Monday, August 17, 2020

Updates on Ghosts and me being lazy

Do I have an excuse for why I'm so late on the cereal video recap? Nope! I'm just a lazy fuck. Haven't even gotten started on it. Haven't really felt like it. Probably tomorrow... or Wednesday... we'll see.

Chris has been busy with Ghost Doctor though. Last week he posted a video where he claims to have heard the ghost of George Floyd. Stating "I heard a ghost tell me 'I can't breathe' and the next day I heard about George Floyd". Do I even have to explain why that's a load of crap? You mean to tell me that at the end of May, shortly after Floyd was murdered, you heard a "ghost" say it can't breathe, and then heard what happened with him. You sat on that for months? This sounds like the type of con artist bullshit that a televangelist would pull. "Oh lawdy I heard the voice of George Floyd, and he says to give give GIVE to Jesus Christ!"

Not to mention, how could a man that died in Minnesota somehow find his way to you in Ohio? That is not close! Frankly, it comes off as horribly disrespectful to George Floyd, his family, and the people supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. Chris really comes off like a bigot here.

The rest of the video isn't much. A lot of it is spent shilling his book, and the rest can be summed up as "HEAVEN GOOD HELL BAD". Though he says that "negative feelings" will weigh you down and send you to Hell, which honestly sounds fucking metal. 

Afterwards he posted the "Ghost Doctor Show Intro". This is a show? Could have fooled me. The whole thing is a minute and a half (that is shockingly long for an intro) and includes footage from the time he showed up on local news. Complete with the channel logos. It's clear that Chris has so little footage that he had to resort to that, despite his claims to the contrary. 

Then today he posted something new, a 52 minute video. Along with it he gave us this angry Facebook post.

Pfffft. "DEY DON'T WANT YOU TO SEE IT! SO FORBIDDEN!" Get real Chris. The reality is that you were rejected because you are boring, and you don't have charisma. Also, how about giving us names of these "production companies, network heads, TV development teams, producers, and paranormal celebrities" that you claimed to have met. That way we can know if you're telling the truth by asking them. Surely you're not lying to try to and make this boring rejected pilot seem more interesting than it really is.

By the way, that's exactly what it is. It's the Pursuit of the Paranormal pilot, with some extra bits book-ending it. Complete with the same tired "90 minute conversation" claim. He probably put it up on YouTube after he realized his pile of unsold DVDs was never going to go down.

You know Chris, you're always going on about how this conversation was 90 minutes long, and yet you refuse to show us the raw footage. In fact, one of the first comments on the video called that out, and Chris responded.

"Slow parts". So you admit that a lot of it was boring or nothing at all. You're really not good at being a con artist. At least say something like "It's too horrifying for human ears, you have to be trained in the mystical arts like me!" Commit to your idiotic act.

Anyway, I'll eventually get started on his Nintendo Cereal video.


  1. I don't know which is worse, Chris making George Floyd's death about himself or the fanboys that were defending those comments. It reminds me of when earlier this year, DSP made Kobe Bryant's death about himself when he lost his save data.

  2. "Look, what I do doesn't hurt anybody. I give people closure and help them cope with life"

    "No, you give them false hope and a belief in something that isn't real."

    "But I'm a psychic."

    "No dude, you're a douche."

    "I'm not a douche! What if I really believe that dead people talk to me?"

    "Then you're a stupid douche."

  3. Televangelist is exactly what i thought when he posted his paranormal pandemic video..

  4. I guess those TV people didn't want me to see his boring bullshit so I guess I'll thank them.

  5. "Frankly, it comes off as horribly disrespectful to George Floyd, his family, and the people supporting the Black Lives Matter movement."

    Dan, go fuck yourself. What happened to Floyd was awful and justice has taken its course. No sane person on the face of the Earth condones what Chauvin did.

    That said, I don't sympathize with terrorists who openly demand the abolition of law enforcement and, despite their name, don't give a shit about Black people unless they can benefit from it. Never mind the fact that the BLM founder is a Communist by admission... but I suppose Commies get a free pass.

    Alright, Cockney, come out of your little gutter, I think you need a little reassurance that you exist.

    1. ADDENDUM: In short, I DON'T support Black Lives Matter simply on the basis of the violence and the hypocrisy within the "movement". I wish I could, but it has more baggage than a luggage retailer and the fact that people and companies are totally buffaloed by its hollow platitudes is part of the reason I have such little respect for them.

    2. 1) You post offtop, and 2) like BLM or not but such movements wouldn't exist without racism. So maybe be angry about racism in the first place.

    3. And yet they use racism to fight racism. Makes total sense.

    4. Lol, dickhead! I don't have to say anything mate, you're digging your own grave slowly but surely. :)

    5. @Cockney Can you prove to me you truly exist? You could be an alt I created for all I know.

    6. I can only begin to imagine how many of your alts are floating around on the diaper fetishist forums. You're opinion regarding anything to do with me is so low I wouldn't care to prove to you I could piss if you were allergic to piss

    7. Your”, not “you’re”. If I’m not already skeptical as to whether or not you’re real, your grammar suggests you’re just a kid.

    8. Looooool nothing to back up anything other than picking out spelling/grammar, you really are a fucking pleb. Tell us more about why you feel ashamed about your DLA bit of your name rather than wondering if people responding to you are real you fucking loon. anyone talking to you here is real you spaz, what trip are you fucking on. You are a waste of degenerative space, a complete smear on the history of normality and every post you make further cements your complete and utter banality of the most vile and mundane of hellish existence that even Hieronymous Bosch would falter in depicting. You are the lowest of the low of any human that has ever existed and you can try and one up conversations with grammatical simplicities as much as you wish, but everyone knows you go to sleep at night crying yourself into your diaper and pities you. Wanker.

  6. Honestly, it's Facebook posts like this that make it VERY hard for me to believe that James is friends with Chris. This isn't even "the haters are being mean!" stuff, these are actual Facebook posts that are out in the open for the public to see. How on Earth could James be friends with someone as delusional and bizarre as Chris?

  7. You have gone full steam potato, BatDan. You have become everything that you claim Bores is.

    How is Chris trying to capitalize and make George Flyod's death about himself? He didn't advertise the video using his name nor the phrase. He pointed out that it was odd he he heard the phrase "I Can't Breathe" the day before George Flyod incident happened.

    You are blatantly lying when you suggest Bores is claiming the spirit he heard say "I Can't Breathe" was George Flyod...he didn't say this. He pointed out it was odd he heard this phrase then it became a popular phrase associated with the incident.

    So this makes Bores a bigot? When you unconsciously throw around a word like bigot you cheapen the actual meaning of the word, much like the word "racist" today means nothing because it's thrown around willy-nilly.

    Also if Bores was trying to capitalize on the 9 time convicted drug addict who held up a pregnant woman at gunpoint in her own house while he robbed her it seems bizarre that he would wait months to do it; and again if he was trying to do that, why would he not promote the video with any references to it in the title/description or even in his posts linking his video? That sounds to me like, dare I say, a deranged conspiracy theory?

    Speaking of conspiracy is Chris Facebook post "Angry?" Because he used CAPITALS WORDS to HIGHLIGHT certain words? It sounds to me that he is trying to promote his video. You should keep in mind, this is his project, he's apt to embellish a little bit in terms of what was accomplished. If you're going to promote a video you made, are you going to say it's been done before and nothing special? Probably not.

    In regards to you pointing out he got "called out" for not showing the full 90 minute interaction, let's look at the video he the edited segment showcasing the interaction we see numerous moments, if we are to presume the spirit was indeed responsible for the meters going off, where the spirit has lost interest...Not many people would be interested to watch three guys in a basement sitting on the ground for 90 minutes just waiting for lights to go off after asking a question.

    I'm not Bores nor his mother by the way, which is a common belief anyone who is critical of you like to claim; I was a fan of this blog for a while when it was more legitimate but now you've resorted to desperately seeking to be offended by everything Bores does or say, going as far as literally putting words in Bores mouth to do so. Calling Bores a bigot for simply putting out a weird coincidence that he heard the phrase "I Can't Breathe" the day before it became a terrorist organization's catchphrase is absurd.

    Your hatred for Bores has clouded your judgement. Bores could save a family from a burning house and you'd find a way to complain about it.

    1. "Your hatred for Bores has clouded your judgement. Bores could save a family from a burning house and you'd find a way to complain about it."

      It's a Bores hate blog, of course they will complain over anything, no matter how insignificant. Is that really surprising anymore?

    2. @Fred Flinrock

      Your idiot defense of Bores pisses me off,much like the rest of his toxic fucking defenders

      Just fuck off

  8. This is just a curiosity question but since Silent Spring asked the same about Nostalgia Critic's The Wall but if Chris had made some of the more recent AVGN episodes with the same quality then would it be considered high effort and some of Chris' best work or would it be shitty even for Chris Bores standards. I'm asking because I've never watched a modern AVGN review since 2017 (and I'm not interested in doing so).

    1. I don't watch AVGN these days much either. I did watch his Superman 64 revisted video recently since I really enjoyed his original review of the game. I have to say, it was VERY underwhelming. I was not nearly as entertained by as much as the original review. Especially since a long sketch started happening towards the end. I actually stopped watching it close to the end because I just completely lost interest (literally the very first time I've ever started an AVGN episode and not finish it). It honestly was like watching a modern Nostalgia Critic episode. Which makes me question people saying: "Modern AVGN is good, modern Nostalgia Critic is bad."

      I do often wonder if AVGN'S fans will love his work if it drops to the same quality as Irate Gamer. If that's the case...then I guess it isn't really surprising that people are starting to love Irate Gamer all of a sudden.

    2. There's no question there Prince Mario you complete and utter spazcock it's just you rambling and eventually finding a way to talk about yourself. Your posts are either 1) gawsh guyz I wunder wot it wood look like if Irayte Gaymer done x, y or z or 2) My video on blah blah blah has got angry comments or 3) I do/don;t do this regarding the AVGN and I'm gonna tell you all about it. Just fuck off already you repugnant douchenozzle

    3. You're not wrong, Unknown. I've beeen reading this blog for over ten years, enjoying the content for the most part (Mainly the actual IG recaps) and getting a laugh out of the comments section, but with all of his narcissistic shit plaguing the comments section these days, it's draining any actual enjoyment I had.

    4. 100% agree mate. Been reading this blog for yonks as a bit of mild fun and enjoyed so much of it, the comments especially in the golden years. This prince Mario twat has been the high water mark where the waves rolled back and the tide of greatness rolled back ever since he started shilling his his shitty videos a couple years ago, now I just feel revulsion and shame reading his shite. Brings us all down

    5. Than stop fucking commenting you fucking retards

  9. I wish the video that dissected Chris' ghost book was still up on Youtube.
