybe there’s something else involved.
By the way, that’s a really lame Colossus impression. THIS is how you do a Colossus yell:
Characters: 10
He notes how each X-Men has a special skill, then he gets to Wolverine and notes how his is a weak punch that kills him easily. He calls him a pushover, causing Bores-verine to appear and say “I resemble that remark”. IG then, no joke, swats him away past the other four male X-Men. As in flying across the room. It’s also a really poor effect since both characters are played by Bores. Swatting Wolverine across the room, that just screams “Mary Sue” at the top of a mountain.
As for the other four X-Men, good lord this looks stupid. Seeing Bores in identical leather costumes with very little difference between them. All that’s different is the skin tone and the glasses on Cyclops!
IG then asks the others if they have any problems, and they all do that awkward collar pull that’s often done on The Simpsons. Reducing the X-Men to cowards, another check for the Mary Sue list.
2:12 - 3:17: Continuing his complaint on Wolverine, he calls it blasphemous that they reduce the most popular X-Man to this. Then he brings up that Colossus is the exact same thing, and also looks less like Colossus and more like Captain Planet. This causes Pitor Bores-putin to walk away in sadness. This is really lame.
He brings up that Nightcrawler is also a puncher but he can’t teleport, but then sees him walking through walls. IG screams, then notes that’s not Nightcrawler’s power, that’s Kitty Pryde’s power. Causing Bores-crawler to face palm.
“That’s like taking a shit in your brownie mix” TOILET HUMOR! He still does it!
“Did they even read the source material here?” Considering it’s LJN, one of the absolute worst followers of source material, that’s a very likely no.
He then asks “What’s next? Making Storm a white chick?” and we see the very white and male Ororo Bores-roe reading from smutty Twilight fanficition, I mean Fifty Shades of Grey (because referencing that book isn’t old) and “she” yells “Just leave me alone!” Is it me, or does Chris’ portrayal of Storm only have one emotion? Bitchy anger. It’s coming off as kind of sexist.
EDIT: Fixed Storm's name, thanks starofjustice.
3:18 - 3:58: “Where the hell is the quality control in this shit” Look, I know referencing LJN is the thing that other guy does, but other reviewers have done it too. Most retro gamers know LJN is synonymous with crap, and the leading cause of “licensed games = bad”
But forget that, it’s skit time!
IG is getting worked up and wants something to drink. He orders Bores-crawler to get him one, and using the powers of jump-cuts and After Effects, teleports out to get him water. IG yells at him for forgetting the ice and somehow throws his NES controller at him. Despite still being connected to his console, and it somehow loses the cord, as well as gain a weird white boarder around it. It’s like physics are non-existent in his little world.
He orders Ice-Bores to give him ice, so Ice-Bores… drops trou and literally shits out an ice cube into his cup. That was disgusting! How can his fans sit there and claim he doesn’t resort to toilet humor? This is the type of gross-out joke the AVGN would do!
Oh, and IG takes a drink from his cup and finds it “refreshing”. Again, how does he not resort to toilet humor? Please, tell me. The evidence is pretty strong in my case.
*sighs* Moving on.
3:59 - 4:59: He continues with the game and notes the objective is finding keys (complete with green circle). He shows a part where gets killed by a door.
“You can get killed by a door?” Yeah, it can crush you. Familiar with that concept?
Then a wooden door flies in and hits him. Okay, I’ll admit I didn’t expect that. Wasn’t funny but in the right direction.
He goes into how the game forces a second computer-controlled player in, and notes how the A.I. is really bad. Honestly, the review portion isn’t horrid. Granted, it’s nothing new but there’s not much to say about this game that hasn’t already been said so… yeah.
IG dies again and again due to the random respawns and poor computer A.I., causing him to facepalm. Okay, enough with the facepalms, it’s getting really redundant.
5:00 - 6:51: After his multiple deaths, Bores-clops walks in and offers the Game Genie. Do you HAVE to cheat in every single game? Just once, beat a game legitimately! I know X-Men on NES sucks hard, but the point is to persevere through the bad controls and garbage graphics just to see that shitty ending.
Anyway, IG summons the Game Genie, once again played by him (just keep rubbing that salt in, I still prefer Brad Harp, he’ll always be the best Genie. Despite his shoddy acting).
Characters: 11
IG commands him to “do his thing” and so he… gives IG a beard. Wha? What sense does that make?
“Whoops, wrong code” What the hell kind of code is that? Oh right, I forgot that in his stupid world, the Game Genie alters reality as well as games. Then why call him a Game Genie? That’s just a regular one. Plus, if he had that power he could do more than the actual Game Genie cheats.
Also, didn’t the Genie have some evil revenge plan? No, I’m not letting that go.
IG cheats his way to finding the keys and faces a stage boss, this one resembling a combination of Quick Man from Mega Man 2 and Captain Boomerang from the DC Universe (this is my comparison, not his. He’s not that clever). He complains that this isn’t an X-Men villain, and wonders if there’s a real one like Mr. Sinister, but then remembers he’s in the Silver Surfer game. Oh hey, referencing a previously reviewed game. Progress!
EDIT: Turns out the Boomerang boss is exactly that, a villain called Boomeraing. He's an obscure Spider-Man villain, and according to the manual it is him. I'd question why this game would include him, but LJN. Thanks to starofjustice for pointing this out.
He beats the boss, and explains how he has to leave the stage before time runs out. He does the same scream he did earlier because… he can’t comprehend the concept of a Load-Bearing Boss. Have you ever played a fucking Metroid game? That’s how Metroid Prime begins, that’s how most (if not all) Metroid games end!
Look, I do think it’s counter-productive to make players walk back the entire stage after beating the boss, but you sound like you’re not familiar with this common video game trope.
IG goes over how the rest of the stages are the exact same thing (I can see actual X-Men villains like Juggernaut and Sabretooth), except for level 2 since it doesn’t have keys. Then he does a weird face and thumbs up, and the Trollface appears over him. I’d say he killed Trollface, but rage comics did that a looooong time ago.
Wait, was that weird face his attempt at Trollface?
6:52 - 8:29: He reaches the final boss, Emma Frost (before her Face-turn) but notices she has shape-shifting powers. IG freaks out because that’s Mystique’s power. Look, by this point you shouldn’t expect consistency. No reason to frea-
Of course, IG does another scream (because Rule of Three), and continues to rant on the inconsistencies, then notes one of the enemies looks like Gleep from the Herculoids. … No they don’t, they nothing like Gleep. He even provides a picture for comparison but I don’t see it.
“That’s right, I went old school for that joke” Good for you, have a cookie. I totally didn’t bake it with thumbtacks.
He reaches the ending, which as you might guess is all text. However, the game is not over as Bores-clops tells him there’s a secret 5th level that can be accessed by a button input code. IG does so, sees the level, growls at Bores-clops, and *sighs* activates the Power of Inferno. Might as well call it the Power of Marty Stu. The, ugh, Inferno turns his shirt red and starts creating power things in his hands. Then Goro shows up out of nowhere, and leaves when he sees what’s going on. That seemed like a reminder that character still exists. Do I add him the tally? Nah, he’s just a sprite.
IG fires the things on his hands at Summers, and reverts back to normal. Defeating Cyclops with ease… actually Cyclops can be a jobber so I’m not counting that as a Mary Sue moment.
Before he continues the game, IG notices his cup is empty and asks Ice-Bores for a refill. He unzips his pants and pisses into the cup. … Do I even have to say it?
8:30 - 9:33: IG wonders why a game would only allow their last level through a secret code (Oh hey, an actual legit point) and wonders where one would find it (read below) and lists off possibilities like the manual, his ass (shot for the ladies I presume) and between the couch cushions. Between the cushions he finds his Orko action figure and yells at, ugh, Little Cousin Joey. He briefly appears coloring in an old Nintendo Power magazine.
Characters: 12
By the way, the code to the final level is on the front of the cartridge. Granted, that’s a pretty terrible place to put it, but the developers at least put it somewhere. I found this info on MobyGames, a good place to do research.
After complaining some more, Ice-Bores shows up says it could be a cool Easter Egg (it’s not). I’m not sure if that was a pun or not. Either way, IG doesn’t approve and punches him so hard that he shatters. Wow, if the Irate Gamer was in the Marvel Universe, he’d be a cheaper character than Red Hulk. He’d also be the most hated character of all time.
He explains the level, reaches Magneto, brings up that he doesn’t care anymore, beats the game, and notes that it’s just another text based ending (what else were you expecting?)
The video ends with IG violently taking the game out his NES (seriously, look at how rough he is) and throwing it at Not-Wilson’s head again, who is just recovering from the last physics-defying cartridge.
Cutting back to the Castle of Evil we see the HAL-Bots working on something, as it zooms up we see Evil Gamer and the lead HAL-Bot and we notice in the background is a giant HAL-Bot. Wait, this seriously can’t be the “master plan” can it? The giant HAL-Bot turns on and like the others says “Hello Dave”. Evil Gamer poorly hams it up and the video ends.
I’m counting the different HAL-Bots as three characters so… Characters: 15. Huh, what do you know.
That’s the master plan? Another robot? Oh, but it’s one giant robot instead of an army of human sized robots. I sense one of two things. IG will grow giant and beat it, or ROB will grow giant and beat it. Either way, it will be anti-climactic and THIS IS LAME!
This video was stupid.
To be fair, the review portion wasn’t horrid. Granted, there wasn’t much to say about this game that hasn’t already been said, but it says a lot when the only thing that really annoyed me was the use of Game Genie.
The sketches and story bits on the other hand hurt. All that X-Men stuff was an absolute mindfuck to sit through, I still hate that Bores plays the Genie now, and where the hell is the Wise Sage? It’s been over a year since he last appeared. Despite only two appearances, his portrayal of Storm kind of came off as sexist.
Once again, the story goes nowhere. All the sketches did was establish the Irate Gamer as a bigger Sue than the Sentry and Red Hulk combined. And where’s the Pixel Demon? Unless… unless he’s trying to establish a rogues gallery of sorts. If that’s the case, RUN! EVERYBODY GET OUT OF HERE! *flees*
*comes back* But that’s just a guess. I really don’t know where he’s going. He’d probably establish this easier if he was more consistent with his output and didn’t leave his “haters” guessing what sort of stupid shit he’d do next MONTHS at a time.
That’s all for now. I do wonder what brand of idiocy we’ll see from Bores for Halloween this year.
EDIT: Here's something interesting one of my informants located.
Now, Bores has never been one to talk to or be friendly with other reviewers. Guru Larry was a rare case where he'd willingly talk to him. However, when Larry decided to confront Bores about Johnny Awesome winning a second contest, this is what happened.

Classy. Bringing up a job Larry was fired from.
For the record, Larry never worked for GotGame. No idea where Bores got that idea.
If you're curious, the boss at 5:47 looks like Boomerang, a fairly obscure Spider-Man villain:
Oh, yeah, this video was pain. I could hear my brain starting to crack
Boomerang was a boss in this game, at least according to the manual.
DeleteI can't believe all the Irate-drones are saying its his best video yet
Well, I think by now it's safe to say they have very low standards when it comes to entertainment, so it really should come as no surprise.
DeleteI dont get, why he is reviewing games, what already been covered by AVGN and Lordkat.
ReplyDeleteIt's boring to watch. All what you can say, already been said. It's like you will do review of SMB.
Be more creative Chris, NES still have tons of bad games.
Because not everyone watches AVGN and LordKat. I don't watch LordKat, so I still found that review fairly interesting (even if LordKat pointed those things too).
DeleteI believe the problem is timing. Irate gamer acts as if he's the first one to review the game.
DeleteI think and we have mentioned several times on this blog that reviewer dibs is bullshit. But we did state that it was on the condition that people do it in their own unique style and bring in unique points on why the game-play sucks/is great. All IG did was use the game as an opportunity to dress up.
Well to be fair, it kind of is. I mean it's not good by NORMAL standards but if you look at it as an Irate Gamer episode it's actually not that terrible.
ReplyDeleteYeah the skits are awful but as Batdan said, the review portion was bearable with the main problem being that there's nothing else to say about the game that hash't been said before.
Surely that has to be some kind of improvement.
BTW pay no attention to my username, it was when I made a blog a long time ago.
DeleteI'm not trying to claim anything here.
Why do I get the feeling Bores ripped off the concept of playing the X-Men from AVGN's Fester's Quest review?
ReplyDelete"Ripping off" the concept of playing all the characters on screen? (AVGN played the whole Addams family except Cousin It) Now who else "ripped" that off? Oh, I know, a whole bunch of other reviewers...
DeleteAgreed, it's clutching at straws to suggest he's ripping off AVGN by playing multiple characters. The AVGN plagiarism isn't even the worst of his problems.
DeleteAnyone else realize how hypocritical it is of Bores to complain about how lame the game made Wolverine and then turn all the X-Men into complete pansies for his Marty Stu character to boss around and beat up?
ReplyDeleteIn other news, apparently mariotehloser no longer likes Nintendo. So... What does he like now?
I think it's BECAUSE the game made Wolverine lame that Bores could beat him up easily... yeah... kinda like when AVGN managed to escape Leatherface because the latter got stucked on the path like he did in the Atari game...
DeleteYour theory would have worked if it was just wolverine that got pwned. But it was also cyclops too.
DeleteWait... Two moments AVGN reviewed X-Men Games in 2009 in Episode 69 on May 6, 2009 So IG is back to Copying People.
ReplyDelete"IG will grow giant and beat it, or ROB will grow giant and beat it" - Then we would be copying AVGN Episode 100
DeleteSomeone else (I forget who) did the giant Rob/fighting giant Rob thing before AVGN. AVGN would probably have been aware of this and deciding to proceed with it in spite of this while trying to put his unique stance on it, whereas Bores will almost certainly be doing it BECAUSE of AVGN's depiction.
DeleteSo much for "I haven't watched him in two years."
DeleteLinkara and the Magic coin vs Neutro.
DeleteQuote Chris Bores:
ReplyDelete"Hate to break it to you but Wikipedia is a horrible source of information".
Quote Wikipedia X-Men Article:
"Instructions to access the hidden level were printed on the back of the game's cartridge, but the instructions on the cartridge do not instruct the player to press select. In an attempt to help gamers find the information on accessing the final level, the game frequently tells players to seek help from Professor X if they are unable to access the final mission."
So not only DOES the game tell you the code, if you bothered to rotate the cartridge 180 degrees, it's written there!
Wikipedia 1 - Bores 0
Funny thing, Wikipedia wrong again.
DeleteCode not on the back of the cartridge, it's on the front sticker, right under character art. But yes, it's missing SELECT and give you only "+ B + UP together with START"
Not entirely sure about info in the game, must play it first.
Lol, that's even worse that Chris couldn't even be bothered to look at the front of the label then!
DeleteHe also missed out on a great relevant joke of having to do it all again as he pulled the cart out.
And about Professor X hint.
DeleteIt doesn't make sense at all, but give a hint, what there may be more levels, manual give hints too.
Also, "if you are not ABEL to make it to final mission."
So little text in game, but they misspelled some words, anyway. Strange what Chris don't point it out.
Turns out it's a programming error, some of the text was supposed to be in red to reveal the message, the ABEL part is spelled that as the message was originally L ABEL, meaning the cart's label.
DeleteAnyhoo, it's been fixed in the revised release, Chris must have used a launch copy.
Batdan: Are you really confused that "bitchy anger" is Bores' default mood for his only female character? Let's think for a moment about the world we know he lives in.
ReplyDeleteIt was as racist as it was sexist, frankly. Depicting a 'white chick' in that insultingly clichéd way was no less obnoxious. Not offensive, since he's benign to begin with, but irritatingly blasé.
DeleteRacist? If Bores actually put on "black face" to play her, I think this would have played out even worse.
DeleteWell white whiney girl is a sterotype that everyone is tired of. But yeah Black whiney girl isn't exactly better... Even though storm is supposed to be black(?)
DeleteJust for the record, Storm's name isn't Aurora, it's Ororo.
ReplyDeleteFixed that, thanks.
DeleteIt's been ret-conned, Storm was named after Spoony's dog :D
DeleteUrrrgh, sketches. The bane of internet 'reviewers' the world over... I swear, half the kids on the internet are under the deluded impression that if they don't put on a silly wig and act out a badly-written storyline from one of their home-written fanfics, nobody will take them seriously.
ReplyDeleteMakes me wonder what the entire 'internet reviewer' genre would be like if people spent less time doing godawful attempts at comedy sketches, and more time giving structured analysis of the subject they're looking at...
I myself never put sketches in my reviews and neither does Joey Roo Etc.
DeleteI want the comedy itself to derive from the game, the game needs to be the star of the episode, not a person doing a bunch of imbecilic characters.
I totally agree. The number of "Internet reviewers" who actually manage to make it work can be counted on two fingers...
DeleteI'm ok with sketches if they derive from the review. The comedy should reinforced the review, and the review should feed the comedy. Too many reviewers, Bores included, just want to make something funny and use the review itself as a means to an end. It's like the difference between Bioware ten years ago and Bioware today - they went from making money to make games, to making games to make money.
DeleteWow 3 reviews in 3 days. Speaking of which, I believe we are likely to get an influx of children on this blog seeing as how this review is only bad by good standards and that stupid kids still haven't realized that there are good production values on the internet.
ReplyDeleteActually, it was only two reviews. The other video was just a contest where he showed some RE6 swag from E3 and announced the winners of the previous contest. I made that post because I was calling out Bores for having a specific fan win a second prize, showing that only the super-hardcore fans have any chance.
Deleteoh really? I could have swore by the looks of the blog posts it was DOA 5, resident evil 6 and X-men.
DeleteOh well its not bore's is making up for anything if he works faster.
Do you know what my reactions while watching this review were?
ReplyDeleteWhen I see Bores dressing up as the X-Men, I felt my love for Marvel Comics has been raped.
Then, when I see Bores dressed up as Storm, I feel like leaving the room but it wasn't really that painful enough.
Then, when I see Iceman literally shits out ice cubes...I paused the video and walk out of the room, shaking my head.
The skits in this review are truly the worst Bores has ever done. Were those X-Bores cameos necessary to the review in the first place? Just...ugh...
I find it funny how in the opening when he uses the Mario sprites, e uses one 8bit sprite and one 16bit sprite. I'm guessing he was too lazy to find a SNES Albatross sprite to use.
ReplyDeleteHe also never put shadows on them either, so they look like they're floating in mid air!
DeleteYeah I think I know what the uniforms are made of.. Turtle necks and duct tape.
ReplyDeleteEither that or he has a horrific BDSM fetish that we didn't know about.
DeleteSo a scary though occurred to me. If ladybuggin really is Mama Bores, then she seems to really have a lot of control over what her son does. Now, I typically don't like spouting theories like this, but with some of the accounts I've heard from guys like Guru Larry, about Bores being a nice guy but being deadset against having other people in his videos and all the theories of Bores having some sort of mental disorder, what if Bores really is a good guy with a mental deficiency that his mom is trying to turn into a child star 20 years too late?
ReplyDeleteWell then it would be his mom that's the problem then. Perhaps this makes perfect sense, parents these days are more than capable of screwing over their children and working them to death.
DeleteThat's actually a very good theory and changes the nature of Chris Bore's flame baiting substantially. IT COULD also explain the sporatic release schedule what with his mom constantly forcing her own vision on his work and why bore's is forced to work in a division that he clearly has no experience in.
On the other hand, its all to easy to think of this for any unsympathetic character. It's believe-able but requires too many variables to be true and just comes off as a bad fan-fic.
That's true. I do wish we knew more about his mother beyond a faceless internet account and the word of Eric Allen so we could know for sure if she really is his mom and what might motivate her to do what she does.
DeleteWow within one Freakin day of your theory proposal it was shot down by Chris being a total asshole! It's definitely not his mother forcing him to do this. His mom almost certainly knows nothing about Larry and she wouldn't be using an Irate gamer labeled account to troll Screw attack now would she?
DeleteKnow what occurred to me? His mother frequently professes to be very god-fearing and Christian... Chris swears repeatedly in this video with expletives like 'fuck' and 'shit', but censors himself by saying 'Jesus Cri-money'.
DeleteI found that odd when watching the video as it was a bit of a strange statement when compared to his others - but perhaps it was done on his mother's insistence? Just a thought.
Personally, I still believe it's just him using a sockpuppet account. Yes, I'm aware Allen has said otherwise, but it's like someone else here said: if you personally knew Bores, even if he's... well... Bores, would you admit he was pretending to be his own mother? That, and I simply can't believe any woman of that age would act in such an unbelievable manner. Maybe I'm just really stubborn.
ReplyDeleteSome thoughts about the episode.....Irate Gamer actually used his powers to kill someone innocent randomly, not to fight against "evil". Imagine Goku turning SSJ and blasting citizens off just because "he can". That sage who gave him the power of inferno is probably feeling pretty bad. Another significant thing - Bores playing a female character for the first time! And i felt like he was portraying a tranny, or some CWC-tomgirl weirdo, not even close to anything else. Have fun:
DeleteHmm, where have I seen that before?
Now all he needs is to start touching himself every time and spe-spe-SPEAK li-like Th-th-th-THI-th-this!
DeleteGreat, he was an mean-spirited jerk before, but now he has God Mode powers to misuse? I expect his cameo abuse to be a lot more predictable in the future...
Delete@The Thunderous Fox:
That'll be to good to come true.
Bores playing Storm would have been a perfect opportunity to use Ladybuggin instead. Sure she wouldn't be young like her son, but at least it'd be a woman portraying a female character rather than a man in drag. Plus, it'd prove she does exist; especially with all these things about her being a sockpuppet and all.
ReplyDeleteThe first Evil Gamer plus Ultra-generic villain scene before the title card is decent enough, for Bores standards. It was right when Bores appears as the Irate Gamer for the first time that the video began to die, and I just felt wrong watching Bores nitpick about the dumbest of the things to pick on about.
I've also noticed a trend that Chris doesn't seem to notice often what companies actually made the games he reviews. Only the really known ones, like Nintendo and Atari, pop up. Here, he never brings up LJN by name.
I'm noticing just how trapped Bores is in terms of what games he can pick for reviews.
ReplyDeleteHe can pick a game at random, one that probably isn't that bad, and have to make up things to complain about.
Or he can pick one like X-Men, which is so bad even somebody at his skill level can legitimately critique it. But by that same token is probably a game that's been savaged by so many people by now and has such a horrible reputation, another scathing is pointless.
And there's the dilemma that faces so many trying to write for Hollywood. Do you try something new and innovative and risk alienating executives and never seeing your work released, or do you give in to their demands, water it down and tell the same story already told ad nauseum to make sure some of your vision is experienced if not all of it? Maybe it's not quite the same since Bores is in charge of his own creative output, but I bet that's the process he's going through. Try something new and he doesn't have enough of a status quo to make totally informed judgement. Review an already dead subject and nobody cares anymore.
Delete@Notorious B.I.G.O.T.:
DeleteWhen it comes to internet reviews, I think many people prefer obscure stuff most people have never heard of. It's why the Cinema Snob is so successful: He shows the audience a grand new world of z-grade shlock.
When it comes to video games, I like it obscure as well. I'd kill for an Atari reviewer (which is somehow nonexistant, as Guru Larry noted in an earlier blog entry), since I'm (and most other people) far too young to have owned one myself and would really like to see its library, be it former master pieces or crap.
It's one of the reasons why the pre-NES-console reviews are amongst my favorite AVGN reviews. They might be crappy consoles even by NES-standards, but it's historic crap that deserves attention.
Just went to the comments section of the contest video, yup Bores actually posted that about Guru Larry. Screwattack has been going on a downward trend for a while now, their only claim to fame is AVGN. And Gotgame gets maybe 7 viewers per month.
DeleteI was offered a position on GotGame, but I declined as they demanded that videos were at least a week-two weeks exclusive to them and if they were posted elsewhere, they'd be removed from the top page, it's an odd demand as even TGWTG don't ask that of me.
But the payout from the site receiving such low views wasn't financially viable to me. I've got absolutely nothing against them. I often go to the site to watch Aqualung's videos, but it just wasn't for me.
ScrewAttack is really old news too, I've been friends with Craig again for quite sometime, so that's water under the bridge.
Irategamer is actually commenting in his videos again. Lying a lot.
ReplyDeleteApparently he claims he hasn't watched an AVGN episode in years I doubt that.
If he's actively commenting at the moment, someone should ask him about Ladybuggin. I'm curious as to how he'd respond.
DeleteI have a hunch that he would claim that she was Ororo in his shitty as hell video.
DeleteWhich would not only be hilarious, but would be like saying he really is his mom. Somebody, get on this! XD
DeleteThis all reminds me of when I commented on AVGN's "R.O.B. Trailer", when it was first posted. I made this little comment saying "AVGN R.O.B. Episode > Irate Gamer R.O.B. Episode". Chris actually replied to my little comment saying "Fuck You". Chris, always being classy.
ReplyDeleteHA! Nice.
DeleteHe replied to you on the AVGN's trailer? On AVGN's video? Yeah Chris I totally believe you no longer watch the Nerd. Internet high five, Ricky!
DeleteNot to mention, his 'E-begging: The Spoof' video he made only contradicts his claim even further.
DeleteSo you said that AVGN's R.O.B episode was better than Bores' before even watching it?
DeleteWell, trolling attracts trolling...
well to be fair, even AVGN's worst works are much better than Irate gamer's best works. And the actual AVGN Rob video was much better than Irate gamer's Rob video by leagues.
DeleteBesides, I wasn't trying to troll the Irate Gamer, personally. It was on the AVGN's video, I didn't comment on the Irate Gamer's video saying that (Although, I could have). No, the Irate Gamer was actually watching the video, found my rather harmless comment and just curse at me. I wasn't even really trolling, I just said "AVGN's video was better than Irate's video"... not "Irate Gamer is a faggot who deserves death. Fuck him in the ass!"... I'm just saying.
DeleteLooking at that comment made by Bores about Larry made me lose any respect (for want of a better word) I had for him, and I have a lot of patience for people.
ReplyDeleteYeah... it is like Chris is just finding more ways of being an awful human being on the internet.
DeleteYeah, I can't believe Chris said that to Larry. Do you honestly think your job at Gotgame where you post one minute half-ass reviews and stealing footage from other people is any better Chris?
DeleteWhat exactly did he say about Larry?
DeleteIts in the article dood
DeleteHey, BatDan, do you ever think and wonder what would happen to you and this blog if Chris does manage to crash and burn and NEVER produce anything, again?
ReplyDeleteHe'd probably give us a 'Well we had some laughs, here are some of my personal favourite moments, bye and have fun!' and we'd move on, the blog would probably remain (until the Blogger servers die or something) for others to see if they got curious about the rubbish Youtuber they found out about and we'd all do other things.
DeleteProbably the same thing as what's happening with, just keeping it as an archive or until new stuff does happen.
DeleteIronically I'm on the front page of that too ATM ;D
Been talking to Chris's mother apparently (I highly doubt this here) he has a very succesful job. BAHAHAA MAYBE AT THE MCDONALD'S OR BEING A GREETER AT WALMART! Oh the laughs I get from her
ReplyDeleteSorry for the double post I can't edit my posts
ReplyDeleteHere's the full comment
@VicSage: First my son has a real job, and probably makes more than you do? Second, my son is old enough to make his own choices in life and doesn't neem me to delegate his life careers. Third: What is any of this your business other than trolling a very secure family member of IG's? Forth: I have a very good friend, in our city, whom works for the Waste Removal Department. They happenn to make a very good income w/ benefits, I might add. Just your reference to them, in the way you commented, leaves me to believe you have no idea what you are talking about. Btw, don't believe everything you read on the internet *Socialblade) as it makes you look more ignorant in your surmation of other's personal situations. Thanks for reading .... Goodbye ~
lol "doesn't neem me". Yeah way to lie your way out of that one Chris. WHEN it does turn out that your mom isn't involved at least you can claim that you never stated that your mom was useless. Then you can go cry in her arms... assuming she forgives you for impersonating her.
Delete"What is your business..." Secure? HA!
How about all the crap you idiots spout all over the internet. How about your complete disregard of your fanbase causing them to spill over into other people's channels and type shit like "Irate gamer is better".
"Forth: I have a..." Taking tips from Ocean Marketing I see... Why don't you just name drop fucking power rangers or Captain planet or something? That's how believable that statement is! If you really had a friend that handled waste then clearly your friend would be handling you and the constant drivel that froths from you and your family (oh wait, I'm sorry I just mean Chris Bores, because its obviously not his fucking mother anymore).
"Btw, don't believe..." yeah we shouldn't it overstates the amount of money you make. 1.5K to 65K is actually about $20 in youtube funding. The guys in smosh only make 100,000 a year despite social blade suggesting its in the millions.
@Batdan This comment is supposedly well formated even though you stated that its usually Bore's who writes calm while Buggin writes bitchy. It's okay Batdan, like all of us here, you wanted to give bores a chance and you gave him the benefit of the doubt. But like North Korea he fails consistently time and time again to prove that he is a good person.
My bigger thing with this entry was "My son can make his own decisions in life and doesn't neem me".
DeleteThen why bitch WHY are you on youtube constantly protecting him against everyone?
You guys are forgetting something, she said "neem". What the hell does "neem" mean?
DeleteNot to defend her or anything, but I believe she meant to say "Need".
Delete@ John and Justin
Deleteyeah that's why I said that at least when bores gets exposed he can at least say that he still needs his mom and that neem was an intentional screw up! See? bores has himself covered!
She's such an idiot too just make some false assumption like I think Chris makes 10k a year and she will give you the REAL answer what a fool just get her raging and she will tell you anything
ReplyDeleteJust talked to johhy awesome Guess what he said: IG is a great friend of mine so he let me win again
ReplyDeleteWhat an ass, Even if I have a good number of close friends and I wouldn't make 'em win two contests in a row. It just seems unfair.
DeleteIt's amazing, really. I remember when IG released his update video, he referenced Johnny and his poster's (Or printed pictures as IG called them, because that's what they were) and sounded totally uninterested before quickly moving back to talking about himself. Yeah, great "friend" you got there, Johnny.
DeleteOh look. Ladybuggin777 blocked my ass. Guess I'll have to find another way to tell Ladybuggin777 to show video proof that she's actually Irate Gamer's mom.
ReplyDeleteAh it was you who I teamed up with to Pwn ladybuggin I say we basically ripped her a new one considering she raged so much she didn't try to write a fake answer
DeleteI was watching Irate's crappy video yesterday when suddenly I saw a Ladybuggin777 comment, followed by Irate Gamer, 10 seconds from each other. Later on, when I refreshed the browser screen I saw that all Ladybuggin777 comments were gone and the Irate Gamer comments are stil shown. Perhaps another case of "whoops, I am busted and therefore I should delete Ladybuggin777 comments as fast as I can"? i don't believe that Ladybuggin777 is his mom. That can't be right. He should have lied to us all, telling us that the bug is his sister. Yeah, perhaps then I would have believed it though...
DeleteI think it's weird that John Doe was blocked, yet I'm not, even though I argued with LadyBuggin over the course of a week, culminating in her calling me a "ball muncher" and me basically admitting I was intentionally trolling her. That WAS a lot of fun, however.
DeleteSorry, I must have missed something. What did Bores say about Guru Larry and what's this about him trolling ScrewAttack?
ReplyDeleteLarry tried asking Chris about Johnny Awesome winning two contests in a row and he replied about "you couldn't even hold a job at ScrewAttack"
DeleteReally? Not cool, Bores, not cool.
DeleteIs he really so arrogant that he cannot even hire some drama students or something to play some minor roles?
ReplyDeleteWhat am I saying, of course he is.
It's not that easy to "hire" people to act in your Internet videos.
DeleteEven Linkara (who doesn't love IG more than us) defended Bores about this. He also plays almost every role in AT4W, because his friends have their own social life and it's a lot of work to shoot scenes.
The problem here is that there are plenty of people who would like to work with him. Even Guru Larry said he would help with the script. Irate gamer doesn't want help from anyone even when it's clear he could use it.
DeleteNot to mention Bores' costumes are usually mediocre or worse.
DeleteMy Chef Idiot costume is better then all of the ones in this video.
DeleteI never cease to enjoy comparing my own work to Bores and getting a sense of smug satisfaction out of the way I handle things vs. how he does. Egotistical? Perhaps, but it's a reassurance that I'm not doing things as bad as I COULD be doing things.
ReplyDeleteWhat I refer to in particular is that the Irate Gamer character has now fully shown that he is a VILLAIN. I've been working for well over a year to try to drop subtle hints that the Linkara character has a bad streak to him that, if push came to shove, he'd gladly abuse his power for the sake of a greater good. Did I succeed? Some say I have, some say I haven't, but I wanted to raise the question regardless, get my fans thinking about it, and try to advance Linkara's character beyond just "that internet reviewed who saves the world" and show that actions have consequences.
The Irate Gamer character, however, has demonstrated a willingness to blow up game studios for not letting him get into a conference, threaten and assault other people, and force a group of people into slavery for him. Said slavery is especially bad if you read a bit into it considering the X-Men are supposed to be stand-ins for real-life minorities.
Congratulations, Chris Bores - you have truly made a villain that I could not create myself. And his name is the Irate Gamer.
You also forgot that Irate Gamer causes more spearhead trolling and cause more intentional flame-wars then Derek Smart has.
DeleteThat's the real reason why everyone hates Irate Gamer
Yeah, that is one of the reasons WHY I LOVE the Irate Gamer's storyline so much? Even in his earlier reviews, he shows how much MORE of a villain he is than his supposed villains. The Game Genie, Pixel Demon, Shadow Overlord, HIS EVIL counterpart... hell, NOT EVEN THE DEVIL are presented as villainous as the Irate Gamer is. Hell, it is odd to think of the idea that he even has an evil counterpart. Chris is far from being a saintly "hero".
DeleteI actually really like the idea of storylines in reviews (it can sometimes be an annoyance, when it comes to just wanting to see a review without the need of watching overs... but I still think it is a good idea). However, the Irate Gamer's "epic" storyline is just awful. There are so many things wrong with how it is presented and written... I can't even explain it in this post. I believe fanfiction writers could writer better overarching storyliness. (In fact, they have... right, Linkara.) I hope the Irate Gamer NEVER does any of this overarching arcs, ever again. He isn't good at it.
Forgive me for thinking Chris Bores hasn't the wit to see the subtext in a superhero comic. He's kind of like Stephenie Meyer that way...
DeleteWasn't the IG character a villain before? He stole in the past and has a habit of killing game cameo characters, not to mention that his BFF is a sadistic sprite/cartoon bully. Him being the "Chosen One" is like if Jack Black's character from "Neverending Story III" were the protagonist from the first two movies.
DeleteIt would seem like he was, but the existence of the Evil Gamer said otherwise.
DeleteDespite his actions, he was still considered the "good" one. Nothing the Evil Gamer did showed that he was deserving of that name.
Maybe the Evil Gamer's evil because he has actual evil plans? Unclear as they may be at the moment. Whereas IG's too lazy to actually go out and do any evil unless an opportunity falls right into his lap.
DeleteOr maybe they're both evil and that Chris bores is a secret genius who is secretly hinting to us that he is evil by having the evil IG do nothing different from the regular IG. But given that Chris couldn't even do an E-begging spoof without using blatant personal attacks, its probably just a troll fic from a lazy sloth who gets way too much attention.
DeleteJohhny awesome replied to my comment when I said Do you think it's fair that you won twice? Here it is: yes because given that: 1 I have won before 2 I am a good friend of his 3 I have seen all his videos 4 I have met him 5 I have made a video with him that has 2k views 6 he linked my vid on his channel 7 I have given him many items and he has given me many items and I think with all the facts and the close friendship I have with bores I think its fair I won
ReplyDeleteWhat. A Retarded brat.
Link to the vid
Also cool. Linkara comes on this blog I'm a big fan of him :D
You can just reply back with "so Irate gamer loves cronyism and by extention that makes you a crony. Good on you kid!"
DeleteHe'll be dumbstruck. Hell him and his friend/puppet account (they both posted 10 seconds after each other) are using the same stupid circular logic on the previous post on this blog.
Actually, I think he might be too young to understand the concept of fairness (his reply basically shows he doesn't know or care how contests are supposed to work). Kids tend to be a bit egocentric or selfish, especially nowadays were parents tend to turn their children into little tyrants.
Deleteguru larry I enjoyed your work. I have to say that blistered thumbs is supior with likes mike the birdman dodd and angry joe with his angry army, one advantage you have over bores is that you were a presenter for (I think thats the name of the channel, sorry if I got it wrong)
ReplyDeleteas for IG, thats one yank that can't wank, also he's a poor man nam rood
Lol, it was Xleague.TV
DeleteBut thanks bud, that's really kind of you to say so!!! :D
I like your theory that Irate Gamer will grow giant to beat the giant HAL-bot, assuming he doesn't just Mary Sue the fuck out of it with special effects like he did the "pixel demon". I want to see him show off his 8+ years training in traditional kung fu with a hand to hand fight scene.
ReplyDeleteI will gladly write a guest blog post analyzing his fighting/choreography if he does.
Sorry Dave, I wanted to do a guest post with BatDan and This is what he said "Sorry, I'm not into collaberations like that" so In other words it wont happen
ReplyDeleteSorry the other link was broken LETS TROLL THE BASTARD.
Also im VicSage :P
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Delete@ Blade
DeleteI've got a plan. Let's all flag the video for copyright infringement under the company y2b2000.
@ Mr.Kill Ultra
DeleteNone of that false-flagging B.S. please.
Plus, if you're actually able to do that, then YouTube's flagging system is even worse than I thought.
@ Dave
DeleteIts just an Ironic suggestion
The sad thing is though it would probably work. Lots of people's videos have been taken down by crywolfproductions, you only need like 15 flags in a small time period for a video to get taken down.
NO, i hope you dint do it dudes, No matter if it is a troll or something or if someone false flag you on YT, YOU DO NOT DO THE SAME THING!.
DeleteWasn't bad enough when that swine Asa pointed fingers at us for the flaggin of his video without showing any fucking proof about it (aside form his "lol i am so funny and snarky and smart" conjecture)
We don't need to do that.
I only said because I thought it was funny ironic scenario. Obviously I do not want us to do the very things we are against.
Deletegoing with the marvel theme, i guess bores is going to do spider man on the nes next
ReplyDeleteI have another addition to my worst Irate Gamer moments this year. Not for the review bits, which are all that he can do with the game already being covered to death (I played this X-Men game when I was 10 and wasn't very good at it); but the sketches put it on the list. The Silver Surfer review was the worse one of the regular Irate Gamer episodes, but this was still pretty bad. Other ones I'm including are the Colorforms Irate the 80s, the Hunger Games rant, praising Ninja Gaiden 3, and my worst would be the repeated insistence of "Nintendo is kiddy." By the way, I have my copies of Pokémon Black and White 2 paid off, and I'm picking them up on Monday. I hear Ghetsis actively tries to kill you this time; and Team Plasma being much more militaristic provides me with even more ammo to refute Bores' "Nintendo is kiddy" poppycock.
ReplyDelete@ Vicsage
ReplyDeleteHEY WAIT A FUCKING MOMENT! Irate gamer and Ladybuggin are both making lists in reply to you correct (aka FIrst stupid evidence, second stupid nonsense, 3rd dumb bitch). But that hunter dude is also doing the same shit. Both hunter dude and his puppet account write nonsense. We're not even sure if that kid is in charge of his account are we? That picture could be taken by IG with some nameless kid and posted it to make us think its a kid.
Given IG's logic it makes sense. He makes a mom account so it appears as if people are getting owned by his mom and people who argue are thus being jackasses. So it seems logical with the way he "thinks" that he should make a kid account so that his detractors are getting "owned" by a child (and are assholes for arguing back). Reading the blog entry on Hunter's blog, the actual meeting makes no sense and description of the event is unreadable.
Point of the matter is. How can we be sure that this isn't Bores pretending to be a kid who happens to be his best fan!?
Oh no wait never mind, I guess the list of Bore's sins can now encompass the degradation of a minor. Seeing how he talks the same and has the same logic, Bore's must be really good at brainwashing.
DeletePeople, no false-flagging. That's the last thing that needs to happen.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry I'm not gonna do anything. I forgot to format in the =) at the end that comment =)
DeleteThe biggest disappointment in Other M was that the music is drastically different from anything we've had before in other Metroid games. In Super Metroid and Metroid Prime the soundtrack dominates the area you are in, adding to the atmosphere and giving the player an enjoyable tune to listen to. However I collect my METROID from at PIJ. its really superb to me for preorder my all the games.
I was watching the video again, and I noticed another inconsistency. When Goro appears, his voice is nothing like the one he had in the 7up episode!
ReplyDeleteyou know when somebody actually asked him where brad harp is, he said he moved. I don't know if that's true though.
ReplyDeleteHe most likely wrote him out like he seems to be doing with the Wise Sage. However, he just HAD to bring the character back, and Chris being Chris, he had to play the character.
DeleteActually, it's not too different to when Linkara basically replaced Dr. Insano with Dr. Linksano, though his solution was a little better thought out. Even Bores' reference to Dr. Who is severly lacking, since the Doctor doesn't just get spontaneously replaced between episodes.
DeleteExcept when 8 regenerated off-screen into 9, but at least then, it was to kick off a revival AND we'd had stuff with 8 in the form of audio dramas and books after his single appearance!
DeletePlus, there was a legitimate cause for Eight's regeneration, the Time War. With Bores and the Genie, all we got was "I was in there so long I somehow changed". No, that's bad writing Bores. Very, very bad writing.
DeleteEven POWER RANGERS explained when an actor changed. When they changed Alpha's voice between Zeo, Turbo and In Space, they said it was a different model or a different voice chip. Linkara explained Nimue's temporary actor change with interference from The Entity affecting her. You can't just change an actor and say "it just kinda happened."
DeleteAnd even with Linksano vs. Insano, I made Linksano because I didn't want to keep bugging Spoony for cameos for sciency stuff and I eventually found a way to incorporate Linksano into the videos in a way different from Insano (correcting potential mistakes I make in the video after I realize I've made them to avoid comments on the subject) as well as turning him into more of a good guy to supply scientific solutions to problems. I try to make good use of the story resources I have.
Delete"I don't want to keep bugging" people is a legitimate reason for such a change, but it always needs a good explanation in the context of the videos.
DeleteFor example, I don't think it would've hurt to have the Bores Genie be an entirely different Genie, seeing how the original wasn't all that helpful.
Or he could have made it part of the "Genie rules," that maybe his appearance has to suit his container. Arabian-Nights-Stlye Lamp = Traditional Genie, whereas an NES Game Genie would equate to looking like a gamer, and the Genie's messing with IG by stealing his face. But then again, this is Bores, it doesn't seem he'd think of that.
Delete@Random Man
DeleteAlso, they found him in a SNES cartridge, so that explanation holds no water anyway.
Yeah, I kinda forgot that he first appeared in an SNES review. That one's my bad, I forgot that he was in an Aladdin cartridge. My only reference point for IG is this blog and TV Tropes, since I don't watch the episodes to avoid giving him more views.
DeleteIf you want to watch an episode without giving him views, you should check out "I Can't Believe It's Not AVGN".
DeleteHey wait a minute, do I get three wishes too?
ReplyDeleteO/T but sad day today, as Handsome Tom and crew announced The Game Heroes and HT himself are retiring. I know the TGH site never took off or grew as big as they (or I) had hoped, but I always enjoyed what they did produce. In its first couple of years, for a while it looked like it was going to grow pretty big as they had almost new stuff daily. But the past year or so the new stuff kept slowing down and more and more of the guys stopped doing stuff on the site (Mickey left over a year ago and Andy went back to acting).
ReplyDeleteSo I'm not surprised it's going away, but I am saddened. Even though the site wasn't much and the community left was very small, I still checked it every day for new things. I love the Prototype podcast, to me it is still one of the best on the internet. It feels like truly the end of an era with HT hanging it up. I really hope he doesn't go away forever, but I understand he has a full life and he and crew really don't have time to devote to the site anymore.
And I have to say I really hate a guy like HT won't be making content anymore and a jackass like Craig still gets to keep going.
So Wolverine "Resembles" that remark?.. but is angry at Chris?..should he be saying "I resent that remark"?
ReplyDeleteif you're referring to the article, I believe Batdan is referring to Chris bore's inability to say words properly.
DeleteDidn't watch the review because duh I don't want to give the man views and thus encourage him to do bad things.
"I resemble that remark" is an old, old joke. A way of mis-saying you resent a remark. No idea where it started; I suspect it wasn't too funny back in the day either.
DeleteHoly Lord do you have a ton of free time to go through piece by piece and hate on these shows...
ReplyDeleteWow, and before you mention I read it, I scanned this and found it by do this for all his shows?
WOW, just WOW...hope you find something fulfilling in life someday.
WOW just WOW, you found out about this blog today?
DeleteHoly Lord you have a ton of free time to judge other people and make assumptions about their worth of life. Imagine what we think of you right now...
hey wait its another account created specifically to say this blog doesn't deserve the right to exist.
DeleteI guess you found your calling in life. 7 am too? wow you really did find something in life you enjoy more than making fun of people you perceive as low lives, and that is being a low life prick.
DeleteDon't worry dude. Bores' slow release shedule (and the small runtime of his work) ensures that we have enough free time to ponder the meaning of life, the universe and everything.
Indeed, between This and Bore's last Irate Gamer episode I've managed to read about 14 books and paint half of my Imperial Guard army...
Delete@fattoler I planned on getting an imperial guard army, but I heard about a guy who lost a 100 baneblades and decided to just plain play Final liberation instead.
DeleteI still have the CD for that... Too bad it doesn't work on my current version of windows... (If anyone knows a way of getting it to work on Windows 7 I will be a very happy man, otherwise I'll wait for it to appear on or Steam)
DeleteHave you tried all those compatibility options?
That game looks awesome. Too bad this post-DOS-game period is still a major hassle to get running -.-
I've got the cd for Final Liberation too!
DeleteYep, but I'd like to find the game which has used the compatibility options on Windows successfully.
Deletewhat exactly happens before the game crashes? If its the movie that causes the game to crash you can simply disable the movies.
It is impossible for the movies to play in the modern operating systems. But you can still watch them using bink. I've even tried hacking the game to get it to run later versions of bink but to no avail. Oh well.
Also if your 64bit windows seven you are fucked as far as getting this game running goes.
Delete*sigh* I know, I'll just play Dawn Of War... come on Games Workshop/SSI, put a Windows compatible version out there for us! and maybe Space Crusade while you're at it...
DeleteYou should also ask Holistic Games. If anyone can fix it, it's the original developers.
3 things wrong with that;
Delete1. They have disavowed the game after releasing a single patch
2. It runs on hard-coded piece of shit bink and animation coding
3. Gamesworkshop is notoriously bitchy with its licenses, I doubt they'd [gamesworkshop] let them come back if the developers wanted to.
All in all its microsofts fault for making shitty OS. Seriously just stick with XP. It's a goddamn face sticking its tongue at you! What more do you want!? aside from direct x 9 support of course....
Oh I know what you could do,
Delete1. Get virtual lab
2. Run it in XP mode
3. disable movies (look it up)
4. Pray to god it works
Good old microsoft, making things more complicated so they can sell more user trouble guides! =)
@Mr.Kill Ultra:
DeleteWho knows if this game will even run on XP Oo
What we really need is some kind of Win95Box Emulator. This early non-DOS-period is a serious pain in the ass.
Win95Box would be a gift from the heavens, I could play all of my old RTS games, War Of The Worlds, Z, C&C... Excuse me for a moment...
DeleteThose games run on XP, I know because I've played those and I have windows xp service pack 3, the same version the virtual lab runs.
DeleteGlad to see you guys are pc gamers like me. =)
I got C&C working on vista, I dont know if it works on 7 though.
DeleteAlso ya PC gaming is the way to go.
DeleteConsoles turn more and more into PCs anyways, with all the annoying flaws (like the good ol' broken release that needs at least 2 weeks of constant patching to finally work). So why skip on the real deal?
Anyone try that virtual lab crap yet? Virtual lab is only on windows 7 so I wouldn't know. Just be sure to run final liberation in a short directory and insert a config file that has movie options set to zero.
Delete@ Doresh
Consoles may be becoming more and more like PCs but their controllers will always be built to play games that are essentially shooters. While I don't avoid console gaming, I do find that a good portion of the games I really like (and continue to play again and again) are on the PC.
@Mr.Kill Ultra:
DeleteI once tried VirtualBox (with my old XP installed) for a game - Paraworld - that's extremely tricky to get running onf Windows 7. Didn't really work out that well Oo
And you raise a good point of why PCs will always win: You can easily turn your PC into a console just by plugging in a gamepad, but you can't turn your console into a full PC. Keyboard and mouse will always triumph when it comes to strategy games, FPS games and general PC activities.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteWow that last comment I made was messed up, yeah (I was thinking of the game madpara). Whoops
DeletePc gaming is great but you will always get pwned in the wallet. Can't play paraworld because of steep system requirements.
Doing a cursory search online reveals that the game has no problems running on windows 7 BUT it does have trouble INSTALLING on windows 7 [see link]
If it still doesn't work, then well I'm sorry but I tend to deal with old games and yes, even pornos because as a tech support volunteer, I must help all sorts of people.
@Mr.Kill Ultra:
DeleteI know how to get Paraworld to run with updated drivers, but it's not something you can count on. I could manage to get it to work on my Windows 7, but not on my brother's. He needed a fan patch for that.
Remember the Irate Gamer Game? I don't
ReplyDeleteHe should really turn this into a Kickstarter project.
DeleteHe's not a real gamer, and it's still not a real game. It's art imitating life.
DeleteEvery now and then I get a message from a fake Chris Bores claiming he fired the developers and wants me to make the game for him instead.
DeleteI messaged the developers about it a while back and they said they're still working on it, and constantly updating what they've done so far. They seemed very enthusiastic about it.
Of course, there's no telling if they're still working on it now.
Hey maybe Batdan could do a post about fake bores. Though if he doesn't want to do that, could some dump the info on me? I don't really know anything about this fake bores...
DeleteSure, shoot me an email and I'll fill you in.
DeleteBeing as not one part of this video was copied from anyone, your comment made little sense. not surprised avgn fanturds never show much logic ~ I will say you right on you saying you were lazy tho. ..... good call ~
ReplyDeleteLadyBuggin777 in reactie op Anigamer1983 17 minuten geleden
I'm not an AVGN fanturd you turd. I'm not even subcribed to him anymore.
Anigamer1983 in reactie op LadyBuggin777 5 minuten geleden
Bores should feel ashamed for having a mother like this one...if it even IS his mother...perhaps it's the Evil Gamer disguised as his mother...
That's not Bores's mom. That's Bores himself pretending to be his mom.
DeleteWhen my friend looked at this post, he saw the letter "X" in the first paragraph and thought "Bores is reviewing Mega Man X?!" God help us if he EVER touches a Mega Man game...
ReplyDeleteAt least he would finally return to being somewhat entertaining:
Delete"Mega Man X - The scandal & review"
"After some research, I found out that 'Mega Man X' is actually ripping off a game called 'Mega Man' for the NES System. They couldn't even be bothered to change the name!"
Wait, I got another one:
Delete"After doing some research, I found out that 'Mega Man' is actually called 'Rock Man' in Japan. What idiots! Have you ever seen a blue rock?!"
No wait, how about this:
Delete"After doing some research, I found out that Mega Man X isn't even a Mega Man game! Apparently, Capcom ripped off another game they made called Rock Man X, a spin off of the game Rock Man Dash! What a shit flipper! When in Japan, they had a real sequel called Mega Man Zero, which was made at exactly the same time as Rock Man X and was the perfect predecessor to Mega Man!"
Bores posted a new video on unboxing Skylanders Giants figures.
ReplyDeleteYeah, and the video was boring. At least he said the word portal right this time.
DeleteHe's going full-blown autistic on that video. Constantly talking over and over something that clearly only he gives a shit about.
DeleteUgh, so dull. Not worth recapping (I'll just briefly mention it in my next post, whenever that will be). This Skylanders obsession of his is getting annoying, and I don't think most of his fans care.
DeleteGranted, most of his fans are little kids, and I've noticed little kids adore Skylanders. That might explain why his first preview of Giants is his highest viewed video of the year. Over 300k, compared to his Silver Surfer review which only has a little over 100k.
You might as well make a short post, if only to start fresh on a new comments section (200 post goes to a new page)
DeleteMust be a pretty specific kids demographic if they don't seem to mind Bores constant Nintendo bashing Oo
DeleteSeeing as he just released a new main series video and an extra one, I doubt he'll do much of note for the rest of the month unless he tries to make another phoned in Neo episode for Halloween. You might as well do that drinking game post and give this one a passing mention.
Stan Lee would definitely NOT approve!
ReplyDeleteI will be very honest. After seeing that X-Men Review, I was stupid that he might change for the better, not to mention I was trying to be neutral at the whole thing, but after the way Irate Gamer come off attacking Guru Larry after he given him some criticism. Yeah, that was uncalled for Bores. At least Guru Larry still kept his partnership on his YouTube page and still a member of TGWTG/Blistered Thumbs, while Irate Gamer himself lost his partnership. Yeah...Keep it classy, Bores...
ReplyDeleteWait Irate gamer lost his partnership? Does this mean I can watch his vids and not support his autistic hate-mongering antics (via ad revenue)?
DeleteHe still have ad-revenue (maybe his videos are monetized), but yeah, his banner is gone. Maybe he hide it so people will think he's no longer a partner...