Friday, October 9, 2020

Who Knew Vengeance Could Be So Boring?

Another video so soon? Either he actually has a crew now, or whatever his real-life job was, it clearly isn’t around now due to the pandemic. There is also the possibility that he’s no longer making money from Puppet Steve and thus shifting focus away from that.

Anyway, what’s he going to do this time? The Punisher. Not just the NES version either going by the title. Feels like this should have been done when the Netflix series was popular and still running.
Surprised there’s no Dolph Lundgren appearance, he’s on Cameo for $350. The other Punisher actors are not.
In the description, Chris gives thanks to Logan Graham for helping with the script, editing and more. Well Logan, I hope he paid you.

It’s a little over 14 minutes long so let’s get started.

The video opens with IG walking over to a group of NES cartridges standing on his table, all of them Marvel licensed games. He cheers that after “20 years” he finally has the whole family. 20 years? You only started collecting Marvel games in 2000? More time screw-ups out of Bores. Also, that’s not all the Marvel games on NES. You’re missing Wolverine. Frankly, getting six NES games isn’t impressive. Getting every physically released Marvel game, now that’s a feat. Including the ones only released in Japan and Europe.
“What a fantastic looking family too!” Aren’t most of those games garbage? The Punisher is decent but the other four shown (Silver Surfer, X-Men, Spider-Man Return of the Sinister Six and the NES version of Captain America & The Avengers) are pretty bad. You even did videos on two of them!

He likely said that so we could get a terrible segue into some major cringe. The sprites of the Kingpin from the Punisher NES game breaks into his basement, takes out a tommy gun, and shoots the games, leaving only The Punisher “alive”. IG declares he’ll get his “revenge”. Ugggh, I can feel my soul dying already.
I know this is meant to reference the Punisher’s origin but come on. You couldn’t film this in a park or something? It’s not like you need to film near 10 people, parks are open and outside. Honestly, it would still be cringe since he’s upset over terrible games dying rather than family.

Theme song. This time we get a “rock” cover from Lame Genie, yes that is how they’re credited. You know Chris, I think now is a good time to finally get a real theme song. One that doesn’t come from an out-of-print royalty free music program.

But first, a commercial. This time from MyArcade. Like the ones before the last video, I don’t think this is a real sponsorship because there’s no link in the description. It kind of feels like these “sponsorships” are just Bores showing off his toys.
These don’t seem like good ways to play the games. They’re so tiny.

We cut over to another part of his Midlife Crisis Mancave to a replica Infinity Gauntlet and framed Avengers poster. Because “LOOK AT MAH COOL STUUUFF”.
Brings up the Netflix shows as the reason most people know Punisher now, showing footage from them. Guess you can say goodbye to this video getting money. Also, a lot of people knew about Punisher before the Netflix series. He had three movies and was the poster boy for the 90’s Edge era.
Gives a small history, how he was created by Gerry Conway, while neglecting to mention John Romita Sr and Ross Andru.
Noting the first time he appeared was in “the issue of Spider-Man”. Not an issue of Spider-Man, THE issue. He could be saying “an issue” but his accent is screwing things up. No mention that it’s Amazing Spider-Man #129 though.
He then claims the Punisher is the first Marvel character to get a movie “adaption”. That is wrong! The first Marvel character to get a movie adaptation (see the difference) is Howard the Duck. I know we all want to pretend that movie doesn’t exist, but sadly it does, and we have to acknowledge it as the first movie adapted from a Marvel Comics property.

Anyway, he mentions the first Punisher movie which “debuted on the big-screen in 1989” and was “self-entitled” The Punisher. Yes, that’s how he says it. It’s meant to be self-titled, and even then, that’s the wrong term to use. Where did Chris learn English?
Also, the movie didn’t come out theatrically in America, it didn’t see any form of wide release until 1991 when it went direct-to-video. He doesn’t mention any of this. Instead he says the movie is terrible with a long metaphor about the writers wiping their ass with the script. I’m guessing that’s why he didn’t pay for a Dolph Lundgren cameo.
EDIT: According to John Pannozzi, that's not entirely accurate. Captain America had a film serial in 1944. There were several made-for-TV movies in the 70's and 80's that ran in theaters outside of the US, and Japanese Spider-Man got a short film too.
He also shows a clip from the movie and randomly zooms in on a background extra. … Okay?

But Punisher “got more room to grow” with the 2004 movie, video games, and the Netflix series. No mention of War Zone? At least go into the many comic lines, the massive amounts of merch and his appearance on the Spider-Man cartoon. I imagine that’s where a lot of people got to know him.
“A lot of love for this character now” There’s always been love for him! Do you purposely live in a bubble?
“I remember picking up these comments in the 80’s” Did you seriously say comments instead of comics? That’s what it sounds like to me. I don’t know if it’s his accent or his microphone or his inability to do more than one take. Surely mistakes like that would have been noticed.
He remarks how he was reading TMNT and Scrooge McDuck and series from Harvey Comics, so the Punisher was not what he normally read. Seeing someone shooting guns really surprised him.
“Really cool to see him get a push now” Now? Nothing is really happening with him. The Netflix series was cancelled over a year ago, and Disney has no plans to make a movie or Disney Plus series. Frankly, I can’t see the Punisher work as a Disney Plus show (though we’ll see how violent WandaVision is). I also don’t know of any games being developed. His latest appearance was as a DLC character in Ultimate Alliance 3 (also mobile games but who cares). Did Chris write this a while ago?

He begins his look at the games, starting with the NES version. We get a dumb joke where he opens the console and finds Batman inside, then throwing it out while making a comment about “mixing universes”. Bleeeh. Also, his NES is clearly not plugged in. It’s basically a prop now.
He starts the game, comments on the “ugly bastard” staring at you on the level selection screen. That’s Jigsaw, he’s one of the Punisher’s biggest villains. He was in the Netflix show. Come on Chris, you can research. Don’t you have help now?
He goes over the game, how it’s a rail-shooter, which are indeed uncommon on the NES. He gets annoyed at the fact they changed his backstory from a Marine that served in Vietnam to a former cop. Why is this a big deal?
You can shoot enemies with your gun or use grenades. Prompting a dumb bit with IG throwing a grenade from real life into the game with one of his stock explosions. Ugggh.
Goes over some power-ups, comments about the logo at the bottom.
He then uses the word “unrelentlessly” when talking about possibly bashing the game. That’s not a word Chris. He probably means “unrelentingly”
He’s not going to bash it since this game is actually good. He then refers to LJN as “LGN”. Woooooow. You couldn’t do a second take on that?
When he brings up “LGN”, he references the fact they made the ThunderCats action figures. While true, that is an odd reference to make, especially since nowadays they’re much more known for publishing some of the worst licensed games on the NES. Is he trying not to step on the AVGN’s toes?

So he goes on a long rant about what Frank is possibly standing on, especially at one point where the game has him on an ocean. Then a stupid bit where Frank ends up in Super Mario Bros. 3. Old habits die hard, I guess.
Comments on the lack of music. Surprisingly no “here’s some appropriate music” jokes. He also comments on a saxophone player with audible music in one level.
He gets to a bonus stage, and complains that it's similar to the main game, rather than shooting balloons or something (he edits in balloons). Then he shows a stock photo of an old man to represent the developer and once again calls the 1989 movie a piece of shit (with a picture of a realistic turd, charming). I don’t see the problem here. Honestly, he sounds really bored.

He brings up the bosses and notes how they’re all characters from the comics. So, he recognizes Kliegg, Sijo, and Assassin, but not Jigsaw? What sense does that make? I’m guessing Logan looked up the names of the bosses on GameFAQs.
Then he describes the bosses with a lot of “your ass”, and then says the words “ass play” and needing toilet paper. Eww…
Something about the bosses, but then some cringe as the saxophone player from earlier appears in his room. He says he should be a boss and shoos him away. What was the point of that?!
He beats the game, says the ending’s lame. It’s an NES game, we have gone over this.
“Onimous Batman like pose” He doesn’t say ominous, but “onimous”. Hey Logan, future suggestion. Maybe watch the videos and see when Chris butchers the English language? Tell him that and have him rerecord the line.
Also, for some reason he’s playing Kirby music here. Weird.
Then he ends with a dumb joke about the “brooding being so thick” he could cut it with a knife, or an AK-47. Meh…

He removes the game from his NES, making it VERY obvious it’s not plugged in. Saying this is not the “definitive” game he wants to play.
“Specially since game developer LJN was at the helm at the time” Stop! Well first off, he gets LJN right this time (making me wonder about the first instance), but the important thing to note is that LJN is not a developer! They never were! The AVGN even addressed this in his Beetlejuice video, noting how LJN was merely a publisher that contracted the games out to studios to make them. But his phrasing was always “Made by LJN”, which is technically true as they funded it. They never developed a game. This is a serious oversight that I’m amazed got past the scripting. Did he proofread this? Did Logan proofread this?
For the record, The Punisher on NES was developed by Beam Software, a now defunct Australian developer.
Then he brings up the other Marvel games LJN published, including Wolverine. Wait, you didn’t include that earlier. So you do have that?! Jeeeez…

He transitions into talking about the Game Boy game (The Punisher: The Ultimate Payback) with a stupid line about wanting to go to anger management class from playing the NES game. I thought you said it was a good game?
He opens with a stupidly long rant about how the Game Boy version has an opening cutscene while the NES game doesn’t, even though the Game Boy version has similar gameplay. He complains that the NES version should be superior. Who gives a shit?
Then he sees there’s a cameo from Spider-Man. Then… oh jeez. He says, “Someone call 911 because I was robbed again”. Thankfully he doesn’t hold up ROB when he says it. Still, hearing that again hurt.
He complains about Spider-Man wanting the Punisher’s help because Frank is a killer. They work together all the time in the comics. Peter is well-aware of what Frank does. He also works with Deadpool, who has even less problems with killing people.
More complaining… he’s barely even talking about the game, just the story. Also, the footage changes drastically. Is he swapping between Super Game Boy footage and emulator footage?

IG then says that the best Punisher experience is the Arcade game. Here we go…
“Flashy intro!” Oh my god who cares?! Why do you care so much about flashy intros? People play games for the gameplay. Not the intros.
Blah blah story blah blah gwaphics. Beat-em-up gameplay. Says it’s “fanservice done right”. Cringy line about busting caps in people’s asses. I’m bored…
He brings up the Genesis port, calls out “Nintendo purists” for Sega getting the drop on them. Why attempt to reignite that? Who cares?
He brings up the co-op, and how the second player is Nick Fury. Then he comments that he looks “very different” from the movies. Well yeah, this is based on the comics. Nick Fury was a white guy in the comics. When Marvel created the Ultimate Universe, they modeled Ultimate Nick Fury after Samuel L. Jackson. When they started work on the Cinematic Universe, they managed to cast SLJ as Fury. You would know this if you actually DID read the comics and not come off like a basic poser.
He goes over the differences between the two versions. Graphical limitations, censorship, blah blah blah. He makes a joke about demonetization in reference to the scantily clad ninjas. Since when did you care about that?
Also is it me, or does he pronounce “irony” in an odd way? Like there’s a lot of emphasis on “iron”.
Says it’s a solid game and gives it the… for fuck’s sake. He gives it the “Irate Gamer seal of not being ass”. Which he represents with the “Official Nintendo Licensed Product” logo, but very poorly photoshopped with “Original Irate Gamer Seal of Not Being Ass”. Even the font is cheap!

He then says the “Punisher scene” was quiet outside of his Spider-Man TAS appearance and the 2004 movie (so we’re just pretending comics don’t exist?), then he starts talking about the 2005 game. Which is meant to be a tie-in to the 2004 movie, even having Thomas Jane reprise Frank.
He says it’s from Deep Silver Volition. … Not exactly. Though the game was developed by Volition (prior to being bought by Deep Silver), it was published by THQ. Not THQ Nordic, the original dead THQ. Seems like something Logan should have helped with hm?
He calls it a mix between Gears of War and Manhunt. This came out before Gears of War. If anything, it’s more like Star Wars Battlefront or Metal Arms: Glitch in the System. I’m guessing Logan included the bit about Manhunt since I seriously doubt Chris would know what that is.
He brings up violent the game is, and it’s so graphic it almost got an Adults Only rating from the… from the ESERB. ESERB?! Hahahahahaha seriously?! Oh wow. Of all the obvious mistakes, this one was so bad. How does this even happen?
“You know your game is bad when it makes Rockstar Games look like daycare” Hey Logan, you wanna tell him about Manhunt 2, which was so graphic that it got an AO rating? No? Okay.
He brings up the cameos, including one from Iron Man. Tony says he needs a drink, which IG agrees to.

He then brings up the short-lived The Punisher: No Mercy. An exclusive PS3 game that only lasted two years. I’m guessing the footage is from elsewhere (and I imagine he will not credit that). He just heard it’s bad and something about excrement.
Then the video ends with a bit about the saxophone player. Followed by the clip of Iron Man seeing he needs a drink. Now that clip is definitely Logan, because Bores would never do a bit like that.

This was just dull. Nothing really interesting was said. Also, it’s weird that he calls them mediocre but didn’t really say anything bad about them. Especially not the Game Boy title, he barely said anything there.
Also, no mention of the 1990 computer game? Once again, the computer gets ignored.
I just find it weird that there’s so so so many mispronunciations. More than usual. Is Chris rushing these out with no quality assurance? Is Logan not catching this stuff? Has Chris always had this problem but managed to remove it in editing but now things are different? Something’s off.

It's been about eight days since Nintendo announced that Steve from Minecraft would be in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Puppet Steve has not said anything yet. That's also weird...

That's all for me everyone. Stay safe!


  1. Even before the Howard the Duck movie, there was a Captain America film serial back in the 1940s. As well as some Marvel-related TV movies in the 1970s and 1980s. They even released a few of said TV movies theatrically overseas. Plus Toei produced a short film based on their Spider-Man tokusatsu TV series, and released it as part of their one of seasonal Toei Manga Matsuri film anthologies in Japan.

  2. Off-topic, but why did the audio sound high-pitched in the Arcade version of Robocop, when IG was reviewing that awhile back.

  3. In addition to the Punisher, Beam Software also produced the infamous Back to the Future games, and, among others, a version of "Family Feud" on the NES for GameTek.

  4. Knowing how Chris’ views have plummeted since the crossover it does seem like Irate Gamer’s second chance has over stood it’s welcome.

    What’s next? Is everybody going to start loving DSP? Will TheOneUpGamer get a million subscribers? Is Game Dude going to make a comeback?

    1. Maybe your videos will actually get some views?

    2. @Anonymous: If I can stop talking about my channel then you can stop bringing it up as an insult. I don’t even have much plans to do anymore Rise and Fall videos. Let’s try to avoid BatDan having to monitor the comments again.

    3. The fact he had to monitor comments because of crybabies like you shows how much lack of integrity he has. Something similar to Bores.

    4. BatDan doesn't lack integrity. BatDan is NOTHING like Bores you fucking asshole.

    5. let's see...monitoring/deleting comments is something you guys said bores does, and Batdan literally did it because his bootlickers, ie you got tired of comments not in support of the blog (which is actually false in itself, since most comments were directed at people like PM who shilled, or SilentSpring, you needlessly bitched about trolls)

      If dan had intrgerity, he wouldn't be as hypocritical as bores. By the mere fact he was, he loses his intergity. Now is it as bad as the cousin fucker? Of course not, but if you still don't see how lot of the tactics you whined about Bores doing, this blog has started to do, then you're as blind a fanboy as bores' are to him and his antics.

  5. Speaking of Family Feud, I can only imagine Bores trying to review various NES games based off of game shows, namely by GameTek (but also a trio of awful titles Hi-Tech Expressions put out-- and HTE is just as bad as a bunch of "laughing joking numbnuts" when it comes to publishing NES games).

  6. Doesn't seem like a Logan was involved at all. This episode was totally 100% Chris Bores and 0% Logan.

  7. Hey BatDan! We need a clean up on aisle Anonymous!

    1. Mommy! I was trying to say mean things about people behind their backs but then the big meanies came and meaned meaner to my face! Wahhhh

    2. Hey Anonymous, it's justified on our end because Bores has learned ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. If you don't like it, GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE ASSHOLE!!!

    3. one could argue you guys haven't learned anything either.

      It seems like you guys can dish it but can never ever handle it (similar to bores). You do realize everything is a two way street right?

    4. One can ALSO argue that when you go on this blog to pick fights with us it’s no different than when Chris used to log into Ladybuggin777 to harass us.

  8. Chris posted on Facebook in search of a camera operator for ghost hunting videos. To his credit, Chris says he will pay this person.

  9. Would Silver Surfer be considered a bad game? I thought the main problem with that game was that they just made it a little too hard. I remember James and Mike playing it with Bootsy years ago and they even said they didn't consider it bad, just a little too hard.

    1. I would actually agree with that. To this day I have not beaten Silver Surfer but from what I have played, it is not bad. There was a lot of effort put into the game. It is just brutally difficult.

    2. Fair, Silver Surfer has good things going (music being a big one), but the difficulty is just too nuts. Most other similar games give you a small sprite for easy maneuverability. Silver Surfer's problem is that he's just too damn big.
      Most of the graphics look good, but then you have instances where the bullets blend with the environment. That's bad art design.

    3. Makes me think about Battletoads. Again not a bad game, but unforgiving when it came to that Turbo tunnel level. In fact, has Chris ever reviewed Battletoads? Can't remember.

    4. Chris has not reviewed Battletoads but James has. I personally have never beaten Battletoads without using Game Genie as I can’t beat Rat Race. Chris would have a total Meltdown playing Battletoads and he’ll definitely cheat even if I can’t beat the last stages without game genie.

  10. For the fucking idiots saying BatDan is like Bores? Has BatDan false flagged videos critical of this blog, said someone who committed suicide should burn in hell, sock puppeted as his mother to harass critics of his, scammed followers of this blog, and once apparently assaulted a woman?

    1. I'd be careful of the last one if we're not certain that Chris is guilty.

      And at the very least, I agree with deleting uncivilized comments/not approving them, I'd hope the same action is taken if someone who's for the blog makes a very distasteful comment towards the blog detractors.

    2. God PM you are so utterly dense that light must bend around you. Your thin skin couldn't take a little dig at your own videos whilst you mocked 4 other creators in one post and then you went crying to BatDan, and somehow you have conflated those actions towards us calling BatDAn Bores. There are nuances to everything in life, and people can be criticised for their singular actions - in this case blocking/deleting comments - and not also accusing the same person of assaulting women you absolute pleb.

  11. Wow! It's like Crisbo only knows about the Punisher through the movies! Does he even read the comics, or are even aware of them? And how exactly is the arcade game's intro "flashy"? It's pretty down to earth and quiet!

    1. He claims to have read them, but he claims a lot of things.
      I don't get why he called it flashy either. I looked it up and it's pretty somber. Not sure how you can see dead children and think "BOY THAT WAS FLASHY!"

  12. Do any of you think Bores could be experiencing a mid life crisis? He’s in his 40’s now, Puppet Steve isn’t paying the bills much, his Irate Gamer comeback imploded faster than any other comeback of his, and he’s desperate for The Amazing Atheist’s viewership as he made a video on TGD.

    1. That, or he REALLY wants fame again, as people these days don't even mention him anymore!

    2. It's something a lot of YouTubers encounter once their peak is over. It's an identity issue. You don't know what to do next. You try to find ways to make an impact in other areas the same way you did on YouTube, but it's difficult. It's an incredible feeling that you can't replace.

    3. @Deepthroat

      It reminds me of the old saying from Andy Warhol: "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes."

  13. Speaking of shameless, off-topic plugz for one’s own shittychannels: see if the Emunator can beat MKII for Sega Master System on the new episode of Beat It? Or Eat It?

  14. It seems like Chris broke his trend of making IG videos once a week. The Ghost Doctor video he put up on his main channel doesn’t count.

    1. He once again tries to get people interested in his ghost thing, even if he mad a seperate channel for it. So how long till he abandones his ghost doctor YouTube-Channel?

    2. Looks like this will suffer the same fate as TheSkylanderC

    3. He may have posted it on his ig channel cuz it’s October, he said something about it in one of his streams

  15. I still wonder if James even gives a shit about Chris despite their "crossover" and Chris' claims of them being "friends". But the funny thing is, not only is Chris totally irrelevant these days, but James isn't as relevant these days as he was years ago. Sure, the "crossover", might be surprising to people that might still remember the drama from years ago, but James Rolfe/AVGN isn't the biggest name when it comes to gaming on YouTube. Or even one of the biggest names. These days, you got big Let's Players like Pewdiepie, Markiplier, and Jacksepticeye. You got reviewers like Jontron. You got other types of gaming videos, like Matpat with Game Theory. You have Screwattack, you have Achievement Hunter. You have all of these various gaming related channels/websites that are much bigger and more well-known than James. And Chris doesn't have a chance in Hell of getting a "crossover" or even noticed by any of these other people. These other people likely don't give a crap about Chris, don't know who he is, completely forgot about him, or know how much of an unfunny hack he is. It's actually kind of sad that a "crossover" with AVGN is the most biggest thing Chris has done with YouTube in the past several years.

    1. Being popular does not equal good either. Half of them are screaming on cam, makes you wonder who the audience is. Likely little kids watching stuff they shouldn't be because their parents are too dumb to control what their brats are seeing.

      No wonder kiddies are getting more foul mouthed

    2. "Half of them are screaming on cam, makes you wonder who the audience is."

      Well, Guru Larry had the advantage of not having a big audience, he learned to evolve because of that, and he could change things up without his audience hating it.

    3. That's true! Just look at the Game Grumps! Very popular, but they are an absolute joke! Basically DSP 2.0!

  16. Speaking of MatPat, I still wonder how many non-game show fans are irate with them regarding their claim about Jeopardy! being "rigged" years ago. It seems like only that community was pissed off about it.

  17. Come on, we know he's gonna review Metroid on NES! It's just bound to happen at this point!

    1. Yes, we need to bring our Captain N theory full circle.

    2. This is how the Metroid review will play out.

      Chris first says “Metroid was one of the most influential games on the NES System.” Then he complains about the lack of save feature or map system. He also goes to Norfair without getting the upgrades and dies a lot and does not get the screwattack or the high jump boots. He then uses either game genie or passwords to get to Ridley. He beats Ridley by spamming missiles as since he has used Game Genie it gave him unlimited missiles. He also doesn’t get the defense suit before going to Kraid’s lair and when he is in that area he likely doesn’t have the Ice Beam thus makes the area harder. He complains about how much damage the enemies do as he doesn’t have the defense suit. When he gets to Mother Brain’s hideout, he makes a Captain N reference and after the escape, he either complains that Samus is a woman or gets one of the bad endings where Samus doesn’t reveal herself.

    3. I still like this:
      Back in the July post titled Did We Say Crossover? We Really Meant Overhyped Cameo., DoubleEdgeSword and I had this to say about it:

      DoubleEdgedSword2July 20, 2020 at 6:37 AM
      I think Bor-ess has just given up on trying to disprove our Captain N theory. On that note, I may come out of retirement if he does Metroid.

      Gary SargentJuly 20, 2020 at 7:44 AM
      Whatta you bet that if bores does Metroid, he'll perv out over the endings revealing Samus to be a woman?


      DoubleEdgedSword2July 20, 2020 at 7:06 PM
      Given Chris' misogyny, he'd probably bitch about it.

      Gary SargentJuly 20, 2020 at 10:25 PM
      IG:“What? I’ve been playing as a woman the whole time? That really fleeeps muh sheee-it!!! Someone call 911, because I was ROB-bed (holds up ROB) of my manhood!!”
      Tony: heh-heh!
      Ronnie: Oh my! It reminds me of the time I had to play a female-girl skeleton in...” all: “shut up Ronnie!!!”
      Not Wilson: “you know irate, many modern, woke, enlightened men have no problem with...”(ig throws metroid cart to the left, it appears from right side of screen, hitting Not Wilson)
      Kool-aid man busts thru the wall: “oh yeah!”
      Evil Gamer: “I wonder if I can get a career in evil surprise twist gender reveal endings ?”

      And let’s hope he does make a Metroid review so it stops getting speculated on here all the time.

  18. Out of curiosity, is there any current or former Channel Awesome contributors you still watch? For me it's Todd In The Shadows, Rocked, Guru Larry, and occasionally Cinema Snob.

    1. I mainly just watch Todd In The Shadows. Although every once in a while I'll watch one of Doug Walker's unscripted videos (like Sibling Rivalry).

    2. Besides Nostalgia Critic, I still watch Linkara, Film Brain, Todd, Cinema Snob and Guru Larry to name a few.

    3. @The Notorious Phantom I didn't even know Film Brain was still making videos. I used to enjoy Bad Movie Beatdown. If only he would bring that series back.

    4. I tend to watch Phelous whenever I can! I'm also subscribed to Benett, but I haven't seen him recently!

    5. @SS Film Brain is still doing his Projector series, which is fun watching, even if I don't always agree with his reviews.

      Yeah, Phelous is still funny! xD

    6. Don’t forget that Film Brain unintentional gave us the hilarious “references are not jokes” running gag in I Can’t Believe It’s Not DLA.

    7. Does anybody watch Brandon Tenold (Brandon's Cult Movie Reviews)? He's sort of a Canadian version of Cinema Snob, but still pretty funny.

  19. Some more goofs I noticed on the IG arcade ports vid: during dragons lair: after talking about the nes version, he says “...this could have worked if it was a side scrolling adventure game. Well No it wouldn’t cuz they did this with the snes version.” The nes and snes ones or both side scrollers, though I don’t think either could be considered “adventure”. In ghosts n goblins section satan says something about bores still sucking at it “over 40 years later”, the arcade game is 35 years old (Bores is 42). Bores does refer to 35 years ago before the satan statement tho’. Also that statement about how arcades died in the nineties because of improving home versions seems like it should be at the end of the video, as he bitches about more nes games after that statement. Finally, at about 3mins 45 secs into the video, it shows his hand touching pac man arcade machine and he has something on his hand, looks like he got shit on his hand while he was wiping his ass,

  20. Game Genie or cheat code alert: during the nes punisher section, the screen is cropped so you can’t see lives/ammo, however during the boss montage the whole screen is shown, revealing he has anywhere between 12 and 26 lives. Also, what does Spider-Man appearing in the game boy version rob bores of?

  21. Anyone know what happened to DLAbquo? Did he ever write that book?

    1. I wonder what happened to slit of the people who used to comment on here, it’s the last of the diehards now

  22. It’s been almost two weeks without an Irate Gamer video. It’s still too early to say whether Chris has went into retirement again.

    1. Yea I have doubts that we will ever get a follow up to the avgn crossover that ended in a cliff hanger

    2. Notes posted a pic of the genesis ghouls and ghost cart on fb 2 hours ago, I’m imagine he’s gonna talk about the arcade version and super g&g as well

    3. He also posted some more ghost hunting shit:

      === Recorded some new episodes of Ghost Doctor this weekend. Had a great time and the things that happened were incredible!! Can't wait to get these edited and released. I also have upgraded to the same level of equipment that reality TV shows use so the quality is freaking amazing. Unfortunately we had some mic issues which I need to work out for next time. (And I think I can work around, fingers crossed.) A special thanks for so many IG fans wanting to lend a hand to be cameramen. I am humbled by the fandom. If you didn't get picked this time around, there will be more opportunities in the future. Here is a still from the footage. Doesn't that picture quality look amazing? I'm still shocked how good it looks. ===

    4. When Justin Beiber asked his fans in detail to play the song Yummy over and over again with a VPN to get to number 1, THAT wasn’t as desperate as what Chris is doing with The Ghost Doctor.

    5. Ahhhh but is it as desperate as shilling your rise and fall videos every...sorry I'll stop. It's become like an instinct!

    6. Speaking of desperate shilling, check this out:

    7. I disagree. I think two weeks is an acceptable amount of time in between content. Big improvement over 2011 when he would upload a video once every 7 months.

  23. If a Down The Rabbit Hole on Irate Gamer were made would Chris try to get it taken down as Fredrik gets millions of views for every video or would Chris desperately try to get Fredrik's audience?

    1. In the old days Chris would have tried to have it taken down. Hell, Chris even tried to have the "Opening Up" documentary taken down.

      Hopefully the Chris of 2020 has matured and realized that he could benefit from the publicity of a Rabbit Hole video. That said, I am not sure one would ever be made. Chris is not as interesting as some of the other subjects and Fredrik has better topics to cover.

    2. I think overall Chris’ biggest flaw is that there was a market for videos like I Can’t Believe It’s Not AVGN and Third Rate Gamer and Chris should have worked with the market rather than swim against it and that’s why the hate persisted.

    3. In my humble opinion, Chris would have been better off playing a character who is clueless about video games and criticizes the wrong things about them. In essence, a Third Rate Gamer show before TRG even existed

    4. The sad part is that Chris doesn't have the charisma or humor to even make a clueless gamer show. Speaking of which, who here has seen Conan O'brien's Clueless Gamer?

  24. So let me get this straight... Chris is okay with reprising Satan as a recurring character on The Irate Gamer Show but he felt compelled to turn off a Nickelodeon show because of the satanic imagery?

  25. New IG video-Ghouls n’ Ghosts for Sega Genesis.

  26. I have to give Chris props for one thing: he is a lot more consistent with his uploads. A big problem with him in the past is lack of a real upload schedule and being lazy with his retro reviews. But so far he seems to have solved that problem. Do you guys agree?
