Saturday, September 4, 2021

Tiny Brain Talks Tiny Cars

Man, Shang-Chi was so good. If you’re in a safe area, try to go see it.
What’s that? Bores finally uploaded a new video? Wow, wonder what took him so long. This must be something intensive to take three months.

It’s Micro Machines. Okay, not something he’s done before. Yes, there was the 80’s video which is now 10 years old, but this is on the video games. Plus, he did say before he wanted to talk about this. Surely this is worth the wait! … PFFFFFFF

I should note that this was uploaded on September 3rd, but it got taken down due to copyright strikes and he had to reupload it. According to my informant, it was due to showing an entire Micro Machines commercial, and now it’s just a short clip. Rather odd thing for the algorithm to take down but whatever.
So, I’ll be watching the reupload which may be different from what some of you saw.

This one is a little over 16 minutes long. Here we go.

The video opens with IG pouring Micro Machines into a bowl like it’s cereal. Man, he just can’t get enough of cereal can he. What is his deal with it?
“A whole bowl of nostalgia!” Uggggggggh
“Breakfast will NOT be ruined!” Get it? He said the thing, only it’s the opposite. Hur hur hur… in the comments, someone brought that up, and he responded, “I’ve gone meta”. There’s another instance later in the video of something like this happening, and I’ll address the issue with all that there.

Theme song, and it’s the same animated intro. It’s still terrible.
It was changed up at the end to insert IG into the Micro Machines character select screen, followed by a “realistic” pixelated version of him looking… angry? Honestly, he looks like he’s doing the soyjak face. His mouth hanging open like that.

We cut back to him talking about how he loved to collect the Micro Machines toys, and said it was like collecting Ninja Turtles. Random drop-in from a TMNT toy. Stop doing that.
He compares them to Hot Wheels, only they were smaller, cooler, and downright rad. That feels redundant. Also, most of your audience isn’t familiar with 80’s slang Chris.

He continues talking about the toys, the commercials, okay this is just repeating what he did 10 years ago. Why is he doing this? Does he think remaking old videos somehow makes them better? It’s not like he acknowledges that he’s talked about this stuff before, he just pretends it never happened. At least when other content creators take another look at something they talked about before, they acknowledge it and reference what they did wrong back then. Like when SomecallmeJohnny did his recent Sonic marathon and acknowledges his old videos weren’t as good, or when Chuggaaconroy replayed Earthbound and provided a much more detailed and higher quality experience, even acknowledging that he isn’t too fond of his original Earthbound playthrough (which to be fair, was his first).

Sorry, let’s move on.
He brings up their appearance in Home Alone, complete with movie clip. I’m surprised he wasn’t taken down for this part.

He then notes how Galoob entered the video game market with the Game Genie in 1990. Ah yes, his best friend.
Then he suddenly explains how Game Genie works, and then starts playing Commando. Why? First of all, you’ve already explained how Game Genie works before. Second, why are you talking about Commando now? Are you trying to “capture that old Irate Gamer spirit” where you randomly went on tangents about other games? That was dumb back then, and it’s dumb now.

So, he quickly beats Commando with the Game Genie, and remarks he waited 30 years to see how it ends. Why didn’t you beat it back then? Oh right, he’s lying.
Basically, this whole bit is to get “mad” at how the game has a poorly translated ending. We know Chirs, Capcom NES games had poor translations. This is nothing new. Your obsession with NES endings is beyond stupid.

He brings up the Nintendo lawsuit that Galoob won but hurt their relationship with Nintendo. Since they wanted Micro Machines on NES, they turned to “Codebreakers”. It’s Codemasters you idiot! My god, this isn’t hard to look up!
Anyway, he brings up how it’s unlicensed, how it has a switch in the back to bypass the lock-out chip (with a jump cut for some reason), and how the cartridge is gold like Zelda. He speculates it was to trick people into thinking the game is as good as Zelda. No, it’s because they wanted to stand out among all the gray carts.

He also points out the label is upside down. Then follows with “Alright, enough nitpicking like an angry nerd”. Seriously? We get it, you’re on better terms with the AVGN.
By the way, I’m aware that James read a letter from him on a mailbag video. Yeah, that exists.

He starts the NES game and says it’s actually enjoyable. Once again, Chris forgets what the “Irate Gamer” is supposed to be about.
He claims it’s better than “other racing shits” like Mach Rider, City Connection, and “Bill Elliot’s Racecar Challenge”. Hoo boy, a lot wrong there. Mach Rider isn’t a racing game, and it isn’t bad, you just suck at it. City Connection isn’t a racing game either, I don’t know how you got that. While the last one is a racing game, it’s actually called Bill Elliot’s NASCAR Challenge. Were you afraid NASCAR would sue you if you mentioned their name? No, he obviously didn’t do the research.
Seriously, what has he been doing for three months?
Then we get a padded sequence where he plays the last game and finds it boring. Get someone to edit your fucking scripts!

Anyway, he says he played the game a lot as a kid and enjoyed it, despite its “flawls”.
“Now the controls at times, may suck ass worse than a five-dollar whore” Religious man everybody!
“This game definitely drills you in” Was he trying to say “draws”? Because it sounds like “drills” instead.
He lists off the various vehicles you can race, all based off the toy line. He gets to the muscle cars and acts surprised at the game’s depiction of them. NES game Chris.

“What the fuck is that muscle?” *breathes in* Okay. This is what I wanted to address earlier with the “Breakfast is not ruined” line. Chris trying to be meta. He is far far too late to be going this route. It could have worked a decade ago, but now that nobody cares and there’s not many people left that would get these “jokes”; it’s cringy as hell. Not to mention trying to be self-aware of how bad you are tends to backfire more often than not. Like how Birdemic 2 was way worse than the first movie because it tried to be self-aware, or how everything Tommy Wiseau did after The Room was hard to watch because he was trying to be meta about his status as a cult filmmaker.
Acknowledging your mistakes is one thing, but Chris’ way of doing it is painful to watch. Like an old out of shape rockstar still trying to perform his crazy stage moves 20 years after his peak.
It could be worse though. He could be Linkara raging like a madman anytime somebody brings up Lightbringer or OneyPlays or that running scene from the Nostalgia Critic Bloodrayne review. Not a pretty sight…

Anyway, he goes over the characters in the game. He lists them off, the traits they have, and randomly references Armake21. Chris, do you seriously think anyone watching now is going to know who that is? Learn about new talent! Stop living in the past!
Then he compares the characters to The Breakfast Club, editing their portraits onto the movie poster, with Armake in place of Emilio Estevez. Laaaaaame.
You can also hear Don’t You (Forget About Me) playing. How the hell did the copyright bots not catch that?

He notes how the game’s racetracks are designed after real life areas, like one is a kitchen table or a “breakfast table” and losing means “breakfast is ruined”. Uggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh
He shows the school stage and how the obstacles are supplies and refers to pencil sharpeners by their Spanish word “Sacapuntas”. So he could make stupid jokes about how it sounds like “punting you in the ballsack” along with a death montage. Hur… hur… hurl…

Interesting to note, before the video went down, he said “Sacapuntas” meant eraser and not pencil sharpener. He got called out in the comments and he noted he did get it right the first time but “rushed it”. Hold on, you rushed it? But… you’ve been working on this for weeks, maybe months. What the hell is your process? Well, that comment is likely gone as it was in the first upload. Though my informant did manage to catch it.

Still, it is surprising to see him fix a mistake like that. So… a point for that.

He moves onto the garage and points out how the oil slicks slow you down. Uh no, the oil slicks make you skid. Then he questions the gray obstacle in the floor and wonders what that is. Looking it up, a guide on GameFAQs states it’s glue, and that’s the obstacle that slows you down. I am not sure how they figured that out, but it makes sense.

He briefly goes over the bath level, then moves onto a sandbox level where he says the difficulty really goes up.
“You may have played those first couple of levels and thought ‘Hey, this game is a piece of cake’” Didn’t you already have a death montage? You’re not exactly making a good argument here.
“Now it’s time to take that cake, and ram it up your piehole of an asshole!” … What?
And another death montage. This did not need to be 16 minutes.
He complains that you can’t just go “pedal to the medal” and you have to “balance” between accelerating and de-accelerating. Sooo, a racing game. This isn’t a new concept.
Then a Speed Racer reference, another death montage, an alliterative insult with “bunghole” in it, he slaps himself with the controller, and says he’d rather sandblast his anus into silly putty. I’m sorry, am I supposed to be laughing? How am I supposed to react to all this?

He wonders how he can’t beat the level anymore because as a kid, he could beat the whole game without breaking a sweat. Is that right? Perhaps you had Game Genie helping you?
He then tells a story about how he and his cousins beat the game over and over again and knew every twist and turn. Hmmmm… I don’t buy that.
He then takes out Game Genie. Of course he does…

He gets past the level and makes it to the billiard table level. He comments on how you can drop into a pocket and end up on another part of the track, and that was “rare” at the time. *looks at Super Mario Bros.* Huh?
After the billiard table, it’s back to the kitchen. “All these levels have been bumped up in difficulty level” Proofreading? What’s that?
He remarks that you drive over a box of “Toppies” cereal. He questions it, saying he never saw it as a kid. He believes it was between Breakfast with Barbie and Booty-O’s. That would be impressive considering Booty-O’s didn’t come out until 2016, and it’s a tie-in with The New Day wrestling tag team that didn’t debut until 2014. You just wanted to flex your stupid cereal knowledge, didn’t you?
He also clarifies they’re real. At least he understands that some people don’t realize that he’s making something up with his stupid photoshop gags and is willing to clarify when something is real.

Then another death montage. Jeez, this video doesn’t need to be any longer.
He ends it by pouring his Micro Machines into a bowl and “eating” them with Cookie Monster sounds. Painfully unfunny.

He notes how the game gets harder the further you get along, points out the chopper stages. Randomly puts in the Predator clip. Again, how did that not get caught by the bots?
He claims they’re the jankiest vehicles to control. Oh hey, he learned a new word.
Then he moves onto a board game level where he finds the checkerboard annoying to get around.
“Damn it Galoob, FOCK you and your FUCKING checkers!” It’s not Galoob that made the game, it was Codemasters.

Eventually he fills up his toy case, racers drop out (random reference to Punch-Out as well), and he gets to the end. A level which he claims he never beat. Wait… but you said earlier you beat the game over and over with your cousins. Was that a lie?! How did you miss a contradiction THIS big?! What the hell?!

So, he goes through the time trial challenge and gets upset that the Monster Truck doesn’t get added to his toy case. I looked it up, and he had to beat it in the allotted time to get it for his case. I figured he would know that since he “beat the game over and over again” derpa derpa derp
“What a bunch of big asses” … Huh?
Anyway, he beats the game, complains about the ending, and complains that he doesn’t get a car. Whatever…
“You turkey dicks” Stop. Just stop.

“While I was doing research for this game” HAHAHAHA that’s funny. You doing research.
He claims that “four years later”, Galoob released Micro Machines on SNES. So so wrong! It was three years later not four, and it wasn’t Galoob, it was Ocean Software. You didn’t research a damn thing.
He looks over the SNES version, notes how it looks better, controls better, thinks it’s easier but dies so it’s not… blah
Then he says something really odd. That this was around the time he jumped ship from Nintendo to Sega. What? When did you do that? Throughout the years you’ve been doing this show, you have NEVER brought that up. Are you making stories up again? Especially since the majority of what you’ve covered were Nintendo titles. You didn’t talk about a Genesis game until 2014. What are you trying to get at?

He moves on to Micro Machines 2, which he claims was released on SNES and Genesis (there’s others).
He notes the graphics are better and there’s been changes to the characters, then he gets horny over one of the returning ones. Ew…
What Chris neglected to mention is that the console versions of Micro Machines 2 were only released in Europe. The only version America got was on MS-DOS. That seems like a pretty important detail to overlook.

He briefly talks about Micro Machines V3 on Playstation 1, and I do mean brief because he doesn’t say much. Just a comment about the graphics and a joke about eating your vegetables. Dull…

He brings up Micro Machines 64 Turbo, which is just a port of V3. He seems to understand that as he notes that it’s basically the same game. Then he gets mad at how they changed the character he got horny over. “What am I supposed to do with this?!” … Touch grass.

He jumps to Micro Machines V4 on PS2. It has been brought to my attention by Jack Cravens that the gameplay footage has been taken from the YouTube channel xTimelessGaming. As made clear by the XTG name above the car. Of course, no credit in the description. In fact, he didn’t even credit Eli Bruner for the opening animation either. Still stealing and refusing to give credit. No number of meta jokes will fix that Chris.
Anyway, he doesn’t really say anything about the game, just that he believes the toys weren’t available in stores, so this was just quietly released. No, they were there. The initial Micro Machines line kept going until 2008, and this game came out in 2006. It had a brief Star Wars revival in 2015, died again, but now it’s back under Wicked Cool Toys & Jazwares. Just a quick search.

Even though he’s clearly not playing, he says it’s good. Then he says, “3D Realms took 12 years to release this”. … I’m sorry what? Where did that come from? Did you somehow confuse this with Duke Nukem Forever? 3D Realms didn’t even work on this game, it was developed by Supersonic Software. Are you high?!
He’s also mad because the girl isn’t in the game. I don’t even care anymore…

Then he moves on to Micro Machines World Series for Playstation 4 (as well as Xbone and PC). He says he hadn’t even heard of it until today (which means he likely stole this footage from someone else) and compares it to Skylanders. It’s nothing like Skylanders, it’s not toy-to-life. Get a bigger pool of references.

Despite the “polish” of the newer games, he prefers the NES one because of nostalgia. Then a really dumb Breakfast Club reference to end the video. How does your mind get here? You reference it once, and somehow you think that gives the right to re-enact the ending? Is this just more “I LOVE MUH 80’S!” pandering?

What a mess of a video. How did this take so long? Barely any effects, but a whole lot of errors. Didn’t you have help with all this? Maybe the people he got to help wanted to get paid, he didn’t pay them, and now he’s stuck by himself again. There wasn’t even a fake sponsorship this time around.
I swear, Chris does not respect the few fans he has left. It just feels like he’s throwing shit at the wall with no regard to what they want.

And that is everything. We may not be able to stop the ignorance, but we can curb COVID. Go get vaccinated if you haven’t.


  1. Fun Fact: Micro Machines 2, along with its updates Micro Machines '96 and Micro Machines Military, featured the great Violet Berlin from the 1990's UK TV gaming magazine show Bad Influence as a playable character.

    1. Well, being that Codemasters is based in England, it kinda makes sense to have Ms. Berlin being featured.

  2. It won't surprise me in the least if Chris believes the fact he's on better terms with James Rolfe vindicates all of his wrongdoings but in this very video it is one of his biggest instances of his other most common criticism, getting things wrong.

  3. I was expecting Bores to do a bad imitation of John Moschitta Jr.

  4. Someone in the comments asked about Geektime. Chris said probably not since nobody watched it. So I think it's safe to say that's dead...wonder if Chris burned that bridge as well.

    1. So much killed GeekTime's chances.

      He published it on Podbean first, taking a while to put it on YouTube.

      The first exposure on YouTube was an awful clickbait segment on how the Joker movie is bad (without having seen it). Made worse by including the podcast's theme song which was not only really long but annoying and insulting. I remember so many comments from people saying they couldn't get past the song before turning it off.

      Frankly, Chris' reasons for wanting to do it were mean-spirited (How dare Kevin Smith talk about his live-saving weight loss).

      But yeah, safe to say GeekTime is another failure. Add it to the pile.

    2. So far I've got

      -Haunted Investigators
      -Breakfast Rant
      -Spamming Skylanders Videos
      -Box and App Videos
      -Pursuit of The Paranormal Premiere Where 20 People Showed Up
      -Alphabet Bunch
      -Chris NEO
      -Geektime TNG

      Let me know if I missed any

    3. @PrinceMario Don't forget the Chris and Scottie Roadtrip

      Also, he tried Let's Plays at one point. And he gave up on them after doing only three games.

    4. Hotel Gaming
      That Deal Dash Scam
      E-Begging: The Spoof
      Back To The Past (First video)
      I Rate the 80s

    5. We can't forget Ghost Hunting 2.0 and Chris claiming to have developed a new branch of psychology. That was before the "higher ups" in the paranormal community hacked his website (according to Chris.)

  5. New FB-Post:
    "I want to thank everyone very deeply that still watches my Irate Gamer videos. I've had to make the hard decision to pull back on churning out episodes at such a quick pace since the glory days of the show are long behind me. It was such a fun ride while it lasted. I'm not sure when the next episode will be produced/released but it's a good feeling to look back on the last 2 seasons and be proud of the episodes I cranked out. Thanks again to the fans. It was so much fun. That being said, the future looks bright and I'll have some interesting things to announce soon."

    He also posted something before just to make sure we all got the Breakfast Club homage.

    1. Someone posted this in the comment thread:

      === Nooo don't give up now. You were just about to pull ahead of AVGN in terms of people loving and respecting you. People with far less of a following are able to parlay it into some decent revenue, if not full time. Just gotta diversify and grow. ===

      AVGN may be becoming a shell of his former self, but no way is IG surpassing him.

    2. There was no chance of James Rolfe recapturing the AVGN magic that he once had.

      I mean, the triumph was already long over, the tragedy was well-cemented, a number of those people went back and tried to live that moment again - including the Screenslobs - way too many times, it wasn't gonna happen, it's over.

    3. Even though I agree the charm of AVGN is long gone I'd say it really doesn't matter. The guy's still getting decent views for his channel and when he does put out an AVGN specific episode those usually hit a million+ views.

  6. I have a theory that the reason an in person collaboration between Chris and James hasn't happened yet is remember James said him and the Screenwave crew are all vaccinated? Chris does seem like the type of person who would refuse the vaccine.

    1. Not only that but I would be so bold as to say that Chris would be more likely to take Ivermectin.

  7. New AVGN: Greendog: The Beached Surfer Dude for Sega Genesis.

    1. Shame all the anger feels forced and fake, I preferred it when he actually played some of the games instead of reading a script.

    2. Have you seen my sides? I lost them with the "happy birthday... FUCK YOU" :D

    3. I would agree that AVGN is way past his prime. He's the YouTube equivalent of a band from the 60's that only has one or two remaining members but at the same time, only tours with the name for more revenue.

    4. Uh, no. That is not an apt analogy at all. James is simply a man who skyrocketed to fame at the dawn of YouTube. Years pass, James gets older and he wants to explore other options in life. There is still something to the AVGN name though so he offloads a good chunk of the production to Screenwave.

      Don't get me wrong. I don't care much for modern AVGN but there is no reason why James shouldn't capitalize on his character while it is still relevant.

    5. The bloom was long off the AVGN rose.

  8. If Bores reviewed Star Wars for the NES here's how it would play out. My best guess is that he'd complain about the difficulty (the game isn't that hard until you reach the Death Star), probably forget to see Han Solo in the Cantina (he becomes a playable character afterwards), maybe steal from Filmnstuff and say the lift shafts are like them farting, and would use Game Genie to get past the stage with all the spikes.

    1. He's never reviewed a Star Wars game? That's weird when you consider that he loves using popular properties in his video titles to game the searches, and that there are so many of them.

    2. Not retro ones. He briefly talked about Lego Star Wars III in "Review Roundup" (and I do mean briefly), and he also talked about Star Wars Battlefront (2015). That's about all I remember.

  9. So where does Chris go from here? From the looks of things, Irate Gamer will be a very sporadic project (if there are any more IG episodes after Micro Machines). That will once again doom that channel to low views.

    The Ghost Doctor Channel doesn't get much activity either. He hasn't posted there in over a month. Zombie Steve is dead. He only posted two videos on that channel in the last year. Chris abandoned the Aplhabet Bunch years ago.

    As far as we know, that leaves Chris with his main channel - Puppet Steve. And let's be real - the views there are in serious decline. He has videos that have been up for almost a month and have between 20k and 50k views. Sometimes Chris gets lucky and a video will have hundreds of thousands of views but even that is weak for a channel with nearly a million subscribers.

    If Chris wants to continue making videos then I really do think his best bet is something I suggested years ago. He needs to join a team. He has some skill for lighting sets and editing videos. He could probably contribute on the back end for a team with other people serving as writers and actors. I'm not sure Chris has the humility for that but history shows that when Chris runs a project by himself it is either mediocre or he abandons it.

  10. Since I mentioned Filmnstuff what are some of you guys' takes on him? When I first played through Die Hard for the NES I managed to use everything in his review to successfully beat that game but at the same time, he has a lot of opinions that can come off as ignorant or controversial. An example being that he LOATHED River City Ransom and hated on Jurassic Park for the NES entirely because of his bias against Ocean (I think that's one of the better Ocean games).

    1. Never heard of him. River City Ransom was awesome though

  11. So...

    Did any of you hear that DSP got his back account information leaked and it says he only has $148 to his name because he spends everything he e begs for in tips.

    1. It would not surprise me as DSP has been incredibly reckless with finances for much of his adult life. It has been a few years since I've read anything about him so this information may be out of date but the dude was paying two mortgages - One to a house in a gated community he could not afford. At one time he bought a BMW and is notorious for blowing wads of money on ugly crap, mobile games and fast food. Plus he has a wife to support.

    2. He spends $2,000 a month on WWE Champions and on top of that had to file for bankruptcy AND is in debt to the IRS.

  12. New Nerd episode: Commodore 64

  13. New AVGN - Commodore 64.

    If this video had been produced by a gaming channel that doesn't emphasize humor then it might have been a reasonably decent video. But as an AVGN episode I found it to be quite dull.

    1. I agree! If it were a Triggered video that Nathaniel Bandy did, I'd find it good but I don't think it's good for AVGN standards.

  14. So! The newest post on the Cinemassacre Instagram shows James and the Screenwave crew at a Jane's Addiction concert (PS they are a criminally underrated band) and I was almost tempted to make a drug reference knowing how Perry Farrell and Dave Navarro were both notorious drug addicts (and how is Perry Farrell even still alive).

    One thing is for certain, I share James' taste in music.

  15. If anyone here has been keeping up with the Chris Chan scandal, a letter was recently leaked where he defends his actions with his mother. Also, apparently he believes he's Jesus now.

    1. Much like WingsofRedemption, I intentionally DON'T follow up with Chris Chan. I only follow DSP as he's easy to make fun of (and I can speedrun Paper Mario and the game is getting re released so I would rip it apart on my channel if he decides to LP it).

  16. Nice announcement from James: Monster Madness 2021 starts Friday, with 31 horror movies from 31 different countries, exclusively on because it's "too brutal for YouTube".

    I'd almost forgotten what it's like to be excited by an announcement from a game reviewer.

  17. Out of all of Bores' terrible jokes, which would be among the closest to funny in your eyes.

    I'll start with "Zombies, zombies, and more zombies (Aaron Spelling). That joke could have worked if it were say Mick Jagger, Clint Eastwood, or Bob Baker. Someone still alive but looks like a zombie.

    1. Another reason why the Aaron Spelling joke didn't work was how poorly it was set up. Chris showed gameplay footage from ZAMN before showing Spelling's photo. If Chris had shown photos of zombies he found on the internet, the joke might have worked a little better.

      The only joke that ever came close to getting a laugh out of me (more like a chuckle honestly) was the Bores N Doors bits, which still didn't really work because it made no sense for people to be randomly knocking on his door to ask for directions.

    2. It makes even less sense when you consider Bores pretended to live in an apartment. These party guests went all the way up to his door specifically to ask where the party is. Maybe something about how the invites had the completely wrong address? At least that would make sense.

    3. Honestly, the funniest jokes from Bores was when he was not trying to be funny. The "princible". The Genesis being released to compete with the SNES. Bores should have chosen to portray his character as someone who just didn't have the slightest clue about gaming.

  18. now james is a the times have changed.

    1. His fans will still excuse it or suck up to him, meanwhile Bores gets picked apart these days for petty reasons.

    2. @bob I haven't kept up with James much and if you are referring to the Cinemassacre Podcast, Bores is not the first person in the world to start a podcast (and even fans of Bores didn't like Geektime).

      @ZxPlector It is a common misconception among fans of Bores that we obsess over him and kiss James' ass. I have said numerous times on this blog that James is way past his prime and other people on this blog have expressed that they aren't fans of James' newer content. On top of that, I've seen readers (myself included) express distaste for DSP, Nostalgia Critic, Arin Hanson, and Chris Chan but does that mean we "obsess" over them?

    3. Prince, you should probably look up what's going on before assuming.

      James brought back Monster Madness this year, however people found the reviews plagiarized other articles. Justin Silverman claims it's due to one of their writers screwing up.

      I'm more disappointed that James needs Screenwave to write Monster Madness now. I get AVGN, but Monster Madness is something he's passionate about. But to even leave that to ghostwriters is sad.

    4. @BatDanNight Sorry about that! I was unaware of the whole situation. I still think spinning it to make it about Bores is shady as he has nothing to do with Monster Madness.

  19. @Batdan, and Justin's "apology" / reasoning is utter bullshit. James supposedly sat on this script for a decade? James can't even be bothered to watch a movie or form his own opinion for HIS review? Makes that recent BTS video even more damning since James claims he has final say on what gets greenlit. So james either did know and was hoping no one would find out, or he really is hands off and a script reader (like many of us has figured out since SW took over).

  20. @princemario, who made it about bores? If you're referring to @ZX, he just commented how Bores gets nitpicked for less. You jumped on him right away for no real reason, if we're being honest.

    1. "how Bores gets nitpicked for less" it's been well established that there is much more wrong with Bores besides the whole AVGN ripoff thing. His other most common criticism is getting information wrong (which he still does to this day even getting the year of birth of someone he was paying tribute to wrong). There's also that he can't handle people being critical of him (and he even used to pretend to be his mother to harass critics of his).

      I'm also not responding to any further comments in this dispute as I do not want a repeat of people last year that only came here to pick fights with readers.

    2. you seem to think just literally responding to you is picking a fight. I'm simply commenting on how quick you jump on people about Bores. I honestly couldn't care less about Bores. You did it again with me. I'm well aware of Bores' history but there you go again inserting yourself as some sort of spokes person for this blog, and always making sure you have the last word and making sure you remind us that bores is no beuno. No one is excusing Borers' plagiarisms, but bores has been nitpicked for less than plagiarism as well. Please don't come back at me with your tired assumptions either. Be true to your word and don't comment back.

  21. I think responsibility for the plagiarism controversy falls squarely on James, Justin and Cinemassacre. I used to be an editor for a gaming website and there were a handful of incidents when blatantly plagiarized articles were submitted to us. That is one reason why editors are there - to keep plagiarized content from being published. If James wants us to believe that he still has authority over the videos on Cinemassacre then he is responsible for what is ultimately published. So is Justin. It is not hard to run articles through a plagiarism detector or even Google.

    James deserves to be criticized for this. That said, the fact that James is responsible for this plagiarism does not absolve Chris Bores of his own plagiarism (and let's not forget that Cnris has plagiarized other people besides James Rolfe.)

    1. it's crazy to think he had retired MM and only to bring it back for this to happen. If he truly has no time, he shouldn't have brought it back. I think he needs to take one of those time management classes...or get out of content creation (or at least make content he wants), the money, sponsors, algorithm be damned. You'd think with something like MM he'd actually put effort since he actually likes horror and movies...

  22. Oh, and Chris posted about this on Facebook. He is taking the high road (Though he tries to downplay his own plagiarism) and comments about how the world needs more positivity.

    1. 2012 Bores - Berates James for something he wasn't at fault for.

      2021 Bores - Defends James for something he IS at fault for.

      If that don’t scream character development, idk what does XD. (PS, if I'm not bitching about this blog, I'm not *that* "Unknown")

    2. === So people have been blowing up my inbox this weekend with the whole James plagiarism controversy because of our whole history together. I know it would be very easy for me to crap all over the guy right now since people claimed for years I intentionally plagiarized him without really finding anything more than a string of curse words which I've already explained ad nauseam how that happened. When I go over the top in ripping people apart in my Irate Gamer reviews, that's because it's a character that I play. So if you are looking for me to say something bad about the guy, I don't do that in real life and try to be as positive as I can. I've always wished James the best and still do. We can all use a little less hate in the world, especially now. ===

  23. Remember the grossly inappropriate comments Chris made about JewWario after he took his own life then JewWario was revealed to be a sexual predator and people started taking Chris' side? In no way did the Change The Channel incident make what Chris said about Justin okay and those comments are especially insulting to actual suicide victims that never get help.

    Same applies here with the James Rolfe plagiarism dispute. Chris and his fans seem to have the mindset that just because James and Screenwave were caught plagiarizing others, this vindicates Chris but that's not the case. Chris has plagiarized more than just AVGN videos (Armake21 and Wizwar are also examples).

    I do believe James should have either written the reviews himself as he is very passionate about the subject or at least proofread both the script multiple times like he said he used to do in the How To Make an AVGN Episode. I do believe James and Screenwave should be held accountable for this and I hope they learn from this.

    This rant is also the last thing I'll say about this controversy. Chris and his fans also need to learn that "two wrongs don't make a right."

    1. If VICE ever do "Dark Side of the Internet", they should do a multi-part episode on James Rolfe, and you could get Brendan Castner a.k.a. Bad Luck Bootsy and Kyle Justin a.k.a. The Guitar Guy in for it.

  24. Just asking because I'm not fully aware of what is going on. But is this recent controversy just another Cheetahman 2 thing? Where James is getting a bunch of hate for something that's not even really his fault?

    1. James brought back Monster Madness but Screenwave were writing the scripts and the very first video was directly stolen from a different review of the same movie. James is only at fault for going through with the voice over.

    2. talk about minimizing James' fault. That is certainly not his only fault in this debacle. James supposedly has the final say on everything. He says this himself. As the face of the channel as well as being the final say, he needs to take accountability. You excusing/Minimizing him just as someone reading the script shows your bias.

      At least 3 videos have had plagiarized portions as of today.

  25. Also, I don't know if anyone cares about Spoony anymore, but I decided to look him up to see if he's doing anything these days. It appears that Spoony has completely disappeared. As of right now, he hasn't uploaded anything to YouTube in a year and he hasn't used Twitter since mid-July. The only evidence that he's even still alive came from a reddit post that showed that he's still buying things on Amazon.

    1. 3 months isn't really that long, dude. I'm guessing he's trying to stay off social media and sort out his own life. And if that's the case, good for him.

    2. I can't separate out the man from the YouTuber and pretend that he didn't do shitty things to a lot of people. Spoony did; he was very shitty to a lot of people; he did evil things to people.

      And it's OK to talk about that if you want to paint a fuller picture of the man's life.

    3. @The Notorious Phantom

      I had just thought that 3 months not using Twitter was odd for Spoony since that was the one place he was known for being very active on the internet. From what I remember in the past, he was actually VERY active on Twitter. And anytime someone suddenly stops using something their known for being active on, it's going to raise questions.

      For another example, look at Chris' two channels. On his main channel, people hardly bat an eye when he goes months without uploading anything, since everybody is used to him going extended periods of time without uploading anything there. But on Puppet Steve, he still uploads very frequently. If Chris suddenly stopped uploading to Puppet Steve for a few months, we would all be assuming he quit it.

    4. @Spring

      Okay, I didn't know Spoony was that active on Twitter before. Tbh I don't use Twitter myself and I don't follow a great deal of what people tweet.

  26. So talking about other game reviewers, has anyone actually seen Happy Console Gamer's videos lately?

  27. James issues a statement.

    1. Imagine Bores putting himself on camera to address a controversy so quickly or with such honesty.

    2. @Harrod Besides Plaigarism, Bores has never apologized for any of his mistakes. No way we're gonna see apologies for stuff like him pretending to be his mother to harass critics or profiting off Nimoy's death or Geektime and he even stood by his JewWario comments in a comment on the crossover saying that's how he sends off dead people (since Chris reads the comments here it's on an earlier blog post in the event he goes back and deletes it).

    3. The response to the plagiarism incident highlights a remarkable difference between James and Chris. I don't think James' video was great but at least he acknowledged the issue, explained how it happened and said the staff will work harder to prevent that from happening again.

      Chris took a radically different approach when he was accused of plagiarism. He didn't acknowledge it at all and actually retaliated against his critics. People who defend Chris tend to downplay the fact that Chris had videos showing his plagiarism removed and even had channels shut down.

    4. @Edge XL He even got Ben Phillips' Documentary on his Opening Up video taken down in 2018. He apparently has not learned his lesson from 2008 (though I am surprised to this day he never struck my video as the initial upload had 100k views and he definitely saw it).

    5. @EdgeXL - There's times where I still wish James was writing the stuff himself instead of Screenwave. Usually that turns out to be more entertaining.

    6. My guess is his family takes much more priority than his work these days. Mix in probably being burnt out by just everything he's doing got him going lazy.

  28. Chris posted something on Facebook asking for volunteers from people in the Toledo area.

    1. === I know there is probably only 3 people on my Facebook that live locally to me but still wanted to post this since I know you guys like to know what I'm up too. Going to have a fun Halloween season with this fun event. This is the first time I've been asked to be the guest of honor at a dinner presentation. Very honored and excited at the opportunity. I caught so many amazing things at the Oliver House (including a once in a lifetime ghost manifestation on command!) I can't wait to talk about it all and present my powerpoint presentation. The food at the Oliver House is top notch delicious too. Can't wait to chow down! ===

      He even has to talk about food in his Ghost Hunting content.

      Event Link

  29. I am going to assume there will be no year end list this year. So little came out of Bores and on top of that, comments on his Facebook that would get a blog post have been slow. But at the same time, Chris reads these comments so he'll start working on another IG episode or make a stupid comment on his Facebook after I write this.

  30. Replies
    1. Haven't seen it yet, but isn't it kinda like Takeshi's Castle except people die in it?

    2. And honestly, I've never understood the hype. If I wanted to watch Takeshi's Castle, I'd watch TC. Or even MXC reruns.

    3. Well, when it was shown on Challenge in the UK, Takeshi's Castle did have commentary provided by Craig Charles.

  31. Has anyone else ever thought that aside from the more recent controversies Doug Walker was in, he has kinda always had issues with people critical of him (obviously not on Bores' level).

    I mean one of his videos that in hindsight has aged pretty poorly is the "Top 11 Nostalgia Critic Fuck Ups" trilogy where he names his critic "Douchey McNitpick" and he reads criticism in an irritating voice and then Doug boasts about how he did nothing wrong in some entries.

    1. At least he did seem genuinely sorry about his larger mistakes. I mean, after his Bart's Nightmare video, he spent the entire next video apologizing for it. Honestly, I think Douchey McNitpick was meant to represent people who acted like an asshole about mistakes rather than just criticism in general.

      If only Doug Walker were that apologetic now.

  32. James Rolfe's recent thoughts on Chris Bores and the Irate Gamer.

    1. I'm glad that it seemed like James was having fun doing the crossover last year. Too bad the finished product turned out to be mediocre at best-- the main problem being Chris' excessive amount of padding leading up to the Nerd's appearance.

      And people still forget that Boring Man has way bigger problems than just stealing the Nerd's lines.

    2. I want to picture the alternate universe where American Gladiators paid off. It would have played out horrid though.

      I will keep saying every time someone writes that James and Chris are on good terms that this doesn't vindicate Chris' other common criticisms.

    3. Especially since Chris still has the ebegging and Opening Up videos still available.

    4. @DoubleEdgedSword2 Watch Chris go and delete those now that you've said it. I know he's seen almost every video critical of him and the ICBINDLAs are no exception.

  33. Does anyone else think that the reason Chris' comeback was short lived was because Chris saw the views he was getting and in his mind he was convinced it's 2008 again and he could post whatever he wanted. Then he made a video about Urkel O's and ever since that video bombed he has never recovered from it (and if Todd In The Shadows' Trainwreckords series had a YouTuber equivalent of those career killer albums, that's a fine example).

    1. Which number of comebacks has he made? He makes a comeback, nobody cares, he does it again, nobody cares again. The only people that gave a glance where his haters and critics. Does he not realize that he's not going to get people's attention? If he really enjoys what he does he should just stick with it even if it doesn't roll in the big bucks. This guy's actions are clear he isn't enjoying this and is after big bucks and fame. What a tool till the very end.

  34. So, Shane Dawson appears to be doing ghost-related content, basically stealing Bores's thunder (as if he had any spark to begin with).

    1. Don't really know Shane Dawson that much but heard that name thrown around a lot and that he is a famous youtuber and I know he would have more residual fans than IG though enough that his words will mean more truth to the world than anything Chris says even though Chris has been in this ghost hunting show biz longer. Kind of sad really but that's how it will work.

  35. Not gonna lie! I get a chuckle everytime Chris' fans accuse me of stalking Chris. To any of Chris' fans who read these comments, to clarify, I will check this blog for discussion once or twice a day (sometimes maybe 3 or 4 on one of my days off). I don't discuss Bores in my personal life or outside this blog or when I'm asked about it and I'm really only here to discuss with other commenters.

  36. OT: Is it just me, or does Vic Mignogna have the most obnoxious fans in general when it comes to voice-over artists, let alone those who do anime dubbing?

  37. I saw a video on YouTube where James went to TooManyGames Expo 2021 and a fan asked about his involvement with Chris on the Dick Tracey episode.

    Originally, if the pandemic didn't happen, James and Chris would be filming together in person while reviewing "American Gladiators" on the NES together and use props/special effects based on the show near the end. Not to mention, have like animated sprites of two buffed up characters that represents the IG and AVGN fanboys and the two game reviewers team up to fight them.

    What do you guys think?

    1. I think it would have played horribly if both Chris and Justin had more input. I also like to speculate that the reason an in person collaboration between the two won't happen anytime soon is that Chris does seem like the kind of person who would refuse the vaccine. James and The Screenwave Crew are all vaccinated and that's how they can appear in person again.

    2. I don't like it. I get what they are trying to do with the meta but this sounds like something a fanboy would make.

      I would have made an episode along the lines of a Marvel Comics "What If..." issue. What if Chris had launched Irate Gamer in 2006? What if Chris had taken a different and less controversial approach? What if some other person had drawn the ire of AVGN fanboys? What would the retro gaming community look like in that universe?

    3. I've heard people say it would've turned out worse than the Dick Tracy episode...

    4. i don't think anything could be more ill-concieved than the shrek episode,

  38. New Facebook updates: He's trying to unload his Ghost Doctor DVD's and his "groundbreaking" book. The other is asking for help with his hand drawn Green Lantern symbols.

    1. As far as I can tell, he didn't even put the book or DVD on sale. Just mentioned his Etsy shop. He has 13 reviews on Etsy. I'm not sure why he even bothers.

    2. @EdgeXL Speaking of reviews, you know what's proof that names of critics of Bores live rent free in his head?

      Remember when Shoalin Dave left a hilarious review of Chris' book where the picture shows the book in the toilet. Chris found a post by a random Facebook user named Dave and assumed he was Shoalin Dave and went on a full blown rant about his review.

    3. @Prince Mario! I do remember that! Also, about 6 years ago Dan posted an open letter I wrote to Chris on this blog. Months later and Ladybuggins would still comment about it.

      And let's not forget Larry Bundy Jr who simply offered Chris some constructive criticism. He wasn't even particularly harsh about it but Chris took it personally.

    4. @EdgeXL One of the things that inspired me to make my Irate Gamer video is that I really don't think Chris is aware just on how many fans he has cost his channel (myself included). The fact that he has been known to harass critics using alternate accounts and or have his fans harass critics of his certainly doesn't help.

  39. Replies
    1. Face it, breakfast is still ruined!

    2. "FACE IT, BREAKFAST IS RUINED!" (gives middle finger)

    3. "Clusters?! Well, what the FOCK?"

  40. For those that are Mario Party players, Mario Party Superstars is amazing and the best Mario Party game in years but be prepared for the internet to nitpick the fuck out of it.

  41. RedLetterMedia just mocked AVGN in their latest video if anyone's seen it yet?

  42. A couple of nights ago Chris gave a presentation at an allegedly haunted building. The event was a $60 per plate dinner followed by Cnris attempting to contact the spirits. Per his Facebook page, Chris describes the event as sold out (and good on h if that is true). He posted a couple of photos but there aren't many people in the frame and there is no shot from behind Cnris as he addresses the crowd.

    The part that I find odd is that Cnris doesn't mention if he contacted any spirits. Isn't that what Ghost Doctor is all about?

    1. This is Chris we are talking about and he has had a habit of exaggerating the truth to make him look better.

      If I remember correctly, LadyBuggin lied about the attendance of Chris' Pursuit of The Paranormal premiere that only attracted 20 people and the sales of his book.

    2. I could believe the event sold out but I'd question if Chris was the reason. After doing some research, it appears that brewing company is very popular and the attached restaurant serves good food. Their seating capacity is also 200 people.

      I happen to live in the same city as the legendary Sierra Nevada Brewery and their events are always packed to the limits with people.

  43. === Wow, I'm in a second article appearing on Yahoo news this year! 2021 has been so good to me I've been very blessed. Hopefully I'll have some more interesting news to make public very soon!
    Some humorous background to this article, I gave this interview while taking a quick lunch at the zoo with my daughter. lol. Fun times! ===

    The Article

    1. Chris likes The Conjuring. For the accuracy.

      I mean, what in the Hell are we supposed to do with that?! We can't even make fun of it because the fact Cnris thinks The Conjuring is accurate is funnier than any spoof of this could be.

      Don't getme wrong; I enjoyed The Conjuring as a horror flick. But accuracy

      Goddammit it, Chris.

  44. I like to look up Youtuber net worths to see what certain sites claim a channel's net worth is. This one article claimed Puppet Steve to be worth $950,000 but we know Chris can be very irresponsible with his finances (one example being him dumping his life savings to get Pursuit of The Paranormal to air) so I doubt Chris has that net worth.

    The article I got it from

    1. Take that with a grain of salt. There are sites out there that claim DSP has a net worth ranging between $10 million and $25 million. Remember that we don't know the methodology that Net Worth Spot uses.

    2. @EdgeXL DSP also got his bank account information leaked and it's been proven he spends thousands of dollars a month on WWE Champions.

      Based on my experience as a content creator I would say that Bores probably makes at best 100-200k a year through Puppet Steve but I checked the channel just now and many of his newer videos only have 20k views.

    3. Well, that's the point. If DSP had $10k in his checking account and blew it all on WWE Champions and meal deliveries, he lowers his net worth. After all, net worth calculations begin with assets and Phil's WWE Legends account and crappy decorations take away from that.

      As for Chris, I could believe that Puppet Steve brought in $100k or more annually but I wouldn't bet his net worth is all that high either after taxes, supporting his family and (presumably) his wife's kids from before they were married.

    4. At least Arin Hanson has a believable net worth because people like him, he is very good business wise, and has a touring company for Dan's music. Even if Arin is basically DSP 2.0 in other terms.

  45. What does everyone think of YouTube removing the dislike counter? I'm mixed on it because on one hand, any of Chris' fanboys can no longer dislike bomb my channel (even on videos that have nothing to do with Bores) but at the same time no dislike counter can encourage big companies to not take action against backlash they get.

    1. Youtube also sees very apt on cracking down big negative comments you make nowadays. I say fuck youtube on that.

  46. So it seems Eternals isn't doing very well critically. At least not compared to other MCU movies. Has anyone seen it? Is it really bad?

  47. === Here's a Ghost Doctor Episode I've been working on for awhile now. This episode is nuts. There are things that happen during this one that if you are a skeptic in the paranormal, you just might be a believer after watching (the activity was so impromptu, I had to record this episode with my phone!) ===

    Ghost Doctor - Haunted FireFly Lounge Episode 9 Teaser Trailer

  48. Remember way back when Chris did the Opening Up video and the number 200 kept coming up? (200 other game reviewers, 200 subscribers, etc)

    Fast forward to yesterday which was Chris' birthday. The number 200 rises from the grave as Chris posts that he received over 200 happy birthday wishes on Facebook. That actually is plausible.

    While I have issues with Chris as a content creator, my gripes about him are not personal. Chris, if you still read this blog - I hope you had a happy birthday.

    1. Contrary to what Chris' fans have said about me, I don't hate Chris personally. I just think he's a bad content creator that makes stupid business decisions here and there.

      I also wish Chris a happy belated birthday.

    2. He lies a lot, too. Fairly benignly, and mainly hurting himself, but I sure don't feel like this blog unfairly attacks an admirable person.

    3. Don't forget him acting like an immature douchebag to his critics, saying they have "daddy issues", and false flagging videos. I don't know Chris personally, but he doesn't seem like the kind of person I would want to be friends with.

    4. But still, Happy Belated Birthday to him either way.

    5. Does Chris have a fetish for the number 200 like how Lou Pickles from Rugrats mentions the number 15 a lot?

    6. @Silent Spring And the fact that Chris encourages the idea of fans of his going and harassing critics of his. Him and his fans have labeled me as a "stalker" of Chris all because I read this blog.

    7. "I don't hate Chris personally. I just think he's a bad content creator that makes stupid business decisions here and there."

      Will agree with you there, Prince. I don't hate Chris personally either. In fact, I'd have no issue meeting him in person and seeing what he's like off-camera. But saying that, I still do highly question his work ethic, and that's putting it mildly there.


    1. The whole episode in a nutshell. But what took him so long for this episode, buying the Equipment? And he is so serious about it. Someone asked in the comments in youtube if he really believes in ghosts and Chris responded "didnt you See the last 30seconds of the video", that really got a chuckle out of me.

    2. He'll probably claim that the release of a new Ghostbusters movie stole attention from his phenomenal breakthrough.

  50. More FB updates:

    11/14: === Wow I was featured on Higgypop Paranormal. They usually only do stories on TV ghost hunters. I'm freakin honored as hell! ===

    Ghost Doctor Chris Bores At Oliver House Toledo Ohio

    11/17: === A fascinating encounter with a ghost that was totally unexpected. I recorded this with my cell phone because I had no idea this lively ghostly interaction would occur in the middle of the daytime! If you don't believe in ghosts, this video might make you a believer, especially the last minute of this video. ===

    Ghost Doctor Firefly Lounge Investigation (Ep. 9) Shadow Man Confronted? Toledo Ghost Hunt

  51. Remember how I said in an earlier comment "I just think he's a bad content creator that makes stupid business decisions here and there."

    If Chris were more smart with his YouTube fame he would have given up on the ghost hunting stuff years ago. I also think I'd rather rub my balls on a cactus than watch Ghost Doctor based on what I saw in Amazing Atheist's video.

  52. For those that have seen it, is Ghostbusters Afterlife any good? Is it worth the 30 year long hype or a disappointment?

  53. 11/23: === a few fans sent me this, I had a good laugh at the comments. So honored to be heckled by the avgn hater crowd lol. ===

    Someone in the comment thread said: "I’m sure BatDan was one of them"

    <a href=">Meanwhile, in the world of Chris Bores.</a>

    1. I don't think Chris understands the definition of "heckled".

      Be that as it may, I don't want to focus on negativity today. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates. May happiness, peace and long life find you all. Even you, Cnris.

    2. I find it precious that Chris' fans still try to pinpoint either BatDan or myself as the reason people still hate Chris to this day but based on what I saw in that thread, they didn't view Bores very positively either or forgot he existed. Some joked saying he should go on the Cinemassacre Podcast.

  54. If Fredrik ever makes a Down The Rabbit Hole on Bores I can see one of three scenarios.

    1. Chris tries to false flag the video as Fredrik Knudsen is a large channel with a huge fanbase so the video would have the metrics required to outrank Chris's content when searching for his channel.

    2. Chris and his new army of fanboys and sock puppet accounts resort to dislike bombing the video but there's two catches. No one can view the dislike count anymore apart from the uploader and Fredrik has a much bigger audience than say me or Silent Rob so the likes would heavily outweigh the dislikes.

    3. With little options left to revive Chris' stagnating channels, he resorts to spamming Fredrik's comments in an attempt to get the Down The Rabbit Hole viewers.

    This is all based on Chris' history of handling videos critical of him.

  55. I've watched the first episode of the revival of the classic 1990's UK TV gaming show known as GamesMaster, and it's pretty good:

  56. Chris is now offering to pay someone up to $400 to build a Tesla spirit radio. It is a noise maker that plugs into a computer. Chris could just buy most of the parts for about $20.

    1. And he already deleted that post

    2. I hope someone has screenshotted it. I don't look at Chris' Facebook.

  57. I'm so glad BanDanNight doesn't bitch about Family Guy, anymore! Good God that got really old! I get it, you hate the show, but did you really have to run it into the ground, when going in deph with the IG's latest episodes at the time? Besides, Family Guy is doing a lot better than it did over a decade ago!

    1. I binged all 19 seasons of Family Guy during quarantine and it deserves the backlash it's got.

      There's an episode that makes Brian worse than Hitler because he's an atheist and that god made Meg ugly and as an atheist myself that can come off as offensive to me.

      There's also an episode where Peter gets sexually harassed by his boss and the episode flat out says men can't be sexually harassed.

      There's much more wrong with Family Guy besides cutaways.

    2. People getting offended by Family Guy is what is wrong with today's society of butthurt SJWs!

    3. @PrinceMario I think you're missing the point of Family Guy episode about atheism. Granted that episode's message was muddled as hell, but seeing as how Seth MacFarlane himself is also an atheist, the intention wasn't to bash atheists.

  58. Hey Dan! Are you still gonna do the year end list this year? This year did see less output than last year but I still feel is enough to narrowly squeeze in a worst list.

    1. Perhaps a Top 8 list like with 2013 and 2016?

    2. I don't know if this is a good argument against a list, but I can't recall any new category of behavior that would justify one. It would be the same list of ghosts, factual errors, lying, empty hype, toy unboxings. I'm not really against a 2021 list, but it might just feel like many previous lists with slight changes.

    3. @Andrew Schroy I think I can make a few predictions.

      -Ghost Doctor Garbage

      -Spamming Godzilla vs Kong videos (he has not learned his lesson from the damage it did to the IrateGamer channel when he spammed Skylanders videos).

      -That Facebook post from the other day where he asked his fans to pay $400 that he later deleted.

    4. He didn't ask his fans to pay $400 for the Tesla spirit radio. Chris was offering to pay $400 for something he could have built for about $20 to $50 USD.

  59. Had a dream a few nights ago that the IG made an episode where there was a blackout at his house and he decided to review some obscure Game Boy game. Don't remember what game it was, but it felt like something Bores would write.

  60. For readers that watch Todd In The Shadows, what do you think will end up on his worst list this year? Here are my predictions

    -Beautiful Mistakes by Maroon 5 ft Meghan Thee Stallion (he hates anything Maroon 5 and they are always a guaranteed spot on his list).

    -Fancy Like by Walker Hayes (He already reviewed that song and expressed displeasure for it)

    -Without You by The Kid LAROI (He didn't review that song but he called The Kid LAROI in the Astronaut In The Ocean episode "the worst Australian rapper charting right now").

  61. Replies
    1. Sigh, it was just a 30 minute clipshow of past episodes!

    2. I hope the people at Screenwave are proud for the irreparable damage they did to that channel. The first five minutes were kind of eh but the rest made me want to watch better episodes.

      I said this on the Cinemassacre Truth subreddit but if AVGN weren't such a big cashcow, James would have given up on the nerd years ago (especially after his movie flopped).

  62. Masayuki Uemura, Creator Of The NES And SNES, Has Passed Away

  63. Anyone familiar with a YouTuber named TotallyNotMark? His anime reviews got taken down by Toei for "copyright infringement". Despite the fact he didn't violate any rules.

    If Susan Wojcicki doesn't get fired, YouTube is going to be even worse than it already was.

    1. YouTube allows people to show blurred videos of murders, with reactions showing like they enjoy it, with plenty of views.. I'd like to ask what's wrong with a lot of people today and why is it acceptable. And also why is it even allowed or even legal?

      They take care of petty crap but not the serious stuff.

    2. Whos to say that things will change for better with her gone?

    3. I cannot stand that bitch and I really want her to step down before people start targeting her for death threats!

    4. Have no idea. Maybe people can expose her to the world for what an unfathomable CEO she is?

      And if she does get fired, I'd like it if YouTube actually returned to what Chad Hurley and Steve Chen intended "YouTube" to mean in the first place, without recommended videos (especially those that have nothing to do with the video you are currently watching), that only the user can disable comments (I REALLY don't like that YouTube Kids algorithm regarding comments), and no pop-up commercials (except MAYBE on "partner" videos).

  64. yeah back in the day it was a lot less strict and crazy like how it is now it is insane how susan has gotten away with all the false copyright claims people pull and if you give your opinion on someone it gets removed it is a mess for sure she needs to get fired or things will get worse and worse and google needs to go also

  65. He brings up Armake21 and any other these "angry video game reviewers" that nobody ever heard of or they only did one or two experimental videos of an angry video game review as a means to shield himself from how he's still plagiarizing AVGN, trying to take the attention away from his AVGN plagiarizing to say look I also copy from armake21 so you can't accuse me of copying AVGN only!

    It's the most absolute pathetic defense mechanism when 99% of his jokes and shit all come from a AVGN review. His method to not make you think that is to take comments and concepts from another AVGN game review and slap it on a different game Irate Gamer is reviewing. If you have half a brain and have seen both AVGN and IG videos you can see that. I mean he bringing up the messed up order of game sequels... that's from AVGN's constant anger of chronologically confused game titles who also put light on this with movie sequels also screwed up. I can list a lot more of these concepts IG has taken from AVGN.

    Also from his "behind the scenes" of "collab" (really a small cameo) with AVGN he talks about how he cares so much about what others think to the point he changes his reviews to match other people's opinions. Look, we tell him to stop doing certain things and doing other things but they're all on the prospect that he stops copying others and being a poser not do what we say word by word. He's just saying he's going from a poser to a puppet (get it?). Can Chris ever do something he feels passionate about from deep down in his heart? Stop shielding yourself with Armake21 we know you're copying AVGN's moves step by step, you're deliberately being his shadow. Nobody cares about the shadow of the popular guy.

    1. I said a year ago that Chris would use the "I'm friends with James" as an excuse to keep plagiarizing AVGN's work.

      Even though I got harassed by Chris' army of fanboys left and right, I was 100% correct in hindsight. Chris also needs to research more modern reviewers (examples are Scott The Woz and Nathaniel Bandy) instead of being stuck in 2008 because Chris not adapting with the changing times was a fatal mistake for his channel.

      Hell even when he did the crossover he made the same fatal mistake by seeing the views he was getting to make an excuse to post whatever he wanted whenever he wanted.

  66. In the end of the day Chris is only doing this to himself. He's cheapening his experience by making these sockpuppet accounts. At one point in his life he's going to realize the folly of what he done to himself and will be beckoned by tremendous suffering.

  67. Since Chris reads this blog as well as the comments, I actually have an alternative piece of advice even if Chris is so resistant on using Patreon. He can try Twitch streaming!

    Twitch streaming isn't that hard, you just have people watch you play games and they can donate money to Chris during a stream. Knowing how Chris still has an army of fanboys it wouldn't be that hard for him to become a Twitch Affiliate (you need an average of 3 viewers and stream for a certain amount of days) and he can use that as an alternate source of income while he does his Irate Gamer videos.

    Of course Chris has the mindset of criticism=hate no matter how constructive it is but he needs to adapt with the changing algorithms rather than fighting against them as newsflash Chris, 2008 was 13 years ago.

    1. Stop trying to help him. Any help you give he will take it by the way but guess what he will twist it around to be retarded and you will just face plant and feel bad that he did take your advice and messed it up big time. This guy fails miserably and makes you feel bad for giving input.

  68. i wonder why there has not been any updates from batdan and why hasnt chris made any videos since the micro machines review
